I love sleeping to these kind of documentaries. Especially if the narrator dude has a British accent
ОтветитьBasic Geography....Malta is an Island....Gibraltar is at the tip of a peninsula.
ОтветитьIndustrial scale war
ОтветитьWhatever or wherever you are this series is tremendous! Thank you for posting!
ОтветитьJust started over, took me a year of bedtimes to be somewhat familiar with the 1st 10 to 12 hrs
ОтветитьNo !!! You are not the only one “( One Finds Themselves Amazed!!!🤔
ОтветитьThank you . ( 2024 / May / 26 )
ОтветитьWe are being invaded again but this time our government is the far left fascists who are doing nothing to protect our country 😢
ОтветитьAbout 45 minutes and I'm snoring.Wake up rewind and start again
ОтветитьWWIII appears to be here soon, watching this documentary is sobering and preparing me for what seems to be a WWIII reality in the near future. God Save America. God Save the UK.
ОтветитьNazism Fascism Communism Socialism and Globalism are just faces of the same coin. They are all brutal and needs to be condemn to the toilets of history where it belong.
ОтветитьGibraltar is not an Island
ОтветитьThe series begins with lofty goals, but in the first hour of the first episode, there are narration mistakes and the questionable placement and use of stock footage that brought me to a point where I wondered if anyone was paying attention to the production values. After an hour and a quarter, I had seen and heard enough. I am a Historian, so all of this material and a vast amount more are as familiar to me as the street where
I live. This entire enterprise is middling to low quality overall, and compared to some of the landmark series done four decades ago, this series is little more than an extended "book report" with someone else's pictures to give you something to watch. I'm sorry, but please try again, and watch the shop while you're trying to make a wedding cake, but wind up with stale cookies instead.
I just want to thank you for keeping the ads off here. These have been a great help falling asleep- weird I know but I find history comforting.
You should upload this twice and mark one as Ad free and the other with ads to support the channel as I can’t imagine how long this took you to put this together and make.
WWII fascinates me, one part of history it’s important to learn from and remember. So I’d GLADLY watch this with ads during the day to support this channel and the time put into making this.
Or given how hard it is to find docs ad free to help people sleep. Start a channel marked to specifically help people sleep-ad free. And add a patreon so people can donate if they can or want to. Then on a separate channel upload it again with ads.
Anyway just suggestions. Thanks again for the work this took and keeping it ad free for us folks who need help falling asleep! Take care
The irony in Hitler killing those with mental health problems, only to go completely insane, himself!
ОтветитьI sm listening to these historical days of war. They are interesting becsuse, its possible it could happen again and I look at it as a way of identifying the possibility of the outbreak of a WW3.
Ответитьreally dodgy amateurish' history and appallingly bad use of archival footage i.e. King Tiger tanks in December 1939, SU-85 tank destroyers and T-34/43 tanks invading Poland etc etc. ❌❌❌
Ответить"We will expect it to be hard! And long!"
-Winston Churchill
childish chuckle
ОтветитьBrilliant series, thank you. ❤
ОтветитьSomething wrong with the narration, robot? Can't watch.
ОтветитьYoung Jennifer Lee Sandra Clark Kenneth
ОтветитьExcellent video! The more I hear of Stalin, the more I think he was Hitler's equal and should have faced work crimes trials himself, like Putin.
ОтветитьLopez Sharon Brown Brian Taylor John
ОтветитьAwesome documentaries put together thank you ❤
ОтветитьGOTT MIT UNS 🇩🇪
ОтветитьRobinson Shirley Rodriguez Timothy Martin Timothy
ОтветитьGonzalez Jeffrey Perez Frank Allen Betty
ОтветитьHall Jeffrey Martin Elizabeth Taylor Sharon
ОтветитьThe most interesting part of listening to people talk about WW2 is that they talk as if they're completely outside of these events and have nothing to do with them. Most people don't even know much, if anything, about this period in history. Ancient history and utterly irrelevant is what I get to hear. Yet the world we live in today, exists as a direct result of WW2, just as WW2 was a direct result and consequence of WW1. As a matter of fact, many of us wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for that monstrous conflict. As an example, my maternal grandfather was a submarine skipper in the German nave in the Atlantic. while my paternal grandfather was an engineer on a US Nave sub in the Atlantic at the same time. After the war, after being released from British captivity, my grandpa packed up his family and came to America. The two families met, their kids married, and my siblings and I are the result. So, anything I do with my life, is a direct consequence of WW2 and had that conflict not happened, then I wouldn't be sitting here typing this comment
ОтветитьCannot seem to get enough.
Ответитьthe French always waiting for the Americans to bail them out, Again. worst army imaginable.
ОтветитьCharls D. A phony and a coward.
ОтветитьOK I can put up with quite a few mistakes but blitzkrieg literally means "Lightning Strike".
Try "Lightning War"
War is Hell
ОтветитьLOL love the "comfort breaks" expression. It does sound nicer than "pee breaks".😀
ОтветитьHi enjoying the program except for one thing!
You keep referring to Britain when you should be saying UK.
Perhaps you are unaware that Britain is only England and Wales.
It became Great Britain in 1707 with the Act of Union with Scotland.
So your comments Britain did this and Britain did that is very insulting to the many people of Scotland and Northern Ireland! Who paid the ultimate sacrifice!
When I watch a history program I expect the history to be factual!
Perhaps in future programs you could fix this?
Naw man. I'm an addict.
ОтветитьThank you , I am 77 , I am enjoying this and Learning too ! I am starting 3 , Smiles Billy D
ОтветитьCheck out “Apocalypse, WW1”. The stock films they used were colorized and slowed down to normal motion. The narration is done well along with the writing. There are other documentaries that use “apocalypse” in the title so beware.
This has 6 episodes a little less than 1 hour each. It shows how it started and who and why the alliances formed
A billion? Crazy 😅
ОтветитьIn the Pacific, the Japanese version of ''blitz krieg'' moved so quickly their supply lines were too long, the soldiers were told to steal whatever they wanted to eat and to steal bicycles to keep up with advancing forces.
They were so fast, and so effective that they couldn't hold onto what they'd just taken, leaving great gaps in logistics. Prisoners were killed or just starved to death, the Japanese infantry was accused of killing and eating people. All the while telling the men it was ''monkey meat.''
Facts please....Adolf Hitler...was a socialist....a national socialist
ОтветитьGhasping for air Grace fullyh retire you sang many sun.
ОтветитьHaving little to no sleep the night before and 🏉Practice later that afternoon; I recall catching a few needed,
'💤-💤", when my 😎 History 📚class would watch📽 Docs similar to this for overview. 😴💤=🤬💯
Hitler's biggest mistake was he didn't focus on the main objective of Mein Kampf.