Well there not migrants. Migrants migrate they are by definition temporary. These aren’t ,igrants they are invaders
ОтветитьI wish, I can’t stand that stupid clown.
ОтветитьLook I’m not trying to be that guy plus I care nothing about these pungence. They’re not journalist but for the title of your video to say she just ended his career. I can Gary fucking to you on Monday morning at the next press conference. He’s gonna be right there like he was for the last eight fucking years bro so when you say these things, it makes me not wanna watch your channel anymoreabout this time that would be more appropriate home comments to the liberals so it’s OK for Obama to say if you cross our border you’ll be you will be arrested. If you cross our border, you will be separated from your family. It’s OK when Obama says it but not when Trump says it oh I just figured out Black people can’t be racist.
ОтветитьSorry we are full . Please go home
ОтветитьGreat video 🙏🏼
ОтветитьWhat are those white things? They make me sick.
ОтветитьSunny Hostin is a complete IDIOT!!! ILLEGAL/undocumented immigrants are CRIMINALS!! They broke the law by coming to the US illegally, it's a federal CRIME!!! Sunny Hostin must have graduated with a law degree from the University of The View & CNN!!! She is an absolute DISGUSTING, INCOMPETENT, racist, and HATE monger!
ОтветитьBreaking the law is breaking the law -- it makes you a criminal, it makes your action a criminal offense. "civil vs. criminal".... what a load of nonsense.
ОтветитьThe real answer to this, is these are collateral arrests. When they go to arrest the prioritized persons, other people who are found at the same location that aren't prioritized, but also illegal, are arrested as well since they are already there.
ОтветитьCaroline has one quick mind agree or not who cares good to see such a great talent you have to admire 😊now this what a press secretary is supposed to be like 👍
ОтветитьTwo options for democrats:
1.deport illegal immigrants
2. Instead of illegal immigrants, all democrats and supporters of criminals should be deported
There are no undocumented migrants! They are illegal aliens. They are criminals!
ОтветитьKaitlyn Collins there in the Front Row baby, sporting her resting prune face. Lovely look my dear.
ОтветитьYou GO girl !!!
ОтветитьHouston your a silly silly person !
ОтветитьBiden and his administration and many of the DEMON RAT party as a whole corrupted and undermined every aspect of the American system of government and the justice department and undermined the democratic values expressed in the Constitution. It is amazing to what degree and extent they sabotaged so many different aspects of the American way of life, which brought the country to the brink of destruction.
From deliberately open borders which allowed MILLIONS of immigrants to enter the country illegally and to LIE about the border being secure, to censoring conservative groups and attacking freedom of speech, to weaponizing the department of justice against its opponents, including Catholics and parents , to funding its enemies like Iran, to taking BRIBES from foreign adversaries in exchange for favors against the unterests of the USA.
Worst of all the DEMON RATS and Biden rigged the 2020 election using fake mail in ballots and corrupted voting machines. The proof us overwhelming and once it comes out under the new DOJ, Biden and his whole term of office, all his laws and executive orders and pardons will be annulled...GOD willing.
Biden and his puppet masters, including the heads of this hydra, this three headed snake OBAMA, PELOSI and SCHUMER constituted a ROGUE government which did in fact flagrantly and illegally corrupt, compromise and weaponize all the agencies of government to destroy the American way of life.
These criminals are TRAITORS to America and they must be punished and this will not be revenge but JUSTICE. The prospect of dealing with such a corrupt government is why the founding fathers adopted the second amendment.
This joke of a reporter is ACANA 2.0.
ОтветитьSunny is an idiot they just spent 4 yrs telling us no one’s above law which is it ? or is it like a
woman they don’t know what that is ether ?
“Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official.”
― Theodore Roosevelt
I believe she spells her name Karoline, not Caroline.
ОтветитьSNL will have a field day with that hair flipping. Just wait.
ОтветитьCongress write up and pass a bill stating representitives live and work in thier constituents states
ОтветитьICE needs more employees
ОтветитьWhat happened that he is not in the back row?
ОтветитьShe is far superior than that last doof that was up there
ОтветитьPull their Golden ticket.
ОтветитьSay, that reminds, what's ol kjp up to these days, getting ready for her trip before a federal judge, i believe !
ОтветитьScumbag press core just can't wrap their head around the fact that entering a country without permission is a crime 🤣
ОтветитьExactly podcast . Here's your sign to those asking the obvious
ОтветитьHow dumb can Peter be? He knows 😂
ОтветитьShe is the BEST!
ОтветитьWhen half your life's effort just disappears and simultaneously you are surrounded by many new faces. You might develop a special hatred for those new faces especially when they are wearing things identical to what came up missing from your personal dresser. Forget and forgive is the way. Until my stuff comes back, i can't forget. I hope God can forgive me 🙏
ОтветитьYou are here illegally. What does the word illegal mean to these people? Why was there not this outrage when Obama did this?? These people are disgusting
ОтветитьDemocrats: illegal immigration is a crime?🤯😂😂😂
ОтветитьPeter is the new Jim Acosta. And Sunny needs to pay reparations and her husband needs to go to prison.
ОтветитьThis press secretary kicks butt and takes names like a pro. 😂
ОтветитьunSunny, you need to stop talking until your brain starts working.
ОтветитьI totally disagree with your statement when you implied that Sunny Hostin had a mind. She doesn't.
ОтветитьSunni is an absolute idiot
ОтветитьCaroline shoukd have answered "I will report and respond using the same integrity of the previous administration."
ОтветитьKeep in mind that Obama expelled over 3 million immigrants. Trump is going to have a hard time breaking that record if he just sticks to hardened criminals. Oh!, and isn’t she, at 28, wonderful
ОтветитьSonny Hostin calls herself a Lawyer. Racist is the only title I see for her.
ОтветитьGet to the point!!
ОтветитьThe only law broke was illegal crossing borders no shit that’s a federal crime there peter
Ответить"But they're not really criminals", Yes they are. "But they're not reeeealllly criminals", Yes, yes they are. RACIST!!!! These reporter hacks are pathetic.
ОтветитьHOW PHUCKING STUPID does one need to represent any fake news media, than to ask any question's about illegality of illegal aliens, DUH?
ОтветитьJust an FYI, i have setting for all notifications of your videos, however, I'm only receiving half or less of the videos you put out daily. I have to search your videos to get to watch them...