Professional Nuke Artist Tries Fusion... AGAIN!

Professional Nuke Artist Tries Fusion... AGAIN!

Alfie Vaughan

9 месяцев назад

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@787KurtF - 02.06.2024 20:49

So if Fusion were to add Deep Compositing it would be comparable? Good to know.

@wraithdreams - 03.06.2024 13:19

I think it would be nice to see a slow step by step tutorial about this.

@MartyJWebb - 04.06.2024 09:40

How familiar are you with Flame? And how good do you think Resolve/Fusion is as an alternative for Flame Online editing?

@Ishai1 - 04.06.2024 09:43

There was a time when people felt the same way when comparing Resolve for editing to other NLEs. It was good and could get the job done but was missing a lot of features. Now, a lot of those features are already there.

The thing to remember is that BMD's main goal with their products is to make affordable solutions that are just as good as the pro tools. It's true for every single product category they're in. There's almost always a pro tool that's considered the industry standard, has more features and costs an order of magnitude more. It's true for the cinema cameras, the broadcasting gear, and the software. I say almost because in color correction, Resolve is that leading tool.

Your video showcases exactly that. It's not supposed to be better than Nuke, but you can do a lot of the same things for much cheaper.

BMD keeps adding features. I was playing today with the new uVolume node for vdb files (it's in the Resolve 19 beta). They've added USD support as well last year. The tool keeps getting better and I don't have to pay anything for those upgrades.

@RealTimeFilms - 04.06.2024 14:44

What about the speed difference between Nuke and Fusion ? The effects,especially the GPU accelerated ones and the speed of reading the files sequence into cache.

@ADFEMU - 05.06.2024 03:57

In Fusion, wouldn't the Lens Distort node do the undistort trick? Note that I am not referring to the Lens Distortion node which is a different node and it is a simple lens effect.
The Lens Distort is also able to load external Distortion Data.

@apmanti12 - 05.06.2024 19:23

That is very cool, I would love to have a longer tutorial fusion for Nuke people, now that I'm working for myself I switched to davinci but fusion is still somehow uncomfortable for me

@Liberosis3D - 05.06.2024 22:42

You can do depth compositing in fusion too (sort of) Millolab Tuts has a great tutorial about cg compositing in fusion (best fusion tutorial imo)

@97DarkSkull - 06.06.2024 20:59

Big plus about Fusion for me is that I'm the only person in my studio that is using it. I've set up fusion render farm (which is free) on all PCs and now I have more then 20 PCs calculating my compositions. It's insanely fast and all that for 300$!

@maadmaat - 06.06.2024 22:07

man, those 9 minutes summarized my 3+ years trying to figure out the blender-fusion vfx workflow... I hope everyone taking on a remotely similar journey as me, finds this video right away!

@thefacelessone74 - 07.06.2024 00:37

Fusion fucking sucks

@thefacelessone74 - 07.06.2024 00:39

What makes someone a "Professional Nuke Artist " lul

@linelevelmedia7357 - 15.06.2024 09:59

Awesome video as always, thanks for sharing with us! I have one video idea just to toss out; it’d be great to have a professional compositor do a video of all the common terms such as Mult, Pre-mult, ST Map etc. Literally just a talking head video, I would watch it at least 10 times to commit it all to memory.

@cmuk3d - 21.06.2024 20:06

Hi thanks for the run through, does anyone know why when i do a similar work flow and try to open the exported fbx file in cinema 4D, it always is the incorrect resolution? In cinema 4d. Thanks. It does not seem to retain the resolution of the timeline in the fbx export?

@jihadj.najmuddin9784 - 29.06.2024 01:32

Nothing like nuke.

@Y3DS - 04.07.2024 23:35

You can do deep comp in Fusion

@Y3DS - 04.07.2024 23:37

FYI, it's super eqsy to set up scene for 3D compositing is fusion. And you can do it wothin the free version of resolve.

@overlordthe7th981 - 06.07.2024 10:55

I would love to see you do compositing in blender and see if it is even possible.

@Vaveili - 07.07.2024 00:09

New here, Enjoyed your thoughts & professional opinion. Wanted to grasp more on where Fusion could potentially stand in the VFX world for comp. I am used to compositing smoke, fire, special effects, and light passes from Multi-layer EXR's into After Effects but its felt like a nightmare the last year for work. In love with Resolve's Grading System and it being also able to composite 3D Renders? A double whammy for me!. Great Video, I'm looking to move into Fusion away from AE and I think this just helped my decision.

@VisualistAyush07 - 09.07.2024 14:43


@danielsonderhoff5882 - 12.07.2024 19:17

in Germany I am a freelance lecturer at an academy for post-production and teach beginners. I will definitely include your two videos on Fusion and Nuke, as well as your workflow DR->Nuke/Blender->DR, in my classes. They show very well that it’s not about which app is the best, but which solution is optimal for the chosen path! Thank you for your efforts in creating these clips.

@ASKVFX - 14.07.2024 03:49

Another excellent video dude! Nice job. This kind of content is great. For years I've been debating giving Fusion a shot. You've convinced me to give it a go. Cheers man!

@MessianicJudaism - 21.07.2024 08:06

I was hoping to get a one-time pay license for Nuke for my Synagogue.
Once I get my Rabbi ordination, I'll be developing a video production studio where we will be creating documentaries from our Yeshiva.
Subscriptions are the very reason why I will no longer use ADOBE software.

