DMK Student Wing Protests Against NEP and Hindi Imposition at IIT Madras | India Today

DMK Student Wing Protests Against NEP and Hindi Imposition at IIT Madras | India Today

India Today

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@jenishthomas5877 - 28.02.2025 14:59

It’s not dmk vs bjp , it’s Tamilnadu vs BJP

@தமிழ்கற்போம்2025 - 28.02.2025 15:11

Fake intense modi 🤬

@chakra1.1 - 28.02.2025 15:11

This is step of for Unity not for any interest tamil bro there should be one languege in which we all will be one if tamil hugely was the trend then we admits tamils no matter ❤its not imposing its opening door of Unity that we in future no fights .on this looks self analyse this way in future someone if anytime raises excites then their will emerges problems of Unity if one language will be allwhere then from that language through we will be stable thats all . doesnt matter. Day will cames when someone will be succeed in poisoning and try to divide and rule agenda thourgh disturbs our states ❤tamil sanskrit is dev languaega we uses such language in very Special time like mantra in common way dealing is very tuff because that langauge have only supermacy power a different standared no languega can beat tamil its a part of our culture nobody can erase sanskrit it also so strong why they don't got spread thats why I am saying these language have have supreme level we can't use them common way its very tuff to dealing common life scenario thinks like jokes other dramas its very tuff

@தமிழ்கற்போம்2025 - 28.02.2025 15:13

தமிழ் நாடு vs bjp Rss 🤬nonsense

@PoliticalChats - 28.02.2025 15:20

Entire India supports TN except BJP RSS gang. Tamilians don’t let go this protest of third language imposition

@kprajendran-oz9bc - 28.02.2025 15:37

Govt should go slow on Hindi. Outside India Hindi is useless.English is a link. Language within India and outsde India.

@RKVS-04 - 28.02.2025 15:53

ALL Hindus plz kick out tiz DMK Dravadian telengu christian Parian party from Tamli Nadu

@sekarr2412 - 28.02.2025 16:03

Hired Hooligans & goondas of DMK,Let DMk Netas close the CBSE Schools run by them 😂😂

@sekarr2412 - 28.02.2025 16:11

Stalin says Even ₹ 10000 crores given will not accept NEP then why begging for money ,DMK is defecting the real issues of Misgovernance and Corruption by raising the bogey of 2 language policy & delimitation 😂

@KoteswaraRaoVeginati-w3z - 28.02.2025 16:48

South indians you have to learn hindi until modi and Amithsha learning fluent english , hindi puts more burden is on south indians not us that is South indian problem. Nep is 3 language policy but hindi is mandatory that's why we allocated 50 cr rupees ,In north india hindi,Sanskrit both are similar languages so north Indian students don't have any burden our children are happy. This is the time all south states will be unity and all states put the rule their local language mandatory and 2 language policy mandatory.

@knowlegdewithjoy1610 - 28.02.2025 18:08

😂😂😂 kyun government jabaran thop rahi samjh m nahi aata h . education ko language war naa karao

@babu.sbabu.s1642 - 28.02.2025 18:27

TN chief Minister stalin misguided and misleading youths and students on NEP.

@MrHariperu - 28.02.2025 18:42

The core concern is the preference for a two-language policy over a three-language policy in the student curriculum. This approach could become unmanageable if students in each class choose ten different languages as their third language.
why Education Minister tying Tamil Nadu’s acceptance of the three-language policy to the release of central education funds? Have the states that adopted the three-language policy included any South Indian languages in their curriculum? If multiple language options were genuinely available, the issue I raised would have already surfaced.

@venkateshkrishnamurthy9674 - 28.02.2025 19:55

DMK and rowdyism can't be separated from the day they separated the party....they very well know if the people are educated and became civilized and hard working, it is the end of the party.😂😊

@srirambalakrishnan8625 - 28.02.2025 20:07

Amit Shah is a useless Home Minister. DMK is instigating separatism and TN government should be dismissed.

@RitickKundu-t5b - 28.02.2025 20:45

Just ban dmk

@DinosaurSpeaks - 28.02.2025 20:45

Do not open your sh*t mouth without knowing the issue..

