The Intense Realism of Arthur Schopenhauer

The Intense Realism of Arthur Schopenhauer

Robert Greene

4 месяца назад

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@Tunderb - 16.11.2024 05:49

Realism is entertaining when it's interpreted by Schopenhauer.😊

@DyLamont-y7n - 16.11.2024 05:55

I was homeless, did drugs, went into prison, where I got to know God, He changed my life. Now I have a home, a Wife and a lovely daughter (Jessica), and a stream of income that gets me $44,000 Every month. Plus a new identity - a child of God. Hallelujah!!!

@dhonkeypunch - 16.11.2024 06:21

I blame it on the whiskey and gin.
Oh lord.
I was pussywhipped again.

@candydale8380 - 16.11.2024 06:42

I agree most humans are's very sad and sobering

@Andrew-xv5tf - 16.11.2024 06:53

Well said Mr Greene. Always appreciative of the words you share

@RustinCohlemind - 16.11.2024 07:02

There's a dichotomy between what you explain two of your books and the message of Schopenhauer.

You try to convince people to be part of the group but being alert of people's manipulation, so they can outsmart them.

Arthur Schopenhauer tried to convince people about staying away from human beings, keep them at distance

@lucky8rodriguez878 - 16.11.2024 07:06

Why you don’t read your book on audio books

@lucky8rodriguez878 - 16.11.2024 07:06

You should do it Robert

@AlejandroJuarez-gg4lw - 16.11.2024 08:27

Agree. 😊

@Celeandoer - 16.11.2024 08:48

Born in 94. I had a chance to see Lawrence of Arabia in theaters. Heard Lawrence quote Schopenhauer. I appreciated that. I thought I was crazy for entertaining and appreciating certain thoughts of Schopenhauer It’s not everyday you’ll hear schoepenhauer unless you go looking for him☺️.
Also Schopenhauer’s portrait appears in the recent Pinocchio movie. His portrait sits on Jimminy crickets mantle. I thought that was hilarious to see in a kids movie. Even tho it was directed and written by the Pans Labyrinth Guillermo Del Toro>>

@trixe1386 - 16.11.2024 16:17

Robert, please make a video about Lao tzu and Taoism ☯️ thanks 😊

@WhiteMouse77 - 16.11.2024 17:34

If You are skeptically realistic towards people they don't dare manipulate you and despotic ones begin fearing you for threat of spoken truth which makes clash of authorities started...

@BUSYMINDEDOFFICIAL - 16.11.2024 18:59

Sir make a video about Shakespeare

@Gozie-z2x - 17.11.2024 02:07

Very insightful! Thanks

@اریاشکرپور-ر1ر - 17.11.2024 05:07

عشق از ایران

@vivianMarvin-z6k - 17.11.2024 08:06

Fantastic video My five-year relationship ended a month ago. The decision to part ways with the love of my life is something that truly consumes me. Though it's all in vain, I've tried everything to get him back, and I can't fathom my life with anyone else. Even though I've made every effort to quit thinking about him, I can't help but miss him and can't stop thinking about him. Why I am stating this here is beyond me.

@MosesRabuka - 17.11.2024 12:53

It is difficult to find happiness within oneself but it is impossible to find it anywhere else ~ Arthur Schopenhauer

@Menoff7-d8s - 17.11.2024 17:22

Man, You have given me what you mean by Realism. Arthur was teacher to Neitszche and his 'The World as Will and Representation' is what you are saying he was: he saw through so many subjects but he was at his best when he tackled human nature. How can I conceal it Robert, but I love you for introducing me again to this Man. He wasn't happy, yes, but that was not their goal, not like a hippy goal. The world is not as happy as it seems and Schopenhauer was right. I have read those who are clinically depressed are unbelievably much more realist about the world than most of us 'Normal', it is called depressive realism but since Arthur was characterized as 'Pessimist', I think we optimists can learn much more from him than any other philosopher. Modern world has no one such philosopher as original.

@experimentingislife - 17.11.2024 20:16


@GrantMcLeod-u2r - 18.11.2024 04:24

All of my life I struggled with this concept. I believed people were honest, basically good, Christian, moral and decent. That is the different masks they present to the world to deceive others and themselves. I live my simple life, and realize that in the end everyone dies and that is the only certainty in life. Life is all change and everyone finally passes ~ People are basically hypocrites so try to avoid the nasty ones. And there are plenty.

@CobyHoopes - 18.11.2024 13:30

Thank you Robert

@machyavelli4890 - 19.11.2024 01:40

So cool that my favorite contemporary author refers back to one of my all-time favorite books, The Wisdom of Life. I've been reading Schopenhauer for years now and he is such a great writer. Recommend that y'all listen to the Audible version of Counsels and Maxims/The Wisdom of Life. The narrator does an exceptional job of sounding as if Schopenhauer would, albeit with a British accent - stern but jovial, insightful yet curious, and 100% realist all the way through. Thanks Robert. P.S. You're right, World as Will and Representation is tough to finish lol...

