I grew up listening to this song in the back seat of my dads jeep Cherokee and it ultimately started my faith and brought me back
ОтветитьLove this song. ❤
Ответить......and the Word became flesh....Jesus I adore you, my God, my Savior, 2021 still worshiping are comming soon...
ОтветитьMy girlfriend's mom passed away and month later my girlfriend passed away
ОтветитьI love GOD with all I am he's a true daddy and friend and king he never wants to stop loving never wants hurt us. He gave his son be born to a virgin raised beaten nailed to cross for us
ОтветитьI hear that god and Jesus have given me my life for how long I live in this beautiful world that he has created I will still love him.
ОтветитьThis song has to be inspired by the Holy Spirit...
ОтветитьChristians are now being persecuted in the USA as the gay and trans agenda, and tampering with gender roles. We are seeing the fall of Christian values along with the rise of the apostate churches. This bad news coming to fruition can only mean the Good News is too. Look to the heavens people for your redemption draws nigh!
ОтветитьHaven't heard this song in over a decade. Just randomly popped into my head for some reason (we know the reason). Google searched "Christian Songs with the words Broken" and well, here I am, just loving on this track one more time. God is Good.
ОтветитьBeautiful song!!!❤️❤️🫶🏼🫶🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
ОтветитьI just heard this song for the first time yesterday. It has steam rolled my heart and I can't stop listening and singing with it. It is so overwhelming the gift He has given us. Thank You Lord for bringing this song before me, to help me express my love and gratitude to You.
ОтветитьLinda, mas solo do Juninho afram muito melhor
ОтветитьI'm A Christian and I love this song
ОтветитьHold the line
Ответитьtoday... I still cry listening this song!
ОтветитьThis is my top song choice that I want played at my funeral
Ответить😂😂😂 Se você, como eu, ama os louvores do Jeremy Riddle, não pode deixar de ler, o livro de sua autoria, intitulado "De volta à Essência". Simplesmente imperdível! ❤❤❤
ОтветитьGood hits
ОтветитьGreat song! Loved it back years ago too!❤
ОтветитьThis Song 🎶 Has Truly Spoken to and Hit me Deeply in my Heart 💜 and Soul as I’m Grieving the loss of My Mama from December 26, 2023. Jesus draws me gently back to my knees at the cross to surrender all to Him once again! A Priceless Gift 💝 He’s give to Me and ALL Who Believe in and Love 💗 Him!!!
ОтветитьI love this song!!!🙏❤️🙏❤️
ОтветитьWhat beautiful song to praise God with! Love you Jesus
ОтветитьI feel God in this song, every time. Thank you for writing it.
ОтветитьI had a near death experience. This song came on the radio when I woke up. It’s perfect.
ОтветитьMy favorite song
ОтветитьComing back to these old songs.🥲
Ответить2024 Anyone??? ☺️
ОтветитьGood days bad days I'm forever grateful...
ОтветитьJesus is good .
ОтветитьI love you jesus ❤
ОтветитьWooooo ✋😭🤚
ОтветитьGod is Love which translates to Life!!
Ответитьat the cross caucasion i would like to work for a graduation ring in chemistry--i already worked for a psychology ring---you reactions caucasion
Ответитьjeremy riddle would you pray pay play so i will work for a graduation ring in chemistry
ОтветитьI wake up every morning and listen to music like this just so I can feel. Thank you God for helping me threw this hard time
ОтветитьWholly Surrendered 🙏 🙌 ✨️✨️
ОтветитьIm searching for man who turned Earnest
Ответитьjeremy riddle i got to enjoy the beach on my 250 motorcycle thousands of week ends--jog study doug the fbi--i paid for the room on the weekend-then i went into oceanography vs marine biology, do you split your sand caucasian that dude got ate by a whale--- i guess i am fortunate to have graduated in 1996---doug when i won an intimate moment with you---its true moments like that you always want to remember!
jeremy riddle i attended the mormon church, you know it was in the neighborhood with a wheel chair--and i found at that wheel chair after it hailed-was walking pneumonia--well i saw with my a young he hadnt collected his bag of hail, around that wheelchair---judgement after the hail in the wheelchair!
Ответитьjeremy riddle oceanograpy vs marine biology---the icebergs to the right and physiologicalresearch psychology to the left---oh that's why i couldnt read that physiological research psychology book to you--thanks for the closure caucasion--see as far as i'm go the n-clex--something called you find that in medicine
Ответитьjeremy riddle i paid to have made a "thee psychotic" necklace at disneyland---beautiful huh?
Ответитьwhat does "thee refer to in the bible? jeremy riddle?
Ответитьis there a balnce to the concept or am i outdated being cross with my daughter?