life update - new job, trinity, apologies, islam and more ...

life update - new job, trinity, apologies, islam and more ...

Young Don Reborn

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@ajinc.6398 - 23.08.2024 08:06

Wow actually prayed for you Don a few years ago when you had just started doing you streams talking about Christianity, and I prayed that the Lord would lead you to teach well and not lead the youth into confusion

@Bryxz92 - 23.08.2024 08:23

I love this version of Don I can see he's working through you I don't know what it is, but I can feel the pridefulness isn't there anymore, your arrogance isnt there, you're not changing of your beliefs to look Good anymore but to teach I love this. Praise God

@Kjvbible1611t - 23.08.2024 10:15

I like how all the unsaved God defying rebels believe you can lose salvation but they never lose theirs strange 😂

@davidmckelvey2601 - 23.08.2024 20:26

Let's go! Young Don believes in the Trinity!

@DShuseki - 23.08.2024 22:01

The prodigal son has returned

@keegotti3277 - 24.08.2024 03:31

man i heard you bash some of my beliefs im a saved christian it made me mad but this video showed a lot about you and i forgive you and i think we are all wrong on things this was very humble of you and i wish you nothingthe best and that you get the biblical truth that one truth the bible wants to convey to us

@1d0ntkn0w12 - 25.08.2024 19:44

Do you think you not being ready to teach should interfere with having kids?

@Ne0dymm - 26.08.2024 04:02

👑 Christ is Lord

@mike2207 - 26.08.2024 07:22

Off-topic, but what specifically is your role in construction? To my knowledge, the only entry level sorta thing in construction is general labour, and the pay there isn’t that great.

@metanoia1990 - 26.08.2024 12:43

verses in bible show Jesus having a beginning and not having one thats why you and others debate it so much but im glad you have found peace with your new beliefs.i don't think God is throwing anyone in hell for these theological questions like some think or else things would be more clear

@codybyrd5563 - 28.08.2024 22:27

Don, I remember watching a livestream of yours around winter this year, maybe December last year. You were asked a question, and you gave an answer that was awfully ignorant and self-righteous. I was very offended, but at that moment I shut off the stream and prayed for you.

God answers prayers, that is abundantly obvious. He causes his true children to repent. Believe me, God's caused me to repent multiple times.
On that note, I'm also sorry for having harsh judgment for you at times.

"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

@rinkorivers - 28.08.2024 23:58

Nice bro

@thereisnopandemic - 29.08.2024 01:41

Jesus didn’t come to condemn because ALL nonbelievers ARE CONDEMNED BY GOD ALREADY.
John 3: but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.

@dkscreations389 - 30.08.2024 06:02

can you just reupload the old videos. that was my childhood

@zapatito_online - 31.08.2024 01:49

Yo Don what Camera and lens are you useing in this video ? . Yahuah bless 💯✝️👑

@John3-16-18 - 31.08.2024 02:15


@elikrines1506 - 01.09.2024 00:57

Be taught by God in the spirit, so much better than any pastor, church father, or writings by men. The process of discipleship is supernatural, our Father is our Teacher first and foremost, and His teachings are supernatural. Get out of the bible, church fathers, modern books and ask God to communicate to you in dreams, visions, circumstances, providence, audible voice inside you, through people, ect. God speaks in many different ways. Seek His voice not the voice of fallible men.

@invested_inn6728 - 01.09.2024 21:44

Double like…cause I definitely left you after the Muhammad stuff
Continue your journey bro

@tuber420 - 02.09.2024 20:54

I figured Don was going to get out of his non-trinitarian beliefs, was only a matter of when. Good to see your update, God bless you brother.

@Step-zi1pu - 06.09.2024 03:26

Congrats bro, people have to wake up, anything outside of the Apostolic Doctrine is deception, many false prophets have risen and deceived many, how to be saved is clear in the book of Acts. Repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost. It's clear, yet you have thousands of so called Christians who say that is a work and not required, when that same chapter of Acts 2 says 3000 souls were added to the church, how were they added to the church, was it faith alone? no people, they had to believe and obey. Baptism is not a work, it is a commandment for salvation.

