Toxic Crew Members Who Want To Overthrow The Director - Brad Sykes

Toxic Crew Members Who Want To Overthrow The Director - Brad Sykes

Film Courage

3 года назад

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@kayag8 - 16.01.2021 04:01


@takingitonedayatatime7851 - 16.01.2021 04:06

Thanks for the info.👌❤😎

@daviddroxler8534 - 16.01.2021 04:25

Yes, I know what you're saying is true. I worked with a regional dance company and the hired Stage Manager did everything he could to under mind the Artistic Director's directions during rehearsals and performances. He had a daughter who was a gifted dancer in the company. Maybe he had a personal vendetta because his daughter didn't get the parts he wanted her to have. I thought his behavior was very reprehensible because, we're there to help one another and serve our audience well.

@roberterniso5475 - 16.01.2021 04:33

Some Actors will test you, especially if they know you're working alone, a topic that rarely gets discussed. Ego is The Devil.

@lincolnbeckett8791 - 16.01.2021 04:46

The video title is literally me right now for my final film project for university.

@roathripper - 16.01.2021 05:10

Anyone rethinking their career aspiration after listening to his voice from the trenches?

@TheFeelButton - 16.01.2021 05:25

Every gig is an interview for the next! Cheers Film Courage!!

@James_Bowie - 16.01.2021 06:26

The ability to deal effectively with assholes is part of being a professional -- in any industry.

@VincentStevenStudio - 16.01.2021 07:21

This happened to me with a fellow crew member. He started directing the actors and everything in front of me. I had to pull him out and talk to him in private to just do his job and stay out of my way.

@piticfilms - 16.01.2021 08:20

In my experience, A great way to maintain good spirits in set is to start each day gathering cast and crew to have a group prayer, meditation or whatever it is your cup of tea. If the producer is also present, the better. It may seem like nothing, but believe me, it works; almost everyone appreciates it and it creates a sense of family support. That and having enough good food at all times.🖖🏼Great job once again Film Courage, thank you and have a great 2021!

@alexandraacreator-art - 16.01.2021 08:36

Interesting indeed...

@rODIUMuk - 16.01.2021 10:13

Loved this . Great comment about reviews at the end

@M2BzombieBait - 16.01.2021 10:16

I had this happen on set and I had to deal with it had on.

@stevenkoehler6018 - 16.01.2021 13:18

Here’s an example of emotional intelligence and maturity

@Ehetyz - 16.01.2021 13:24

Love Brad's insights on filmmaking, he has a nice, practical view at everyday issues on set. The problem with toxic crewmembers and authority issues is an interesting one as there are a lot of different ways it can manifest. For me I've found the "I'm also a director" type of crewmember to be the most annoying kind - ones who either want to be directors or also direct themselves and can have an ambivalent or even low-key hostile attitude towards the production itself - the kind of attitude where they'll nit-pick about things, second guess you (or some other HOD like DP if that's the position they think they should be in) and make derogatory remarks because they think they'd make for a better director. You get people like this occasionally, especially in low-budget stuff where you have less of a luxury of choice, and having them around is really draining and straight up detrimental to the production.

@voiceoverandmocapguy - 16.01.2021 15:54

This happens to me quite often, having a very young-looking face doesn't help. It usually stems from someone thinking "HEY this is actually a pretty cool production, let me put my ideas and my own personal thumbprint on this production." As a director, you should listen to everyone's suggestions and decide which suggestion make it into the film. But people on set can just FEEL when someone is trying to overtake the director. Solution: It usually just takes a talking to. And if they are being extremely rude about it, you have to be equally as direct about it.

@RawHeadRay - 16.01.2021 18:23

@5;03 " I do know a l few people who've made only one movie and that's it" ( Orson Welles would inject that one only needs one movie, or at least one good one.) *My lunches with Orson, book

@PUMPADOUR - 17.01.2021 11:17

She said "There is no school to teach you that", but that is wrong. I went to the best film school, that forces you to work collaboratively. It can get very political. Some people drop out because of it.

@minahm4069 - 17.01.2021 22:52

There is nothing worse than looking back at a project (that turned out well) and feeling sour towards the experience.

@BumdogTorres - 18.01.2021 07:45

When you click on his IMDB link it goes to Josephina Sykes.

@barryjgillis - 19.01.2021 09:54

100% on the money Brad...

@nomanor7987 - 21.01.2021 22:20

Do devout Christians cause a lot of problems on set??

@MattDamon2299 - 26.01.2021 05:05

That Christian producer couldn't hide her true evil nature when she saw that makeup.

@MattDamon2299 - 26.01.2021 05:23

Diplomacy is a trait needed in certain destructive situations like Brad mentioned. That was helpful.
