Marco Rubio responds to Trump/Zelensky meeting

Marco Rubio responds to Trump/Zelensky meeting


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@AndreWright-d7o - 03.03.2025 02:22

Russia invaded Ukraine how the hell can he stop it a dictator invaded another country like somebody invading the United States of America Marco Rubio get your head out your behind

@EricGraham-h6s - 03.03.2025 02:24

Hey You Spineless Piece of ****! If Putin is a Such a GOOD FRIEND of Putin and Putin Respect Him. TELL HIS FRIEND “PUTIN” TO END IT!!

@EricGraham-h6s - 03.03.2025 02:30

You Have to NERVE to Say “Name” CALLING!?!? Trump is the KING of Name Calling of People Who Haven’t Personally Attacked him. Question. Why Haven’t He Every Called Putin a Name? Didn’t Putin Demanded the Russia Show “Nude” Picture of his Wife on That Russia’s Network Channel that ALL Russian Was “Laughing” At. Wasn’t that a “Personal” Low-Blow? And My One Name. “Oh Putin is my “Friend” and He “RESPECT Me”. Yeah RIGHT.

@EricGraham-h6s - 03.03.2025 02:31

You Have to NERVE to Say “Name” CALLING!?!? Trump is the KING of Name Calling of People Who Haven’t Personally Attacked him. Question. Why Haven’t He Every Called Putin a Name? Didn’t Putin Demanded the Russia Show “Nude” Picture of his Wife on That Russia’s Network Channel that ALL Russian Was “Laughing” At. Wasn’t that a “Personal” Low-Blow? And My One Name. “Oh Putin is my “Friend” and He “RESPECT Me”. Yeah RIGHT.

@EricGraham-h6s - 03.03.2025 02:32

This Weak Dude is a Total “Flip flop”

@daveolep7657 - 03.03.2025 02:57

All these anti americans. Trump is putting america first.

@jujuoliver6959 - 03.03.2025 03:15

Rubio is being naive. From his past speeches he doesn't trust Putin anyway. He possibly means well, but just because Putin agrees to something or even signs an agreement it doesn't mean he will stick to it. We have seen that from previous agreements in the past.

@JM-fc9gm - 03.03.2025 03:37

Little Marco still sticks. What a chump.

@albertgalang4036 - 03.03.2025 03:39

Why American and Russian had peace meeting over the invasion of own country and not included in the meeting and end the war by giving part of their country what happens next time they invade and you American want their natural resources what a puppet of russia want

@padma3631 - 03.03.2025 04:16

Rubio cognitively able but spineless boot licker morally corrupt

@tekamer6566 - 03.03.2025 06:51

Rubio is 100% right. Pathetic screams of virtue will not stop death.
They tried to militarize post 2014 after the Minsk accords where now we know they were signed by Ukraine to Buy time to get stronger. Its not a secret it was said on the global stage by 2 members who were part of the signing.

Putin will be an idiot to give them back the land again and let them try to get stronger AGAIN. Ukraines invasion started from their own borders from their own people that they killed in Donbas.
It wont happen again.

@cpainyourass - 03.03.2025 07:19

Ukraine wants money not peace.

@usmapiper88 - 03.03.2025 07:34

Rubio is a coward.
The way Zelensky was treated is appalling.
I think every sensible person believes this war should not have been started, and i believe that even Marco Rubio believes that Putin is the one responsible, not Zelensky.
Grow a pair, Marco, and stand up for what is right instead of the BS that Trump is feeding the nation and the world.

@thegutsyninja8851 - 03.03.2025 07:40

Trumps remarks were spot on honest and needed. Finally some action

@chrisretzlaff2895 - 03.03.2025 07:51

All the republicans are Sad just Sad....Graham is another dumb shit

@bostoncityofchampions6581 - 03.03.2025 07:53

Trump acted just like I would expect a puppet to act. And we all know who is pulling those strings.

@lynnleo1439 - 03.03.2025 08:02

Thank you, Rubio. Zelenskyy needs to realize he needs us and this war needs an end. He’s a war monger with his own people’s lives!

@JohnSmith-ct5jd - 03.03.2025 08:39

So Donald Trump agreed to no NATO membership; no US or allied troops in Ukraine; Russia can keep all the territory it seized, including the Donbass and Crimea; no security guarantees to Ukraine, only vague economic ties; and Ukraine will have to give up half its interest in its own natural resources and pay these to the US instead of rebuilding itself. And pro-Trump supporters wonder why Zelensky is not happy with this. Trump promised to end the war. He did not say he would be ending it by surrendering to Putin, which is exactly what this is. I was an ardent Trump supporter and voted Trump three times. But now I think I will sit the next election out. Both parties are just as bad. Republicans cannot afford to lose voters like me.

