Analyzing Our Childhood Dreams

Analyzing Our Childhood Dreams

This Jungian Life

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@janetrock8905 - 09.01.2025 18:37

A boar is male, no teats. A sow is a female pig.

@1234j - 09.01.2025 21:32

Super episode. So useful. Thank you so much ❤🎉😂

P.S. Just ordered the book, ohhh yessss.

@joshuaschmude7187 - 09.01.2025 22:07

Interesting side note. The ancients did not see these inner images in the same way as we do today. As a matter of fact, these archetypes, particularly geometric shapes like the mandala, circle or triangle are actually God's which can be evoked into a material object. For example, Round and Square was associated with the God Hermes, therefore working with the proper materia or sunethemata, this God could be evoked from within the philosopher who has experienced or seen this inner image into a material object which could deliver oracles. In the Athenian Academy initiates would read the dialouges in a certain order. Matter at first was viewed as the prison or garrison of the soul as in Platos Phaedo. As the philosopher began to have inner experiences of a particular type, this view was reformed with the reading of Platos Timaeus where matter is no longer seen as the enslaver of the soul, it becomes the vehicle through which the philosopher could make their accent back up to the gods by performing the necessary Theurgy. Plato was quite ahead of Jung in many respects although Jung has rediscovered this, his psychology stops with the emergence of the SELF or God Image as Jung calls it. Plato and the ancients took it much further than this.

@rajo3063 - 09.01.2025 23:37

When I was about 5 or 6 I has a dream I go to the store room it ihad an. Attic not very high I pull a stool and climb and open it there is truck I opened it there were many many medium size black pebbles and they all had white eyes which were moving from left and right
This dream never left me had a happy child we are 5 siblings always busy with games studies and music in the morning on radio

@bvoz17 - 09.01.2025 23:42

That active imagination you shared was great!

@carrolbaskin2847 - 09.01.2025 23:54

This has given me a lot to think about! Good podcast

@jaydenrogers8709 - 10.01.2025 05:00

Im excited for this episode! I recently remembered a dream I had as a child that struck me like lightning. It is very important to me and I am very curious about it.

@peterhenley9776 - 10.01.2025 05:30

I loved the discussion of the dreams, especially of the blue divinity figure. He also reminded me of the Genie from Alladin! Sandals fit the narrative too, and fit with the world of Oz as well. All seem to be great examples of the earlier comment about the first sliver of the archetype being clothed so colourfully in childhood dreams.

@BSchep-e7n - 10.01.2025 06:47

the witch represented Kindergarten, N Mom telling her she had to go, and might have even push her into the room

@Lorax_Tribe - 10.01.2025 06:51

When I was about 5 years old, I had a dream that my family all met with others in a cave and planned my life out. I was extremely resentful, taking it literally, and tried to be my own person. Of course, I was the youngest of 4 boys, the closest in age was 5 years older, and they all did try to guide me. The dream was a metaphor for this guidance, contrary to my conscious attitude.

@angel27aaa1 - 10.01.2025 12:39

This was a great episode. Thank you!

@owenicus - 10.01.2025 20:46

Wonderfully done and thought provoking.

@AmberExista - 10.01.2025 20:59

I never do active imagination in the classical sense that is visual because I suck at it, I can barely see with my mind's eye, I only see shadows. But I oftentimes have dialogues, sometimes written or just in my mind, with various figures. In fact in one of my last dialogues I picked Joseph because I wanted advice about a man in my life and I felt another man would understand things better. I took a break of 3 hours from my work when I had this inner dialogue and I remember it felt so fruitful and insightful, I was very happy. So if you ever read this, now you know that some of your watchers even internalized you as their own unconscious figures <3 Thank you for your great work!

@Psychologist.malgina - 10.01.2025 22:40

Off-topic: Lisa, new hair 2025 is 🔥 ❤

@SMWalkerAtelierDeCouture - 13.01.2025 13:47

When I was a little girl primary school age I got brought up in a pub. I remember having this re occuring dream before we moved out of the pub. I was on a waltzer ride going through the pub. Every room of the pub was terrifying like a haunted house. I was sat in the waltzer terrified.

@DanielMink-t3u - 17.01.2025 03:55

I enjoyed the banter between the three of you. Such good friends, sharing your own thoughts and stories. Such a difficult subject but you brought it alive. I’ve never been able to forget my first childhood dream. You gave me a lot to think about.

@Fujihoffmann - 31.01.2025 15:34

No, I AM your father. ❤
