That second one my guess is they kept the wrap on to long or fell asleep after they got infected that looks identical to my friends and that's what happened to him fell asleep with the wrap on for like 6 hours and he could already smell it when he woke up
ОтветитьI get that this guy doesnt like the lion tattoos, but was the symbolism really that lost on him? It's Christian symbolism, so I'm sure people want the same thing, like they would want the same crosses. Strange critique in my opinion
ОтветитьThe turtle is destroyed.
ОтветитьI just found your show, I am now a subscriber,I would like you to react to my favorite tattoo artist Eliot Kohek!!! He is and does masterpieces !!!! He is a black and grey artist he is phenomenal!!!
ОтветитьNo speed control - it's running way to far - find a rheostat / dimmer to control the voltage or you'll blow out lines and rip your skin up ,
ОтветитьIt's sandy riffard
Ответить5,217 dots
ОтветитьThanks, InkItUp!
ОтветитьI personally think the lion tattoo's looked awesome with just the pop of bright blue in the eyes. But I also like a well done b&w tat with a pop of color. I find it in poor taste to get the exact same tattoo (other than a lil' flash tat).
ОтветитьGot a realistic full colored lion. I know the black and grey with colored eyes are way too common
ОтветитьMe about to get a black and grey with a splash of color 😶🌫
ОтветитьThe skull w/ Spongebob was awesome. Love to know how many sessions that would've taken.
ОтветитьThere's 8741 dots in that grenade tattoo.
ОтветитьThe trio of amphibians are axolotls
ОтветитьId love to know who did that sponge bob skull tattoo
ОтветитьIve met a guy that had his nipple removed for a more smooth looking front piece.
ОтветитьSandry riffard did the skull and sponge bob tattoo
ОтветитьTo be fair, all tattoos were random and pretty not that beautiful. Why? There is no personal connection, just boring skulls, maybe with some color and cartoon characters or butterfly or flowers? Its good artwork itself but without a meaning it is boring as sh…
ОтветитьThat Skull piece is holy fuck
ОтветитьThat spongebob tattoo is dope but f***ck man I don't know how long it'd be before I regretted that.
ОтветитьThese 2 Lion tatoos aren't about alpha males. They are about Jesus who is considered the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. They are Christian tatoos. The crosses along the bottom are where Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world. And if critiqued on the quality of the tattoos, they are both beautiful. I love them. The Sponebob/skull is the best tattoo I have ever seen. That thing is magnificent.
ОтветитьI DO pick at my skin, but did not with tattoo
ОтветитьThis dude looks like Sean Evans from hot ones lol
ОтветитьAs an older german man i am not used to tattoos.
I have learnt seamen,
criminals and inmates of prisons wear such things.
but in the last twentysome years i have seen a lot of real good art (and a lot of stupid and ugly) tattoos.
i wonder how one can place the lion hovering over the crucifixion of Jesus Christ etc.
The bible does not promote making signs on your body.
How old do you have to be to get a tattoo?
ОтветитьJust for reference. It's the lion of Judah. Non-believers will not get this.
What does the Lion of Judah represent in the Bible?
In the Bible, the lion of Judah is a symbol of strength, nobility, and bravery, and is most commonly associated with Jesus Christ
Lions don’t live in jungles but the savanna!
Ответитьthe second tattoo with the arm infection, does it now permanently stay smudged like this? or is it just because of the swelling? and what can you do to save a tattoo when something like this happens?
ОтветитьThese were axolotls.
ОтветитьLoving the blue roses. As far as I know, no one has bred a true blue rose.
ОтветитьIf u want to see young kids in tattoos come Hawai’i. We everywhere lol
ОтветитьWowwww SpongeBob tattoo. Fricken beautiful!!!!
ОтветитьDamn can i go back 15 20 yrs and get the $25 tat from you .....and my brother used to hang out at the neighbor that were tattoo artist and one night when he was 16 he came home and asked my mom if he could get a tat she said yes a small one on your ankle in case you hate it when you get older ...the lil shit got the lil spider on his ankle with a spider web that covered his whole calf is always right bc now he in his late 30s and hates it
ОтветитьDoesn’t know who that kid is and the lion isn’t about being king of the jungle. It the Lion of Judah. If he doesn’t know these things I wouldn’t want him doing my tattoo. I mean u could at least look up this stuff before making the video?!
ОтветитьSo a Lion and 3 crosses is about king of the jungle? 😂 Usually those that know and value what it means don’t care about the art part of it. Those hoops in your ears don’t make you holy, regardless every knee will bow.
ОтветитьTattoos send your macrophages crazy, infection on top😮😮😮
ОтветитьIf I remember correctly the SpongeBob skull tattoo is Sandry Riffard, a French tattoo artist
ОтветитьThat Sponge Bob is absolutely incredible. It looks like one of those 3D paintings that are flat til it isnt.
ОтветитьI get bummed out when I pass someone on the street who happens to be wearing the same shirt as me. Now imagine that feeling after you've spent time and money on a tattoo! Here's hoping those lions don't live near each other :D
ОтветитьSandry Riffard! I’m surprised you don’t know him. He’s the best.
ОтветитьIdk man lion and wolf tattoos just make me think like "oh are you some sort of tough guy are you"
ОтветитьGot my first professional tat at 14 with my mom
ОтветитьOh my goodness that SpongeBob one is RIDICULOUS!!! that is who I want a tat from
ОтветитьThe chick with the infection, i wonder if the reaction had anything to do with self tanner. If she applied it before her tattoo, or after. Also, isnt there supposed to be that plastic stuff for a few days post-tattoo covering it??