No decent person would vote for Clinton because he and Hillary are baby killers. Bob Dole was terribly injured in World War II, but don’t give him any respect for that or anything. You can see the blatant leftist media bias in this, which is rampant. Clinton is treated with favor and respect, while the other two are disregarded.
ОтветитьRIP Norm and Peter Jennings 💐
ОтветитьSNL correctly predicted how the media would treat republicans in the future.
ОтветитьNorm and Bob Dole became dear friends.
ОтветитьKeep in mind that Tom Hanks at this time was fresh off tremendous success from the first Toy Story.
ОтветитьNorm was one of the true greats/originals in comedy...I know it, you know it, and Bob Dole knew it! rip the great Turd are sorely missed.
ОтветитьCheri Oteri 😂
ОтветитьIt was just a crazy idea that billionaire could be be president crazy times 1990s
ОтветитьNo reaction at all when the audience realizes it's Tom Hanks. Weird.
ОтветитьNorm was so great, I miss him!
ОтветитьDana Carvey WAS Perot!
ОтветитьNo one else can do Perot like Carvey.
ОтветитьBob Dole doesn't seem so old after seeing trump, Biden, and Hillary these past few years
ОтветитьIn my second term? Oh god, you don't wanna know.
ОтветитьJoe Biden is to get endless images of his closest family members being killed in every way he feared and fears, to trigger unbearable anxiety. Hunter Biden is to be made extremely fat and have endless images of his worst nightmares flooding him until he repeatedly breaks down mentally and is left in tears. All of this must be done in a calibrated manner.
ОтветитьPlease make sure to make them feel the pain enough to make them always remember. Don’t wipe out the memories of these things. Necessity.
ОтветитьBob Dole was running on the "Get off my Lawn" ticket.
ОтветитьJennings a hack just like Hanks
ОтветитьI just found out Bob Dole left us 2 years ago. RIP
ОтветитьBack when the comedy was about the topical situation and not about what anyone thought about particulars. I think I was 17 when SNL debuted. It was go to stuff, a part of many party nights.
Where comedy thrives, autonomy lives. You can quote me.
I wish I could’ve voted for Bob Dole.
ОтветитьGreat scorings… 😂😂🎉
ОтветитьBilly Bob Dole
ОтветитьRip norm so glad i met you 11 years ago
ОтветитьNorm was a comic genius. RIP, people be laughing at your work forever.
ОтветитьEveryone in here was golden.
ОтветитьNorm and Chevy best at pratfalls
ОтветитьThe host is Tom Hanks???
ОтветитьSo according to Peter Jennings on ABC.
Clinton - the Good
Dole - the Bad
Perot - the Ugly
"I filled a SCUBA tank with dope smoke and swam the English Channel."
Norms Senator Dole looks like Billy Bob Thornton.....
ОтветитьBob Dole was 26 older than Norm Mcdonald and yet he died 2 months after Norm did. RIP to both.
ОтветитьIf Perot hadn't run, as with 1992, Clinton might not have been president.
ОтветитьActually Bob Dole had a tremendous sense of humor.
He was quick and witty and irrespective of your political beliefs , a fine American patriot.
Tom Hanks is a big time democrat!!!
ОтветитьMy dad got to play for Bob Dole in Beaver Creak Co, my dad is a pianist composer. John William Burrows Music.
He also got to play for Oprah too.
He said Bob was very nice and kind to him.
Daryl Hammond nailed it with Clinton
ОтветитьNo one but Dana Carvey should ever do Perot
ОтветитьThis would look like the point similar to Trump's election.
ОтветитьJesus fuck, what a bad impression of Perot...
ОтветитьThis clip, while not particularly funny, demonstrates the democrat media bias that is even worse today.
ОтветитьClinton quaint compared Trump's atrocities today.