Acts 10:44-48
44 While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word.

45 And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost.

46 For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God. Then answered Peter,

47 Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?

48 And he COMMANDED them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then prayed they him to tarry certain days.

@808iden4 - 07.09.2024 07:48

brother i just want to say. you have not done more harm than good. the lord STILL USED YOU. and is STILL USING YOU !! Yes you made mistakes but you have helped. me and others come to christ

@FaithWalker-kjv - 07.09.2024 23:07

Don, i'm glad that the Lord has guided you back to the "narrow path". It is clear that the Holy Spirit is doing the work in you. You are now beginning to walk anew in the Fruit of the Spirit, as we all must learn to do as babes, to follow Christ. Most importantly you have accepted the biblical teachings of the Trinity which is essential to being a true Christian, and key to our Faith. We can disagree on many biblical topics as Christians, but one area we cannot disagree on is the Trinity!

May our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ continue to guide you on your journey.

Fellow Christian.

Peace ✝

@Tam___ - 08.09.2024 09:14

I think you should stop trying to teach others in the public sphere because you are very confused and will lead others down the wrong road with your many wrong ideas. Just spend time in your secret closet of prayer learning for yourself and being led by Christ. You are a babe in Christ and in need of growing before you try to lead others theologically. God will lead you and you will eventually grow up in Christ.
Proverbs 4:18(KJV)
"But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day."

@KingPlatinum77 - 09.09.2024 22:29

Did you know that in the Hebrew it says "the word was with Elohim, and the word was next to Elohim."

@atcustompainting - 10.09.2024 19:42

The doctrine and clarity of understanding of it is not static. The church grows in its understanding of the truth. The early church fathers had a very narrow focus on Christological controversy. They did not even take up the issues of Free will or election and reprobation proper. That would wait for men like Gottshalk, Augustin, St. Patrick, Luther, Calvin et. Al. The mistake you make is assuming that the apostolic Church had a greater understanding of scripture then the church Reformed. It is an understandable mistake to think that the closer you get to the apostles historically, the more pure the church and the more mature it's understanding. Yet reading the epistles it is evident that they are largely taken up with the refuting of errors in every Locus of theology from soteriology to eschatology. The church was rife with heresies and Schism. Almost without exception, the epistles are written to warn against and refute false doctrine. The Lord leads his church into all truth gradually and through controversy. Tyndale, Jon Huss, wycliff all taught Sovereign Grace. At the council of Orange, the fatal compromise was made and the church adopted the semi pelagian doctrine. While there were pre reformers like the above mentioned men, God really did not make the matter of Free Will the focus of the church until Luther and Calvin. Indeed it was Luther's "the bandage of the will" that was central in his dispute with Rome and it's sacerdotal system. Have you ever read Calvin's Instirutes? He demonstrates very clearly the line of consistent truth which runs through the early church to the Reformation which includes Sovereign election and reprobation. Again to illustrate my point about the organic development of doctrine. Adam knew very little compared to, say, Isaiah when he wrote Isaiah 53. And yet according to Peter, I Isaiah was very limited in his understanding of the very things he wrote. And yet the new testament believer possesses a much greater understanding than that great old testament prophet. It was through controversy that God slowly led the church to understand the transition from old cov. To new cov. Much of the book of acts is about this very issue. How long did God take to make the church understand the transition from circumcision to baptism? There was serious ignorance on this point even amongst the apostles.

@lorijohnson5873 - 11.09.2024 22:01

Great message. Great example. That is teaching and God has bestowed this most precious gift on you. You are so much more a teacher than most of the “Christian teachers” I have had in my life. Thank you so much for your honesty, humility, transparency and answering the call to be a teacher in training. The world could use more of you!❤

@GoneReacts - 14.09.2024 00:36

I’m so grateful you spoke on this, cause I see this happening with a lot of new comers of the faith. Where they’re so hyped up on leaning and becoming close to Jesus. They unintentionally alienate anyone that Jesus would be trying to save

