Shocking! National Professional Fishing League Prohibits FFS

Shocking! National Professional Fishing League Prohibits FFS

Get Ur Fish On

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@ZZ430T56 - 03.09.2024 03:34

Who the F is the The National Professional Fishing League?

@wciii3591 - 03.09.2024 03:40

Where can we find the NPLF feed for their tourneys?

@rickyshempert7175 - 03.09.2024 03:42

It’s all crapp!! Everyone has the same opportunity to get it so step up and get it or stop crying!!

@jamesgbriley4471 - 03.09.2024 03:50

Good,now I will watch bass fishing again!!!😊😊😊

@Scott-n5j - 03.09.2024 04:03

Two of the best are out of the game, would love to the St Lawrence be off limits for 3 years. I live in NY 😮

@donniedickerson8077 - 03.09.2024 04:05

If you're The BEST in the World you should be able to getter Done with or without it , I don't Tournament Fish I Grocery Fish so it really don't matter to me, I think it's petty but oWell, not My monkey 🐒

@ernestcoleman4672 - 03.09.2024 04:37

Now is a to buy a used bass boat. A lot of these cry babies using ffs will quit. Hopefully, go back to what they were doing before covid.

@scoper1008 - 03.09.2024 04:53

Crazy asked everyone but the People who actually doing the fishing

@jpfishing95 - 03.09.2024 05:02

The only people crying about FFS are people that cant catch a bass to begin with. You act like FFS has been out for 20 years and people never caught fish deep before that? Banning FFS will have absolutely no effect on who's winning tournaments. Nobody goes out and drops ffs and finds 10 schools of giants to win events. These guys are sitting at the console for hours and hours on side imaging graphing to find these fish, same way they did 5 years ago, same way they'll do it next year. The point is i could give my rig to one of you cry babies on here with my live ffs and still go take your money,I'll fish out of a canoe. Ffs doesn'tt make a tournament angler, anyone that fishes and can ACTUALLY catch em, knows that. Make sure you look and take your notes for next year, and watch the same hammers crack em every tournament that did this year. You people are lost even thinking ffs has anything to do with consistently catching bass all around the country.

@robertbehrens-dc1wx - 03.09.2024 05:04

‘Bout time someone did!

@danmonahan8594 - 03.09.2024 05:25

Do they consider 360 FFS?

@MrFishhook - 03.09.2024 05:36

Alabama rig coming back too !!!

@sethlinkhart8718 - 03.09.2024 05:37

Let the co anglers use ffs only. Problem solved. If they want to play with the big boys they have to take off the "training wheels " and learn to complete

@rickvann3489 - 03.09.2024 06:03

All the old guys that can't understand the technology

@chriswainwright755 - 03.09.2024 06:14

Time to get back to professional bass fishing! Time to come together as anglers and mend the fences. With social media today I never seen so much negativity and division in our sport. Let’s put our differences behind us and just get back to enjoying bass fishing again.

@scottehrlich6653 - 03.09.2024 08:18

Great news ! FFS should be used for conservation and search rescue not arcade fishing in tournaments. I hope other organizations will follow suit.
I respect the technology and I’m looking forward to advancing it but not for spotlighting during tournaments.

@ronsaunders4491 - 03.09.2024 10:18

Now real Bass Fisherman real rule.Unless they learn real BASS FISHERMAN.

@ronsaunders4491 - 03.09.2024 10:19

Good Pansy Fishing is leaving

@ronsaunders4491 - 03.09.2024 10:20

Bye Bye

@ronsaunders4491 - 03.09.2024 10:21

Much better without it Everyone will see.

@bitenbass - 03.09.2024 11:08

New sub from.nj!! Good stuff !!

@mikel.4885 - 03.09.2024 15:12

Finally a organization going back to real fishing skills and knowledge

@David-qo7lz - 03.09.2024 15:34

FFS is killing fish quality in small lakes.

@richardmajewski3815 - 03.09.2024 16:37

Totally appreciate their approach and am proud of the organization for charting this course. I hope to watch more NPFL coverage next year. The young anglers will be just as competitive in this format.

@herbsteiner1013 - 03.09.2024 16:47

Will this decision by NPFL result in traditional anglers, including many famous names in the "senior" ranks, leaving BP/MLF in order to increase their competitiveness and thereby more viewership? Will this move mean more advertising from endemic companies, like lure manufacturers, e.g.? Will this decision boost angler participation and fan enjoyment, raising the awareness, stature, and popularity of NPFL? A line has been crossed. What will be the eventual response by BP/MLF and the Garmin/Lowrance/H'bird be? Interesting times, fer sure. I wish the NPFL success in this experiment.

@RicardoMejia-b8b - 03.09.2024 17:21

Tournament fishing is a joke. Egos and crybabies now a days. I say do away with the whole tournament BS. Make them no money only fun events. Save the fisheries and lakes.

@Ben-qe7hd - 03.09.2024 18:01

NPFL is my new favorite league

@jonmartinez1855 - 03.09.2024 18:48

So when you can't compete, you ban something. So laughable, what is next? 21 ft boats, the trolling motor or shallow water anchor you can't afford. No worries, you can't skip a jig, just ban it! LOL

@bigfishhoward - 03.09.2024 19:16

I like to go catching, not just fishing. Just make the NPFL the seniors league.
The youth anglers have grown up with FFS. That is the fishing they know. The NPFL will lose touch with the youth. I learned without it, but now I have learned it. I don't plan to go backwards.

@nybbhUSA - 03.09.2024 19:35

Good! now all the people against it can have their own league to follow!

@davidwelsh7343 - 03.09.2024 19:53

Yes the best decision I want to see anglers hunting for bass. I want to see a league that promotes anglers with the instinct and drive to not only find but catch these finicky fish and display them before the world

@keithpowell2786 - 03.09.2024 23:56

AWESOME BOLD MOVE, so glad to see this happening

@Fishingin290 - 04.09.2024 00:57

About freakin time.. Let’s get real fisherman back!

@robertdavis3285 - 04.09.2024 02:04

Great it.

@wingmanrr - 04.09.2024 02:37

Glad to hear it, back to more traditional bass fishing like we grew up doing and watching. 🎉

@anthonygehl3563 - 04.09.2024 02:59

That’s fishing!!

@approachingtarget.4503 - 04.09.2024 03:04

A small group started this. And now more are agreeing with the decision. Fair chase

@Irishmule169 - 04.09.2024 10:58

It was inevitable, there are so many against FFS why wouldn’t a league start up ???

@martys4814 - 04.09.2024 20:49


@philsurratt5982 - 04.09.2024 22:13

Can NPFL become the equivalent of what BassMaster was in its heyday? Maybe not but it’s a step in that direction!! Let’s watch the other organizations sweat a little.

@raiderbass - 05.09.2024 07:05

Will see i have no issues with ffs. Dont see to many other leagues following suits.

@magicfish100 - 05.09.2024 16:26

BASS missed their opportunity to lead the way here. They blew it.
NPFL adeptly beat them to the punch.

@caroferg8857 - 06.09.2024 17:26

I think they’ll have more people interested in watching because sooooo many think it’s boring watching someone stare at a screen. Gotta respect their trying to show they’re listening to the fans.

@TwainMarcus - 07.09.2024 02:27

Moore William Walker Joseph Allen Susan

@LeonStjames - 07.09.2024 05:58

not sure if its a good move. It is a good move for people that live in the past that cannot see the big pic.

@CrankingYanking - 31.12.2024 06:20

I personally 100% support this decision and I hope the rest of the organizations follow their lead.
