Here's my Gig Preset for HX Stomp....[And a Nasty Surprise]

Here's my Gig Preset for HX Stomp....[And a Nasty Surprise]

John Nathan Cordy

2 года назад

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@bryantwalley - 30.03.2022 20:39

Very nice.

@thewaronmath - 30.03.2022 20:41

Folder please!

Great preset.. thanks for the vid, very useful

@havenlane992 - 30.03.2022 20:46

How do tou assign the pedal for lead for example or clean?

@stijnjanssen7729 - 30.03.2022 20:50

Hi John, I really like this preset! Could you drop it in the folder please?

@timmitchell1547 - 30.03.2022 20:54

Wow dude. Always great to catch one of your vids. Awesome tones and especially awesome playing. 🤘😎

@TheGuitarnut - 30.03.2022 21:05

Thanks for the info. Question, what does the out of phase sound for bridge and middle sound like?

@SergioFigaroa - 30.03.2022 21:11

Do you have anything like this for the helix floor?

@caseylockwood5512 - 30.03.2022 21:17

What type of gigs do you do John? Would love to hear you play with a band, is there a bandcamp page we can check out or something?

@cengiz-taskin - 30.03.2022 21:23

Brilliant solution on controlling the delay via expression pedal.

Folder please 🤗

@ArtistBenz2020 - 30.03.2022 21:30


@nikolasfuentealba656 - 30.03.2022 21:36

Folder please, your presets are the best

@neal672 - 30.03.2022 21:40

I'd take this in the folder if you're willing to drop it in there, seems like a super useable and practical preset.

@Johnherold121 - 30.03.2022 21:40

Just look at him, he hit 40k subs AND got a gig all within one week. What's next, slapping someone while receiving an Oscar? Wouldn't put it past him, given his recent fist fights with those birds...

@skoleMartin - 30.03.2022 22:04

Please drop it in the folder - thanx

@paramyogaisrael - 30.03.2022 22:15

I have a good advice so that you can save one more switch for the delay and use the pedal for maybe volume which is very useful in a gig...
Fs1. Preset up
Fs2. Delay
Fs3. Tuner.tap
Pedal controls the volume of the compressor.

You only have 3 snapshots, and you can toggle between them with only one switch, and if you want to move from snapshot 1 to snapshot 3 you just quickly double press the switch, that's it.

@chadwaller6072 - 30.03.2022 22:16

Are you still using your Mesa Boogie Mark V 25 for gigs ?

@Terry_Dale - 30.03.2022 22:43

Yes please put it in the folder. Would love to experiment with it.

@asafyaniv6940 - 30.03.2022 22:57

Love yout stuff and bought your presets.
Any tips of how to twick them to work better on humbucker pickups?

@luckyno888 - 31.03.2022 00:31

Love this Hot Rod Tele.

@dejct - 31.03.2022 00:34

Hey John (i asked this question on an older vid so you might have missed it!)
I am torn between getting a Line 6 Catalyst to run my HX Stomp into, or a Power Amp pedal in the form of the EHX Magnum 44.
The reason I am asking for your opinion is that I have a 1x12 cab that I absolutely LOVE more than any cab I have tried and I want to use my HX Stomp through it, I currently don't have another amp with an effect loop.
The EHX Magnum 44 costs $330 NZD (New Zealand dollars) and the Line 6 1x12 or 2x12 is $899 and $999...I know. Expensive in this country. I would definitely use the Catalyst with my stomp in a 4 cable set up most likely but I just love my cab so much and every affordable combo i have tried has speakers that I dislike the sound of. I am also very content with my HX Stomp on its own.
I think I recall you using a power amp pedal in the past and I wonder if you could let me know your experience with one. I feel like im a bit of a speaker snob... so definitely leaning towards the Magnum 44. Cheers man <3

@jeremywho2289 - 31.03.2022 01:59

You're blinding us with your light! That Intro jam was awesome! I would definitely listen to a longer version of that.

