Piebald Red Fox & Diamond Teal! | Salzwiesen Park on Call of the Wild

Piebald Red Fox & Diamond Teal! | Salzwiesen Park on Call of the Wild


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@kflo1219 - 16.03.2025 18:06

Had to leave Fox grind for a bit…been over a week since a legendary. Did a few more Cuatro side missions hadn’t finished and found another becities ibex. Meh😂nice to hunt in daylight again tho 😵‍💫

@andrewrichardson3942 - 16.03.2025 18:41

Hot coffee and a Flinter video, great start to any day, keep smiling folks.

@Landon-n8y - 17.03.2025 00:02

1 minute

@Hunter-x2y2g - 17.03.2025 00:16

Nice man

@wyatthentges4665 - 17.03.2025 00:19

Always nice to edit photos and watch Flinter

@markomilutinovic8300 - 17.03.2025 00:19

Idea to add roe deer to saltwizen

@CillianBeck-u7s - 17.03.2025 00:23

I'm the 175 v3iwer crazy

@AlbinoRhino1886 - 17.03.2025 00:34

Currently hunting all ducks for that one multimount i want a diamond rare for each 🙃

@zachjohnson9391 - 17.03.2025 00:34

It's no Sundarpatan or Emerald Coast, but I honestly really love this map, and I kind of hope we get more parks/mini maps in the future. For example, Florida has never been a reserve I really wanted especially since Mississippi Acres covers a lot of stuff from that state I'd want to hunt. However I do think it could work maybe as a park-style reserve where you help eradicate invasive species. Idk, I'm only suggesting it because id like to have some Burmese pythons and iguanas in my lodge. That's literally the only reason I even would consider Florida for this game. Whoever reads this what do you think?

@ictia7036 - 17.03.2025 01:16

Next we got to get Sundaypatan

@flobaowski - 17.03.2025 01:18

sweet vid as always! but i gotta say.. imho the cacciatore is the best shotty.. i killed phesants on up to slightly over 100m and wipe half duck flocks thanks to the 6 shots. can’t imagine a loadout without it 🙏 what is ur opinion against it, since i rarely see u use it?

@_itsDaniel_ - 17.03.2025 02:05

For everyone reading this, have a nice day

@kestonoltman8118 - 17.03.2025 02:41

Idk Salzwiesen Sundays may just have to be a thing now

@randomidiot8142 - 17.03.2025 02:46

When you camp out on the decoy spreads, why not get the bow out? Guess there's just not enough carry capacity for it. It's kinda heavy with the rangefinder sight, but it's super broken so it's worth it. I can camp out in a tree stand and nonstop whack animals without making pressure too high.

@marchernandez-reyes1017 - 17.03.2025 03:23

Mississippi Monday?

@michaelbateman4994 - 17.03.2025 03:40

good one flinter

@SirrWyatt - 17.03.2025 06:42

Congrats on the trophy Flinter! You know, my map is mostly unchecked for waterfowl...

@wyattcrapo8655 - 17.03.2025 07:54

I would love to see an iron sights only hunt. Loving the vids anyways, keep it up man

@Voxshadow73 - 17.03.2025 08:54

Congrats Flinter!!! 🍀🏆🍀🏆💎👌👏🤘

@Nobaddays_IRL - 17.03.2025 10:55

Great video as always! Congrats on the teal and fox!

@HFTBerkley - 17.03.2025 18:45

I have a challenge for you get a kill with every pistol in the game on a different map. You can use every map twice if you want.

@nathanbrand1870 - 20.03.2025 15:34

Salweizien Sunday
Mississippi Monday
Te awora Tuesday
Wildcard Wednesday
Taiga Thursday
Fernando Friday
Sundapartan Saturday