Thank you for this video. I was wondering, is there a website that does step by step tutorials for Nuke?

@elliotmark5093 - 01.08.2024 21:17

at least we all agree that adobe can burn in hell

@connorjade5460 - 04.08.2024 04:44

One thing I'm liking about this dude is that his viewpoint is very unbiased. Despite using nuke for more than 6 years, he still appreciates fusion and points out issues within nuke like the default layout (btw all software default layouts are bullshit😂). It's pretty rare to see such unbiased opinion. In pcbuilding communities, amd fan bois just hate intel and vice versa. I wish there's some guy who tells the pros and cons of a cpu manufacturer by being unbiased.

@jkartz92 - 19.08.2024 00:18

Would love to see more fusion based tutorial series!!

@IBpostproduction-e4q - 20.08.2024 02:03

some advantages Fusion has over Nuke: motion graphics, 3D particles, and can work seamlessly with audio in the Resolve version or import audio in the standalone version.

@lestrucsdeflo - 31.08.2024 13:48

Maybe a naïve question, but why do you want to erase the sun if you have it in your HDRI ? (Especially if it's taken in the same spot)

@Drewby_xx - 05.09.2024 06:06

What are your computer specs? Love the content btw

@cmscss - 15.09.2024 05:22

Thanks for taking to time to share your knowledge. Very helpful.

@arkreatives - 16.09.2024 10:18

Super informative sir!

Though I was wondering if it's possible for you to share some plugins you used in this video.
I'll keep a note of them and install em as I progress with the learning. Thanks again for sharing such amazing content on Yt❤

@attilapergel - 24.09.2024 16:53

It was a very objective summary.
There is good, better and best. The more a device knows, the harder it is to learn.

@SUVO_RAW - 02.10.2024 11:28

Well how to setup fusion like this, Is there a tutorial

@keremoganvfx - 04.10.2024 03:19

hey man, I just wondered why did you pick the black point in the "reversed" grade node, instead picking lift or offset in the normal grade,. btw the "toe" node gives much flimic look for blacks. thanks for the video!

@farmersuiticles - 13.10.2024 03:19

Crumple pop by Boris FX is your friend to get rid of that annoying echo in the room where you do the conclusion.
Other than that, thanks for the video.

@liquidbreakdancin - 19.11.2024 00:21

Fusion 19 does deep compositing

@CraigHoward - 19.11.2024 14:26

Hey man, any chance you have a breakdown of the steps you took to get Fusion set up the way you did? Written or otherwise. It's hard to track down exactly what's needed to get it set up quite the same!

@onceuponatime800 - 24.11.2024 13:20

Eyeon FUSION was the King of compositing up (and if you ask me it still is, Nuke is just hype) until The Foundry poured a lot of money onto marketing Nuke and offered incentives to studios to use Nuke. Eyeon was not very well organized and their marketing was non existent, back then since all major fx studios were using Fusion and its lic cost the same price a Nuke lic costs now. Thank God for Blackmagic for buying Fusion making it cheaper to own and developing DaVinci resolve to seamlessly work with it. Also Fusion has a prettier and more user friendly interface. Nuke is NOT better than Fusion.

@riccardosantorsola5528 - 05.12.2024 16:25

where do you get the stmap of your lens?

@avdpost - 28.12.2024 23:48

Do you think Fusion would be a useful tool for learning vs nuke non-commercial? Or is it just a decent alternative for indie production or indie filmmakers who did need 4K, can't afford Nuke or just prefer going non subscription?

Or is Fusion really just a good tool for editors who need to do some slap comps and really basic vfx work without round tripping just to test shots and communicate with vfx? Is there a place with fusion is a useful tool in a professional environment?

@mixchief - 03.01.2025 15:18

As a newbie in VFX, my biggest gripe with Fusion is the jumping positions of node sockets. Think I would've preferred fixed places for those (the way I'm used to see nodes in Blender and almost any node editor out there). Is it the same way in Nuke?

@nexus-research - 19.01.2025 13:09

Thank you for taking the time to create the two comparison videos betweek Nuke and Fusion from the perspective of a professional. Your workflow outlines are especially valuable. Subscribed!

@artofjkelly - 14.02.2025 07:20

As someone looking to learn this as a hobby (and MAYBE for a job someday) is it worth it to pay the subscription to learn nuke or should i just learn in fusion since its basically free?

- 15.02.2025 16:58

OpenEXR 2.0 Deep Data is great, but you need a really powerful server to store all the heavy EXR files. It’s more demanding to render and impacts performance in Nuke, but yes, it’s great—I’ve already worked with deep data. However, in all the studios I’ve been to, only one used it, and only for a single project.
If Blender integrates Deep Data into Cycles and Blackmagic does the same in Fusion, I’d be grateful, but it would still be a heavy workflow.
Great video! I started many years ago with Eyeon Fusion, used Nuke in a professional environment, but now I use DaVinci Resolve and Fusion at home for personal and commercial projects.

@BlaugranaVision - 07.03.2025 21:38

After Effects 😅?

@rodrigomacias - 22.03.2025 23:25

What is your process of making ST maps? I always wondered how they were made