@circa33 - 31.03.2022 02:34

nice... yes drop it in, please

@nateesteban505 - 31.03.2022 02:50

That would be great if you loaded it into the folder sounds amazing

@spider5001 - 31.03.2022 02:54

Hey I have a Nashville tele also😀

@johnamorim - 31.03.2022 03:14

Hello! I believe that "tips for GIG" are a good theme to work here! With real situations when we don't have multipli channels (MONO) with natural reverbs (with people on palce or empty places, concerts works like this). Create a gig preset to play live. Thank you for helping us!

@GrooveHM - 31.03.2022 04:03

so fuzzy~! nice👍

@JoePariseauMusic - 31.03.2022 05:49

Can you take video of the gig?

@davidjoel111 - 31.03.2022 08:44

I've been a victim of the global EQ, I cut a lot of highs and lows when I use the HX stomp by itself, but sometimes I like to use it for effects on the fx loop of an amp, I almost sold an amp because every time I used the fx loop I lost a lot of top end, until I realized the HX stomp's global EQ was on. lol.

@kyran4238 - 31.03.2022 09:33

"less than ideal" lol
I thought I was the only one who did that kinda stuff 😂

@ElCaza89 - 31.03.2022 11:27

This sounds so tasty

@austinmichels5527 - 31.03.2022 17:43

Folder please! 🤘

- 31.03.2022 19:55

This new snapshot usage is groundbreaking. It opens possible even more with this small and portable unit. Now if you have all the snapshots in 1 footswitch, you have 2 (4 if you use an external 2 button footswitch) available buttons for effects, parameters, etc...

@EmilioConesa - 31.03.2022 23:34

After years of using Ownhammer iRs with various amp models I’ve recently fell in love with the Grammatico nrm with the stock cab. It’s very versatile, I think you’ll like it too.
But I haven’t tried it on the gig yet. At gig level through super quality monitors things change….

@grade43podcast - 01.04.2022 00:52

Please stop reading my mind John Nathan Cordy. That is all. ❤

@serpensnovus9869 - 01.04.2022 02:32

Studying this alongside your videos on 3.15 firmware.
Finally got to grips with the Command Center working with Snapshots changing the details inside the amp and other blocks.
Brilliant features and thanks for explaining it. These preset builds unlock the HX Stomp for me. By having a real player explain the choices I can make my own tweaks.

p.s. I've found that by controlling the drive, mid, presence, treble, sag, bias and cab settings inside snapshots it can replace all sorts or drive/boost pedals, freeing up DSP for more fancy delays. I'm also using the FX loop with a Volante for lush delays with knobs for on-the-fly changes.

@blessedheavyelements8544 - 06.04.2022 00:40

I do something similar on my GT1000. It has 8 input settings. When I change guitars, I forget to switch to that setting and play for hours wondering why it's too hot or too lifeless :) Cheers and Best Regards!

@SamuelFavata - 14.04.2022 10:07

would like to request this gorgeous patch!

@justick - 27.04.2022 22:50

Nice playing!

@dookieeater - 18.05.2022 17:47

Love the Nashville tele! Been my go to for at least 10 years now!

@jcloughjnr8384 - 30.05.2022 13:58

Would love it in the folder but struggling to find it. Have purchased the patches and looked in those folders, am I looking in the right place ? Any help much appreciated. Cheers

@MrEcted - 31.07.2022 04:40

I just got an HX Stomp today, love your workflow! I'm stealing every one of these ideas :D

@GuitarTeleMan - 20.08.2022 03:32

Yes, please drop JC 2022 into a folder. Thanks

@artursantos7439 - 27.10.2022 00:45

Hi John! How are you? I bought your prestes, but im not able tô put them on my hx Stom... Is there a specific folder in The drive with The prests? Thank you!

@gregorycheval9037 - 20.03.2023 15:33

Hello, is the preset has been uploaded in the folder? I bought but not sure to find it.

@janrahtkens - 20.07.2023 09:55

Loving the Snapshot feature with different Amp Gain settings and Ch Vols. However Im noticing pops when switching Snapshots with drastic Ch Vol Changes. Any solutions to cope with those?

@yingnanwang9304 - 13.11.2023 21:16

Is it possible that you release all your improvised tracks on Spotify etc? This is beautiful 🙌
