New Vintage Gauges on any classic truck!

New Vintage Gauges on any classic truck!

Hodson Motors

2 года назад

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@clipvue222 - 21.11.2022 17:39

Do they make one for a 1986bdodge ram d350?

@DerrickHarris-ip5hh - 24.11.2022 20:19

Thanks for the great video. I bought the new vintage gauges and this video is literally the perfect tutorial. Much appreciated man.

@highplainshollarhomestead3188 - 04.12.2022 07:08

Any updates to the RAMCHARGER yet??

@Gear_Banger - 07.12.2022 08:32

So what ended up being the issue with one of the gauges not lighting up?

@SkinnerRacingTeam9783 - 05.03.2023 11:02

What did you set the pulse per revolution (ppr) at on the 12v cummins?

@enermaxstephens1051 - 29.03.2023 03:37

Which aftermarket dash is that? LMC?

@RickJames-qz8vt - 12.04.2023 20:57

Is there a glow plug indicator on these?

@need4speed1967 - 16.04.2023 03:10

I also have NVU guages on my 75 K5 blazer, but am far from impressed with there mounting brackets.. Tons of adjustments for a dash panel used for almost 20 years that doesn't require any adjustment! It's almost impossible to have all of the guages mounted square and centered within the holes...

I love the way the guages themselves look, but the mounting piece could be made so much better.

@Danno74Z - 06.05.2023 21:16

Hello, A really good video. I just received New Vintage gauges for my Gen 2 Camaro and I do have a couple of questions in regards to the turn signal indicators and high beam light. The instructions say they are invisible/deadheaded. I have look very closely at both the Speedo and Tach and for the life of me I can't see anything behind the bezel. If I apply 12v DC to the correct pinout and ground that indicator it should light up. Can I do this without damaging anything? Second question. To my knowledge I don't see where the connection is made for the brake warning light. On the tach there are 3 indicators but those appear to be used when one is using a computer/ECM such as an LS swap. Any thoughts on that? THANKS!!! P.S. I did here you say you say you saw them come on but I could not see them in this video as the camera was too far away.

@rocketfarm5352 - 17.06.2023 22:51

Thanks Great video got two of these kits for my trucks 40 years later all the GM gauges had failed now they look like a new dash

@user-pc7ts6fc9l - 13.08.2023 22:42

What about the speedometer

@Conan_Obrien - 25.08.2023 05:55

Gauges look great! Is blue the only color of backlighting they offer or is that something you can program?

@89vmaxx - 11.10.2023 03:39

Is there a way to change backlighting color?

@89vmaxx - 11.10.2023 03:40

Btw: you gave me the push I needed to get started on my gauge kit in my 84 c15….thank you!

@sanchoramirez8357 - 08.02.2024 20:54

Omg get on with it😂😂😂😂 next video...

@Ray-l2l8m - 15.02.2024 01:10

What about when you do an LS swap what wire will you use for the tech and speed wire?

@Ray-l2l8m - 24.02.2024 01:00

I have tried and relooked over and can not even get the gauges to sweep nothing is working I have the backing lighting come on, my single lights are working but non of my gauges are working I checked for good ground. Any ideas?

@SYArt-cg9fu - 25.02.2024 22:45

переведите пожалуста на руский, а то я английский в школе плохо учил - на троечку ... и есть модификация с километрами, с градусми цельсия. - бензин не в галонах ваших ...

@scottypetty9117 - 28.02.2024 06:22

Do they make it to where u can just plug in your new guages to the factory harness?

@ronjennings7533 - 09.04.2024 00:06

Just ordered NVU gauges for my '74 C10, and this video will be a huge help to make sure I do it right. Many thanks!

@trustjah - 12.05.2024 11:17

Telling people they can win amazing vehicles is not a shameless plug.

@cesarzapata999 - 21.07.2024 22:58

Thanks for the video vintage gauges work with LS swap on C10 84

@BaynhamsGarage - 10.09.2024 05:03

How do you set the odometer? Assuming you want to keep track of that it would need to be done at some point

@Ralphsells - 20.01.2025 04:20

Where do the 2 accesory buttons connect to ?
