Illuminated mind = 160 = 7, English. In Chaldean = 51 = 6.
Precise tuning = 160 = 7, English. In Chaldean = 51 = 6.
Epistemology = 161 = 8, English, In Chaldean = 51 = 6.
Self discovery = 162 = 9, English, In Chaldean = 51 = 6.
The invisible man = 162 = 9, English, In Chaldean = 51 = 6.
Luminiferous = 162 = 9, English. In Chaldean = 51 = 6.
Ad astra per aspera = 163 = 1, English, In Chaldean = 51 = 6. (Latin for To the stars through difficulties)
My life is blessed = 164 = 11, English, In Chaldean = 51 = 6.
This is the number of the hexagon, whose side length is equal to the radius of the circle that it circumscribes. As the number of life, 6 is also a perfect number. The hexagon represents creation or the archetype of the Soul of the World. Once spelled SEX, this octahedral number has a connection to the Flower of Life and the six directions. It is the number of points of a water molecule.
In number theory, a perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its positive divisors, excluding the number itself. For instance, 6 has divisors 1, 2 and 3, and 1 + 2 + 3 = 6, so 6 is a perfect number.
Amen/Name/ç # Major/108
One could never actually define God. We just know Him from our training up, new theories being formulated at the moment and even by the food we have. I can only feel God through the manifestation of certain Natural phenomena and I think this lends a greater strength to my belief in God than all the rationale I have came across in my life. Those people who’ve little neocortex will hardly have a spark of the sort. Of course, Carl Jung, a genius could have more than one.
ОтветитьTruth is an endless approximation.
ОтветитьGiven the advancement in physics and neuroscience today, Carl Jung would have been coerced into changing his teachings if he was alive these days.
ОтветитьLet’s not be so emphatic about our assertions. Am I contradicting myself?
ОтветитьDude had no idea what the God Molecule was.
It's sad that we are bound by the laws and physics of the inexperienced.
I've read a bit of Jung (autobiography) but I didn't recognize he was using archetype to apply to god. So I wonder if he believed that God could also be a person in addition to a fingerprint (the image). The fingerprint had to come from somewhere. The reason concept matters is to know how we have to be accountable to the fingerprint (our God imprint) vs accountability to the person. The two relationships are different. A healthy relationship to the fingerprint may help recover from self hatred. This sets up the idea of a healthy relationship with the person of God and how that's actually done.
ОтветитьImagine if we could all come together and make the world 🌎 free from evil people and spread all of our light 💡 and love ❤all around the globe 🌏 and just fill it with light 💡 and love 💕 until it reaches every single being 🙏🏻🛐would be amazing 🤩💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫
ОтветитьDr. Jung was brilliant and far ahead of his time in this way.
ОтветитьThe ideas of a real place called heaven, where some figure called God sits, are only for children, and half - wits.
Jesus denied both silly ideas.
We are asking the wring question, instead of asking what is tge meaning of life, we should ask what is life, what is existence. Because life is here for sure, and it manifests itself everyday. With or without humanity.
ОтветитьThe kingdom of heaven is within. ❤ Tat Twam Asi ❤
Stop killing each other.
All in the mind.. folks.
ОтветитьWe forget where we came from and where we are going
ОтветитьTotally agree
Ответитьi talked to god when i smoked salvia :p well it was my conscience and it sounded like a computer, but same same
ОтветитьYeah, but he doesn't know.
ОтветитьSimilar to Eastern thought and philosophies..not Catholic dogma.
Ответитьsorry, but Jung didn't have ground breaking pov on God, Jesus Himself said the Kingdom of God is within.
ОтветитьI wrote a book called irrefutable inspiration by Wesley Greene. I had no clue who this man was Mr. Carl Jung, but after listening to this video, I realized I wasn’t alone in my belief. Though I came at it a different way it seems. I am aligned with this man and his belief.
ОтветитьAKA I met God, turns out he is a massive a hole.
ОтветитьI went to explore Carl Jung books very intensive... i had insane experiences with my shadow being it like a real entity emanating outside myself (even it is some unintegrated part of my psyche).
It felt truely demonic in nature, fallowed by senses delusions...
Anyways, i survived, dont know what i learned and i am never going back on that track
The video doesn't mention but Jung describes an episode when he started feeling the presence of something at his house he couldn't understand. Over the following days this feeling became so overwhelming that he concluded he had to try to communicate with this ghosts or whatever it was. Eventually he describes it as a group of spirits, apparently lost and still looking for answers. What follows is a series of conversations where these spirits would mostly relay messages, teachings and answer some of Jung's questions. From that encounter, which I assume to be his numinous experience, he develops his notion of Abraxas, considered by him the worst of demons and responsible for most of the world's problems. After relaying all the intended messages, the spirits depart, not before mentioning they had come from Jerusalem, where they did not find what they were looking for. Just scary.
It is an introductory text to his Red Book if I am not mistaken.
Brilliant exposition and explanation. I can feel deep truth ...
