5 Common Types of ALBUMS in the Music Industry

5 Common Types of ALBUMS in the Music Industry

Jonathan Miller Music

4 года назад

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@rickdey8256 - 14.10.2020 17:32

I have made 5 accounts just to subscribe you because you teached me everything,and I think you deserve more than 500 k subs

@princesslobean - 14.10.2020 17:57

I have learned so much from you! I appreciate you taking the time to do these video's and share! Hard to find all this information from others without signing up for a class or them wanting money to share. . . thank you!

@averagejohn3261 - 14.10.2020 18:34

Melodrama is my all time fav album

@wildboygregorymusic - 15.10.2020 22:44

I just stumbled upon your channel and I do intend to try to implement this into my music. I do have an EP coming out soon and that actually brings me to some questions. For this EP, I actually recorded these songs on apps called "Take Vocal Recorder" and "BandLab." These apps allow autotune and even have built in mixing and mastering templates. Have you ever recorded on any of these two apps? If so, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

@YSTBENT-TV - 17.10.2020 05:27

You would be a great manager

@YSTBENT-TV - 17.10.2020 05:28

I would pay you to manage.... lol... no cap

@papiyadey8128 - 17.10.2020 09:56

If I upload my song only on things like I tunes or Google play then if someone buys it and can he distribute my song with his name.

@papiyadey8128 - 26.10.2020 18:01

Does Amazon offer pre order ?

@attila-botondrazman44 - 29.10.2020 15:14

Fav album is either Mirror Reaper by Bell Witch or In Rainbows by Radiohead. They're basically flawless imo.

@niksa5512 - 10.01.2021 17:22

Love yourself by BTS

@JonathanMillerMusic - 14.10.2020 17:33

🔴 SUBSCRIBE 🔴 Thanks for watching! Just wanted to clarify that Album Re-Packages in K-Pop are not always like the example I featured in this video, but I chose it because it's pretty quintessentially what they are all about. They are like Deluxe Versions but more so. 😂 Anyway, what's your favorite album of ALL TIME? :D