We are not begging.. we asking our money..

@infantraj278 - 28.02.2025 22:04

It's not DMK vs BJP, It's the people of Tamilnadu vs the union government!

@Hovdeee - 28.02.2025 22:05

Godi media by RSS BJP are true evil

@prashanthgunasekar399 - 28.02.2025 22:09

I don’t understand why she is staying as DMK STUDENTS ?

@parivendhan8394 - 28.02.2025 22:17

We another protest like Jallikattu

@IndigenousVoices - 28.02.2025 22:49

I heard DMK has a 100,000 stong IT Cell that have Fake Profiles and go around praising Stalin and his Corrupt Party. So almost 95% of these Comment are probably Fake Comments, Go to their Profiles and check. If it has only "Alophabets", with no Video, No Playlists, No Likes, No History, Its most probably a Fake Comment Dravidian Donkey IT Cell !!!

@jesto8672 - 28.02.2025 23:08

Ban Hindi from Kerala

@agambhavanagambhavam980 - 01.03.2025 03:35

It is high time to amend the Constitution and delete this historic mistake of giving priority to one language 'hindi', in a diverse country like India. If every language is treated equal, it improves the unity of this great nation.

No sensible educated individual, having at least a minimum common sense, will accept the fact that his mother tongue will be treated inferior to any other language.

@123XTSK - 01.03.2025 03:35

Where has the constitution book held in thepockets vanished...?

@glenjeremiah2234 - 01.03.2025 05:49

👌HM Amit Shah taking advantage of the new party Vijay and coming up telling people their future.

@aejazahmedu901 - 01.03.2025 06:20

They re not dmk students u gavar anpad bakchod north Indian gendes they're tamil students

@karthikd.r5796 - 01.03.2025 06:28

What happened to that rape case which happened in Anna university campus?? Few months back ?? DMK protested for that?

@Chandrashekhar-d7r - 01.03.2025 06:56

Only Tamilnadu and Kerala people want Sepration in reality those who are commenting are ✝️rash & ☪️ancer

@rathanapparathanappa5077 - 01.03.2025 06:58

HINDI language has destroyed & vanished 25+ dialects. Like BHOJPURI, MYTHILI, RAJASTHANI & other dialects

@Bmsreedhar - 01.03.2025 07:54

Godi media 😂

@Sanjey.G - 01.03.2025 08:56

I strongly condemn the way certain news channels are portraying this movement by labeling it as led by "DMK students." This is not about any political party—it is about all Tamils uniting to protect our language. We stand together as Tamil Nadu students, not as representatives of any single group. We also recognize the deliberate attempt by some media outlets to provoke us with such narratives, but we remain focused on our cause: safeguarding our language and identity.

@kumar.193 - 01.03.2025 09:07

1968 Three language formula essentially recommended North India(Hindi speaking belt) to learn a South Indian language, while mandating South Indian states to learn Hindi. Firstly half of the so-called Nationalist are not even aware that a southern language was recommended(If you are one them read wikipedia along with citations). Is there a single north Indian who followed this recommendation?
As this was a recommendation in North while mandating(imposition) in South, Tamil Nadu opposed the move. Regardless the Hindi belt failed the three language formula by not learning any Southern languages, ultimately loosing its moral standing to demand Tamil Nadu to implement three language formula.

Be it language, population control or any issue, North promises one in paper does another loosing trust.

@logithsidu9551 - 01.03.2025 10:12

Tamil nadu people's are facing some problems.....come to protest in street....North India 🇮🇳 media make as political profits....saying DMK or stalin.....y TN people's can have problems the problem is Hindi and u North India 🇮🇳...who want to destroy & venom on southindia mainly tamilnadu 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

@HIMANSHUSINGH-os7bi - 01.03.2025 13:18

Congress guys prepared the constitution and bow they are blaming the constitution. Congress is the best jokes of the country 🤣 😄 😂 😆

@Ashishkumar-uu6nx - 01.03.2025 18:26

Why to make 3 language mandatory why not keep it optional ? Make coding necessary atleast it will save humanity.

@dontworrybehappy53 - 02.03.2025 09:42

Hindi erased mother tongue of majority states which is not even official language of a state
