6 Tips to Become a Better Soccer Referee

6 Tips to Become a Better Soccer Referee

Tanner Trout

4 года назад

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@ryanatienza3690 - 24.10.2024 03:44

Im reffing this weekend for the first time! Thanks for the help!

@DanerMonkey - 23.10.2024 01:39

I’m a new referee, thank you SO much!

@williamhuang7624 - 07.05.2024 08:26

1) Good Whistle
2) Confidence
3) Tournament/League Rules
4) Understand the Game
5) Communicate with Assistant Referees
6) Communicate with Players

@miascozycorner7918 - 26.04.2024 02:24

Jesus loves you! How can I pray for u? “It don’t have to sound pretty, just tell Him what’s on your heart! ‘Cause it’s not a religion, it’s more like a friendship, so just talk to your Father like you are His kid, just start talking to Jesus! Yeah He’s right in front of you!”-Talking To Jesus- God and Brandon Lake, “get up outta that grave” He wants you to spend eternity with Him, it’s not too late! Joy isn’t based on our circumstances or feelings, they are fleeting! He is our Rock and Firm Foundation, and our joy and serve and love and faith is based on who HE IS, never changing nor fleeting, “the same God!!” The power and authority that raised Jesus is inside of us! Amen! God wants u as u are! The same God who created the Heavens wants to know you intimately! His timing and will is perfect, we need to trust that He knows best! I need to be humble to know these reminders too and to be humble to listen and obey! Amen lmk! I’m here for you and love you and so is Jesus!

@Rosarymeds - 13.04.2024 00:50

Great advice. As a rookie ref, I don't use my ARs nearly enough.

@dwinkl - 14.09.2023 21:32

Good job! I really enjoyed watching the video. My 12-year-old son is refereeing his second game this weekend and I am glad I found your video to give him some tips. Keep up the good work!

@keeperzero - 09.08.2023 22:32

When I referee I set the poem by handing out a red car to whoever I feel

@daimong4553 - 01.06.2023 12:56

first tip, is football, not soccer (joke)

@MrMattMrseather - 21.05.2022 00:44

I’m a 11year old referring for the first time

@BrainJerkEnt - 16.04.2022 21:21

like number 100

@MrMad902 - 02.02.2022 07:57

I appreciate the hustle but I cannot take tips from a 14 year old as a grown referee lol

@jcj836 - 16.08.2021 18:55

When you say “get a good whistle”, are you talking about blowing the whistle properly or the actual model of whistle you should get?

@et-tube8161 - 25.05.2021 13:43

I love it

@thimelosoccer - 23.05.2021 20:42

Nice work.
