All the time think about him when i listen this song:(
ОтветитьWhat a LEGEND. 😊
ОтветитьI'm listening this for months it's addictive
ОтветитьI'm an artist and a musician as well, I get it, but some of you are so pretentious that its comical😂 Just enjoy the music
Ответитьthis makes me. think. of. candy. canes.
ОтветитьHe cooks
ОтветитьWabbit season
Duck Season
Чайковский гениален, вечная легенда
ОтветитьI don't feel sadness in this song. It reminds me of spring, when everything turns green again and the soft sun gently kisses the world once more.
Ответитьwho's the violinist and the director here?
Ответитьinsanely beautiful
ОтветитьClaro si es un poco de tiempo y no hay nadie que no se rían por qué la risa es lo que nadie puede dejar de hacer
Ответитьفاهمك فاهمك
ОтветитьOld Indian movies BGM be like:
ОтветитьTchaikovsky was a true genius
Ответитьإلى حُبٍ قديمٍ في مدينتنا إلى وقتٍ به اختلفت قناعاتي🇸🇾
ОтветитьZawsze będę słuchać Panią Mari Samuelsen,to niweczy moje smutki w duszy,kocham Muzykę od dziecka,ale nigdy mnie taka solistka nie przekonała dogłębnie,Pani Mari jest Geniuszem ! Ona istnieje tylko ze skrzypcami,to jest symbioza Człowieka z Instrumentem,z Pięknością …a tylko jakaś Wyższa Siła może dać nam taki wielki talent ! Pozdrawiam z Polski,z Wrocławia,piękna Norwegię ! Jeszcze tam mnie nie było,ale może moje marzenie się spełni…? Anna C.🙏❄️☃️❤️🎼❤️💚🎼💚👏👏👏
ОтветитьA man who can express with song dont need to cry the memories will be happiest if sung ❤
Ответить오늘 우리나라에서 비행기 사고로 많은 사람이 죽었어.
부디 행복한 어디론가 갔길.
아기들 부모들 아프지말고 떠났길 바래. 행복한 여행기억만 갖고 갔길.
If we're doing interpretations in the comments, then here is mine:
Gives me the impression of pondering fond memories of the past. Recalling the old emotions while facing also a bombardment of contemporary emotions, longing for the good ole days. Getting lost in the moment while you reminisce, then snapping back into reality, only to be lulled back into your daydream for a moment longer.
Anyone here in 2030?
ОтветитьEnero de 2025
ОтветитьThis is what dogs sound like when they want a treat
ОтветитьReminds me of Russia
ОтветитьI love you Nada
Ответитьthis hurts me so much vro im shedding skin
ОтветитьThis literally makes me weep, especially for the unrequited love that never, ever was resolved...
ОтветитьI feel that in this piece it is as if he is crying and seeking refuge from loneliness, actually I think I can understand him
ОтветитьThank you.🎉
ОтветитьThis fuckin piece is beautiful. That's all I am gonna say. Not much of a cultured man. But when someone writes with heart and soul you can hear it in every note. La Campanella, Waltz no 2, Masquerade, this piece. The beauty is unmatched.
ОтветитьAnyone here in 2025?❤❤❤
ОтветитьThe winter palace :)
Ответитьماهذه الموسيقى يا تشوفسكي ماذا فعلت بك الحياة لكي تنتج هذه التحفة الفنية التي تأسر الروح والفؤاد وتسافر فيها الى عوالم اخرى اشعر كأني اطير بأجنحة في سماء الوجود الغامضة تحية لكل من يستمع لهذه المتعة الفنية انت صاحب ذوق راقي
ОтветитьI let Tchaikovsky play with my emotions and i like it
ОтветитьAlivia la apatía, la falta de amor por la vida, el dolor.
ОтветитьThis song reminds me of old classic disney movies
You know the ones that were hand animated, with a nice introduction to the movie
Che meraviglia!!!
ОтветитьC’est très très triste ❤❤❤❤ Félicitations
ОтветитьDe rég hallgattam már, nagyon hiányzott!! ❤️
ОтветитьMy dad passed away on August 17th, 2024. 5 months later, I would see my cousin overdosing on alcohol on January 27th, 2025.
My dad passed away on my cousins birthday, he even said his condolences to me, not knowing I would see him on his worst hours and hear him wanting to go to sleep. The day after my dad passed away, a doe was looking into his house and disappeared in the shrubs, and the neighborhood dogs didn't harm her. Heaven forbid harm to that creature.
See you later, dad. Thank you for being my dad.