@karlamedina6411 - 03.03.2025 10:30

Shut your mouth dude! Fiasco was ur attitudes. Your not trying to do anything more than get ukraine minerals and land

@djjdnewyork1 - 03.03.2025 10:41

This video makes me think: do I blink my eyes as much as these two do? : - )

@Jen-zk9se - 03.03.2025 10:43

So why are Americans ok with giving Israel $310 billion but angry that Ukraine received $120 billion most of which was humanitarian aide and defunct military equipment?

@glennlaurents9439 - 03.03.2025 11:09

secretary of skate, if he could only tie his shoes, you should see what he looks like through European or Asian eyes, it would be funnier if it was a sitcom.

@selbor99 - 03.03.2025 11:24

“You were there I believe” yea she was the fucking only reporting wearing any fucking color! She stood out wearing that same fucking purple jacket! Yea Trump immediately pointed out someone “ in the very back” for an “amazing question” to make him look good because he called on Rubio and Vance to answer it for him. Zelenskyy was only allowed to speak for less than 8 min out of a 60 min press conference. As soon as Zelenskyy started speaking any truth he was castrated for it. Fuck transparency, fuck your respect, fuck your integrity because you have none. No one tells the truth anymore.

@mikeybaloney6211 - 03.03.2025 11:56

Peeps, what Trump wants and is the main core of his "deal", is the RARE EARTH resources Ukraine has. That's the High Stakes diplomacy Rubio is actually talking about on behalf of the Orange Guy.

Trump wants a HUGE "PEACE" of Ukraine's natural resources before everybody does. That's all it is about. Just ask Putin. ;-) >:)

@kritkratt6383 - 03.03.2025 13:21

This rings close to the whole “she was asking for it” sentiment in regard to abuse and sa victims…smh

@laurifox7794 - 03.03.2025 13:28

May be I ve seen too many movies, but I ve heard that U S does not negotiate with terrorists... So potus wants to make a deal with the top terrorist in the world... With the Killer of millions...

@JDL3916 - 03.03.2025 13:33

Zelensky should apologize, there is a saying, “you don’t bite the hand that feeds you”. Ukraine owe the US $100B to help support the war, the least you can do is pay back your debt by allow the US to take your mineral, and with the US present in your country the fighting will stop. The best negotiation could have given to Ukraine. That is a win-win.

@darty18 - 03.03.2025 14:21

Idiot. Arrogant, narcasstic and absolutely delusional. America should be embarrassed. THE WORLD HATES YOU NOW.

@zipporaid - 03.03.2025 14:50

These people are traitorous freaks

@tammyfrancoeur2522 - 03.03.2025 16:15

You are a Hypocrite. Go back and watch your old speeches when you spoke about Russia being the issue. Go back and watch Zelensky thanking USA

@ftl06 - 03.03.2025 16:56

Can you play the whole interview and not just windbag Rubio talking non stop saying the same thing over and over?

@ZM56107 - 03.03.2025 19:29

Mike Johnson lil Rubio and Republicans all came out and said Zelensky was out of line as we can clearly see from what we all seen on TV with our own eyes that don’t lie that they were all out of line. Zelinski was the only presidential material sitting there. Praise from America to President Zelenskyy!

@stephanpace8678 - 03.03.2025 20:37


@carolecarpenter8893 - 03.03.2025 22:07

Rubio, you need to quit now before you become the laughing stock of the world. Tend to your businesses which you just closed down putting more Americans out of work. You are a loser.

@sukant0106 - 03.03.2025 22:37

Deal with the devil and devil will teach your pain

@dainaleslie2117 - 04.03.2025 01:38

Fact check: A cease fire was signed in 2015 w/ Putin in which HE continued to violate

@JohnJay-br9iy - 04.03.2025 01:42

Zelensky is a corrupt potentate. Trump is the goat how many mansions have we built the loser. Z is a joke supported by lunatics around the world.

@TJJS982 - 04.03.2025 03:19

Catlyn never listens!!!!!

@sarahsunshine7248 - 04.03.2025 05:11

What a puppet. No. Trump said he’d make a deal with Putin if Putin broke the ceasefire after this agreement was made. No support in arms. This guy is lying, I believe.

@billpruitt9246 - 04.03.2025 07:09

Rubio scumbag

@celsosrrosero3486 - 04.03.2025 12:03

Rubio should change his tone and patch up the differences that occured in that fiasco. He must stop pouring more gasoline on the fire that started.

@jilsyorobe433 - 04.03.2025 14:29

The world leaders forgot the 1994 Budapest Declaration?

So thankful for being called a Dictator & starting a war, VZ.

@constitutionalist1528 - 04.03.2025 15:19

It pisses me off that this woman is interviewing my secretary of state on an important topic that I want

@Queen_Sheila - 04.03.2025 16:44

That guy could talk underwater!

@nt7604 - 05.03.2025 06:07

This is like in my office. Trump administration never admits their mistakes

@mackenziewoods8201 - 05.03.2025 09:12

Trust but verify.

@stuartdamon3610 - 06.03.2025 07:43

🤢 🤮
