This Secret Will Easily Make Any Woman Obsessed with You

This Secret Will Easily Make Any Woman Obsessed with You

The Dark Needle

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@KHOONIGAMING-o5t - 06.03.2025 11:40

Bro literally you are best

@MaMiamo - 05.03.2025 00:48

I've did everything with her then when she remembered how i look everything gone

@Jo-AnPaiman - 04.03.2025 15:52

bro thats so me lol

@vishwanathsagun-hc1jf - 03.03.2025 14:40

i am following this series for just in case if i found a girl who is perfect for me for my entire life

@WatchingTheCrowd - 01.03.2025 15:08

Your video is useless because my crush already loves me 🙂

@SIIXXSIIGMA - 01.03.2025 04:01

Women are walking mindfucks

@gurubhai4918 - 28.02.2025 17:31

you know i respect you, i'm a guy, i respect your intellect, could you help me know how you make these videos, which software i mean, and well thanks in advance, i will make my product video like you do, i will try, but pls help like you always do, this time with software , girls i've had luck coz, of you thanks again

@OkaforChiemelie-hm8qc - 27.02.2025 22:43

Prepare yourself to be delusional 😂

@proankitt - 27.02.2025 20:14

Confidence is the key

@Luminaxion - 26.02.2025 20:47

Bro ur curiousity trick worked tried it on a girl and she was following me for the rest best tip EVER keep it up💯💯

@rodepperson5885 - 25.02.2025 10:18

But do act like they like you

@rodepperson5885 - 25.02.2025 10:17

Good way to run off about 99 percent girls....Horrible advice and I can pull women at any time

@Darknes711 - 22.02.2025 16:42

I should remind me alot of these answers. For my high value life I should spare a time to learn these strategies.

@adamd9166 - 21.02.2025 18:53

If you take on the identity of someone attractive, you act like someone attractive, and she responds to that like youre attractive.

You cannot force it though. It needs to flow naturally.

@ZoRo-dx9ev - 19.02.2025 03:39

Bro i try all this now and i get blocked 😂 what happened??

@lyhongleft3676 - 18.02.2025 16:34

Can you help a brother or please, i was trying to ask this girl out through text and i think i fumbled. Can i give you the backstory? I want to know what i did wrong and need your feedback. I will send the backstory in the replies if you don't mind

@mustardbnastywardy3266 - 18.02.2025 05:41

Another great video , how about videos for the guy who already has the girl .

@commenterthe3rd - 16.02.2025 15:27

great news Im already pretty delusional
"everything is gonna be okay"
"everything is gonna be okay"
"everything is gonna be okay"
"everything is gonna be okay"
"everything is gonna be okay"
"everything is gonna be okay"
"everything is gonna be okay"

@tukunakumar8230 - 14.02.2025 01:09

I never really paid much attention to books about attraction, but The Shadow Game of Attraction caught me off guard. I started reading it without expecting much, but the more I got into it, the more I realized how much is going on beneath the surface that nobody talks about. It explains things in a way that actually makes sense and shows you what is really happening when it comes to attraction and influence. It is not just another book repeating the same things you have already heard. It makes you look at the world differently. If you have ever wondered why some people seem to have a natural advantage in attraction, this book might have the answers. I think it is definitely worth checking out.

@Kyrosukei - 12.02.2025 18:03

When I was on highschool I'm so delusional like that that's maybe the reason why many girls is attracted to me even I'm not that attractive

@Emanzenaman - 11.02.2025 17:54

Wow 2023 came before 2014??

@Kio._.106 - 11.02.2025 11:41

Me needle plz make a video on what to do when we got insulted or felt low by someone or in gathering

@Kasi_lad - 08.02.2025 15:04

Honestly speaking I applied these values to a real life situation with the girl I used to like and I have to say they worked as my friends kept on telling me that this girl now has feelings for me but is playing hard to get. So now her attention is on me nonstop
But I choose to be the better man and ignore her because now I Know she's beneath me

@spine_skull - 07.02.2025 14:46

ur only vid that is true and valuable

@Thilina_sandharuwan - 03.02.2025 11:14

your voice sounds familiar😳

@IAmLiryx - 31.01.2025 15:27

Holy fucking shit at first it didn't work but I tried it again for the 2nd time and actually took this strategy seriously and its somehow working T-T

@nzaandimartin4896 - 28.01.2025 17:51

I wish I found this video sooner I've already fumbled😭. Can you make a video on how to recover interest after a fumble.

@VisionItTv - 28.01.2025 08:49

lol i love it

@srico7313 - 25.01.2025 20:33

The legend he speaks of was an old asian cat eater.... Let that set in and then 🤯💥

@WashedSaber - 25.01.2025 04:17

Now that l look back at it
The woman who fell in love with me were the ones l treated as if l was better than them but the ones l acted obsessed with and told l loved 24/7 all left

@bam797 - 22.01.2025 22:58

Most of the things you said were great bro but those sentences are the most awkward ones i've ever seen, even if i manage to say them, might as well kill myself for being too disgusting

@Game.gliderofficial - 21.01.2025 22:04

Bro what to do if she gives silent treatment

@mothegoat06 - 19.01.2025 18:43

So basically you have to be a fu in narcissist to get any girl

@GurwinderSingh-xf4zy - 19.01.2025 06:30

Sometimes he manipulate us
Having finances solved most important
Women want stability and security

@EdvardSolymossy - 16.01.2025 20:21

Please help me i am into one of my classmate she never had a boyfriend before and the same for me I never had a gf before for now i know everything what you have said and i will do it but i think i need a personal advice ( we are 14 years old) pleasee help

@adhithya952 - 15.01.2025 21:54

Indian girls are just built different

@ILikeGuns1992 - 14.01.2025 22:37

I don't know. If this guy from example is real, he probably WAS handsome - you just misjudged him as we often do.

Do I need to pretend I am having some incredibly mysterious dangerous life when it comes to every question? Also I feel like if you are gonna act like that instead of answering basic questions even vaguely she is just gonna get annoyed, not more interested.

To treat her as if she is already into you and don't try to impress her is really great advice however. How do you mix based fundamental useful tips with some borderline psychopatic cringe manipulative pick up stuff? xD

Btw I think you should make video about HOW to make yourself view yourself in such a way, that you don't need her approval, that it's another tuesday for you and you are just here to have fun.

@elevateyourself69 - 11.01.2025 12:39

focus on having a good time with her is gold advice.

@AidenCooper-d9n - 09.01.2025 15:45

Just be nice to them simple