@holybiblebeliever - 14.09.2024 08:30

God bless, Don

@AndileRabashwa - 14.09.2024 15:35

I'm honestly so happy. In the past I would ask God to open your eyes because I knew you meant well but you were just deceived by things of this world (as many of us are) so I'm so thankful that you are back and you are able to see the truth. One of my favorite Christian influencers fr❤🙏🏾

@abigailmiller7193 - 15.09.2024 08:26

Finding Perfect Doctrine is definitely a feat…. Would like to hear your opinion on the Seventh Day Adventist Church

@daniellemoore1080 - 16.09.2024 02:03

I love this brotha

@jahzyresmith9896 - 17.09.2024 21:53

Hi I’m 19 now I looked up to you when I was little. I loved your videos and I really want to see you make more. I love to hear you and hear what you’re doing now not gonna lie. It sounds like life hit you a little bit. you definitely got a little bit wiser and older, but I can’t wait to see what kind of videos you make from that.

@shannoncrawford808 - 19.09.2024 22:08

I will never see as anything else but a racist bigot, No better then a clan member. Nothing will ever change that. I wish you a good life but I hope god never forget what you did and how much hate you spread on his earth.

@OrthoGeorge - 20.09.2024 20:39

Glory to God!

@Aaameeer - 22.09.2024 12:44

bro gets nightmares from sheikh uthman

@YoungDamin-e7h - 23.09.2024 23:33

Keep grinding
You still inspire me to be who I wanna be now, Young Damin, the Young ERA

@SRS541 - 24.09.2024 12:01

I’m Muslim, apology accepted.

@VibeversE7777 - 25.09.2024 02:27

idk why in a corner of my midn it was like watch young don again and again. and finally i watched first some of ur previous videos and i was like whaaa becuz im already very confused with all these doctrines. but then, i watched this video and idk why but i felt peace.

@thomaswilkins7535 - 25.09.2024 22:38

It's what Real men do

@thomaswilkins7535 - 26.09.2024 16:48

Awesome video and I totally agree, especially about Jesus is God. Great is the mystery of the God head

@williamlaroux2124 - 28.09.2024 06:55

Young Don, raw! Love it.

@ronaldjanr - 02.10.2024 23:05

This man trully is what i say a true christian who seeks the Lord..and is really wants to know the truth and whos is in love with the God of the to most christians i know including myself..thank God for beeing an inspiration on how you openly share your walk of faith! Godbless you sir and more power to you and your family

@ariljacott1822 - 06.10.2024 06:01

You don't interpret the bible
Let the bible interpret itself

@bullybroadcast3474 - 08.10.2024 20:06

Respect man congrats and welcome back 🙏🏽

@williamlaroux2124 - 09.10.2024 22:31

Not sure who this man is, but how could anyone be interested in what he has to say. He simply doesn’t listen, he’s rude and constantly cutting you off! He simply won’t shut up and listen. He simply is impossible and you did absolutely nothing wrong. Also, if you ride a bicycle across London, I would expect an interview longer than an hour. Self-victimizing!

@josesantiago8666 - 11.10.2024 08:24

Don you were not entierly off. We r called to be like priest. You r also correct on cant be ignorant. Priest are expected to be knowledgable.
God has pursepose for us and he can turn anything bad to his advantage. Job is a good example. The Devil was able to hurt Job and in the end God showed Job why he needed to go through the suffering and be awaken into having a relatioship with him (God) and loving him are just as important as following the law. Job was restored and finally undestood the love God has for him.

I personally, am learning alot, like you I have come to the same conclusion. God is so awsomely and beautifully complex. I learn something every day. I need guidance so I study. I have too. I realize God wants that for me. He wants me to study with guidance. He want me to know him. Its overwhelming. Mountains of information and evidence. Its crazy interesting, awsome at the same time.

I love your testimony. God has you in his hand and no one will snatch us away.
I will pray for you my brother. Genuinly love you my friend.

@ChristisLord2 - 14.10.2024 23:37

I’m glad Don has softened his stance on Apostolic Churches. I remember when he would call the Eucharist demonic and Catholics blood drinkers. I find his pre Nicene counsel stance interesting. I have to look back at the words of our Lord “The Gates of Hades will not prevail against the Church”!!!