@scarlet7658 - 19.11.2024 11:32

Mr. Greene, I am so glad you introduced me to this philosopher and for your work as a whole. I found his work on woman fascinating. I have been asking all my life why I don’t understand women even though I am one, to only find out they don’t want loyalty and think of my words as a dissimulation. I’ve even tested it and found out than when I am speaking the truth it’s always accepted as if I am pretending. As I read my lines I know I sound like a teenage girl, but as someone who was always in men dominated environments and raised with the absence of my mother I thought women are so different and always dreamed of a woman friend. Now at least I know part of the truth that lies behind the female nature and feel at peace no longer asking myself what I am doing wrong.

Thank you for your hard work 🙏 ❤

@Itsbiancabitchh - 19.11.2024 22:02

I definitely have a more realistic view of human beings. I love your writing, Robert. I wish you all the best!

@MikhailKrilov - 22.11.2024 07:31

Great to see Schopenhauer's name on your channel! Great work. Thanks!

@WondershareEdrawsoft - 23.11.2024 11:29

Hi ! Love your content ! Interested in collab? :)

@lauryville - 27.11.2024 22:49

introverted intuition paired with extroverted feeling for arthur, he admires the ni deep perception and se realism in them all

@Hassan_Rajput_PAS - 28.11.2024 04:29

he is like a Machiavelli because he believes that people masks, their true intentions, and they are very engaged in role playing. The social word is cruel and ruthless. You have to be very rude calculated and cunning so don’t be naïve and nice. Have a sword in your hand and go like a warrior in the social world

@arkoprabhamisra8417 - 01.12.2024 09:13

Sir when can we expect your new book , the law of the sublime?

@YourMomma0709 - 02.12.2024 10:21

Why don’t these people ever go away?

@baden1941 - 03.12.2024 18:06

we need a 1H episode all about Arthur Schopenhauer

@projectmanagementchat - 04.12.2024 14:39

You are my hero. I love your books and even more, I love to hear you talking.

@WachKayan - 07.12.2024 23:47

I want to know what he thinks about his opinion about women i mean Schopenhauer opinion

@OokwaYikmagwa - 08.12.2024 02:46

Schopenhauer’s work is treasure!

@Little-bird-told-me - 08.12.2024 04:01

The father of economics Adam Smith said that people are driven by self interest and in doing so they help each other. Self interest is good

@Nahash5150 - 23.12.2024 16:15

I think it's interesting that deep cynical and skeptical thinking is always lauded as being 'rational' and 'realist' instead of just being a subjective anti-thesis of optimism and positivity. So the darker and more pessimistic you get the more intellectual and realistic you are? non-sequitur. It's a lot like saying the more depressed you get, and the more you justify it, the more rational you are. Seriously flawed outlook.

@Moribus_Artibus - 09.01.2025 16:25

I had a feeling Schopenhauer influenced Greene. I read both authors and admired the parallels

@stephenhastings3787 - 10.02.2025 23:15

Schopenhauer never wrote any such book. The book that you referenced is actually a compendium of Schopenhauer's writings, culled from other basic works written by him. He really didn't write too many books, so his writings should be ready in their original form.

@howardbarrett9131 - 19.02.2025 19:23

Schopenhauer is beyond the reach of modern dumbed-down comfort culture.

@vannajs5024 - 25.02.2025 02:30

Yeah but Scopenhauer was actually telling the story about people like this guy,who wants to be the next Machiaveli,Who teaches people about how to "gain power"Scopenhauer precisely was talking about that,all that "power and happiness" seeking ,it's just an manifestation of the will and it's equally an representation as the will itself,It's just a shadow , false thing,i order to avoid boredom and suffering..Which are form of escape, and it's not with accord with Scopenhauer advice for a happy life, treating one another as a fellow sufferers,as brother in suffering.This guy sufferers,his ambitious personality,it's just his form of escipism nothing more than that.Scopenauer was a genius philosopher ..I love Robert's "Law of Human nature",but the other book About gaining power ,it's actually ridiculous idea, although it's in accordance with the will, irrational force that drives human nature,as to which we ought to resist,not going along with it.

@philovertex-786 - 27.02.2025 15:21


@philovertex-786 - 27.02.2025 15:21

philososphy ,,

@TheLogicRoom - 27.02.2025 19:38

Schopenhauer saw life as suffering, driven by an endless cycle of desire. But if we accept his view, does that mean happiness is just an illusion we use to distract ourselves?

@akashdeshmukh8370 - 07.03.2025 12:50

Make a video on kautilya

@innersophia - 07.03.2025 20:54

very clearly explained, bravo.

@TeensRoom-c9 - 12.03.2025 17:46

Schopenhauer's philosophy hits deep—his realism is both brutal and enlightening! 🔥🧠

@Avidit - 14.03.2025 09:40

Arthur Schopenhauer is one of the truest philosophers of all time.