Thanks for the opportunity. 🎉
Carl Jung is responsible for Alcoholics Anonymous. He had to release from his care, an alcoholic ,named Rowland Hazard , in the mid 1930’s. Hazard then joined the Oxford Group and had a transformative experience which he carried to a man named Ebby Thatcher. Ebby then carried the same message of his own spiritual experience to Bill Wilson. Bill W. went on to meet Dr. Robert Smith who became co-founder of AA and hence the 12 Steps too a transformative spiritual experience. Without Carl Jung, there well may have never been A.A. Thank you Dr. Carl Jung.
ОтветитьGod is in your brain because God is an idea, God the unattainable get smarter 😎👍
ОтветитьGod is not a “HE”. God is not human, a statue, or any religion. God is the electrical magnetic pulse of energy that gives life and lives within all living things.
God is all around you. God is in me, God is you and God is me. God is presence and fullness and Oneness and most of all God is love
The universe is a woman
Ответитьthe "self" in all of us is part of the God, and fully individuated person is has integrated the self, just like Jesus Christ and many spiritual leaders have succeeded in it, that's why Jesus preached that he and god are one of the same. He was a mortal, a human who in his physical life transcended into godhood.
Question 1 - WHICH GOD ? There are dozens to choose from, just ask the Hindu's !!!!
For the blind virtually all religions except possibly Shinto, are selling tickets to heaven based on your fear of Death. And don't forget, just drop "ten bucks in the tin" !!!!
That spark of divinity may be when SA Node electrically activates in fetus.
ОтветитьLike Sigmund Freud, like his followers including Jung, where more philosophers than scientists. All his followers split from Freud and developed their own philosophies based on their observations and their interpretations of these.. In other words their personal biases and experiences formed their interpretations not scientific testing. Today there is no one in the scientific community that takes his theories (or those of Freud and his followers) seriously although for the time they were brilliant. In other words because Jung believed in God doesn't make it true just like his views on the subconscious have never held up as he described it.
ОтветитьGod is a mumbo jumbo word invented by priests to scare people. Godliness, the force that surges through everything, is certainly real.
ОтветитьA bit to the left though, at the center of the chest
ОтветитьSo……. All those crazy homeless people that say THEY are God……. Really are what they say, if you put god in Jung’s context??!
ОтветитьHe was obviously psychic. Psychic people know spiritual reality.
ОтветитьGod is everywhere except the church or temple ...they were built by humans .You do not need a church to talk to or worship god ....God is anywhere you find peace and tranquility he had no sons ,no prophets ,wrote no books or instructed anyone else to write books or to speak for "him" he does not ask for money or tell you what you can or can't eat,nor who you should marry .he does not tell you what hats to wear or to cover your face ,he made no priest on earth any closer to "him" than you are, nor any King or queen his agent on earth.God is the sum of consciousness of every single human being who has ever lived, God is the infinite floating soul of humanity that resides in the furthermost point of the universe .You are part of that ,your body is no more than the life support system for your soul ,It is your soul that is important not your looks ,not your wealth or personality.Your body is the most sophisticated system ever developed its only purpose is to carry your soul while you are alive on earth .when life ends your body is discarded and your soul floats free to amalgamate with that great consciousness in the universe where it will take it's place and live for eternity. May God be with you
ОтветитьHit the nail on the head! This video totally made sense to me. I wish all people realised the true message that Jesus was teaching, unfortunately they don't. It would help to elliviate all the ugliness in the world atm, and we would be alot kinder to one another. Traditional religious beliefs have taken people down the wrong path.We all have "God" in us and it is different in everyone.
ОтветитьSpeaking of timeless, unfortunately many people only know of Freud, and nothing about Jung, shameful.
ОтветитьHe is not talking about yahweh..... he is not referring to religon. 😮
ОтветитьExcellent. Thank you. 💚
ОтветитьIs spirituality top down or bottom up? Is it from inside to outside, or outside in? Short answer for me is spirituality is still part of our misperception of deep reality, yet there is truth it relates us to. Dang, we have so far to go with all this!
ОтветитьEssentially the idea of enlightenment in Buddhism....just that the tools on the path vary. One is directed by the psyche and the other by prescribed practices. Fascinating parallels!
Ответить'Aham brahmasmi'... gyan yog says God is within me.
ОтветитьWorst thing you can say i "I don't believe in religion, but I"m spiritual." If you've lived this then please consider that you are dogmatic to materialism, which means you're nothing, and evolved from nothing. If you're going to be dogmatic, be dogmatic about Jesus, and he will make a new you.. the you you were made to be. Happiness.
ОтветитьGod is a man made.
ОтветитьThe Holy Quran says God is closer to man than his jugular vien
ОтветитьInteresting!. but as to whether you're religious.. or spiritual.. it is always in our heart..or soul..that this inspirational feelings comes. We may prey, think, and or madidate.. with our mind's...but then the feeling always grows in our heart and or soul..