As funny as it was educational. That’s all that really matters. The tension concept does make sense, thank you. Hopefully practice makes progress, because I have to squint my eyes to hear that intently. 🥴 me listening for the chord change
ОтветитьProgressions 3 & 5 tricked my ears a bit because, without a reference tonic note, I was listening as if they began on the I chord. This made for some "interesting" harmonic analysis! 😁
ОтветитьSo what if your ear is getting confused about the tonic home chord. For example confusing the 4 or 5 chord for the tonic chord. Especially when moving between keys. C major: C = I and G = 5. But confusing G major: G = I and C= IV? Same issues with other closely related keys, F, D and etc. that have flip flopping I, IV and V's. I think my brain will try to assign a different tonic, and I get the order mixed up. It's like my brain makes its own key change😂😅? Another issue I found is confusing the chords in F where perhaps inversions are used bringing the sounds closer together. For example I(FAC) root, IV(F,Bb,D) 2nd inv', V (EGC) 1st inv'? Or even the opposite if the chord progression just uses root position chords throughout going home say and octave above throws my perception of gravity off. 😅 Any thoughts?
ОтветитьWhat other exercises can we do
Ответитьcan you do some more sight reading videos? you make the best videos on ear training i've found so far, thanks for your amazing work, instant sub and will recommend your videos to every one of my students and musician friends, you're awesome man! <3 and maybe another hour long video with chord progressions from simple/common to hard would be great, starting with most common progressions until you get to borrowed chords and more crazy random but still common stuff or something like that? :)
Ответитьalso, i think it would be nice if you'd always include notation in every one of your videos, with a software like ChordieApp that would be pretty easy i think, and would help to at least passively also get better at sight reading :)
ОтветитьI can score 100% on the scale degree training so I figured I can just use the root note to tell what chord we are on, but im having trouble hearing what the root note actually is. Do you have any excersizes on hearing each note in a chord.
ОтветитьGreat teaching method! 🎉 😂
ОтветитьGood to learn ear training lesson, how to hear, recognize the common chord progression. Definitely, I will be spending more time looking at your channel to improve my basic music foundation.
ОтветитьI was ready to purchase the list
ОтветитьYou are the best!
ОтветитьThank you for this!!!
Ответитьyou're the best music instructor out there
Ответитьgorgeous video, thank you!!! you are good!!!😊
ОтветитьIn I IV V I feel it’s helpful if you try to hear that the IV share the root note where the tonic is the IV’s 5th and that the V shares the I’s 5th. You can kind of hear the voice leading sometimes when the tonic doesn’t move with the IV and that the 5th degree doesn’t move between chords I and V
ОтветитьI don't get what people are playing. I am trying to figure it out on keyboard what is going on. When I played the G chord in 2nd exercise all in 1st pisition, it didn't sound anything like IV V V I
ОтветитьDo you think one should first master the single notes intervals ear training before moving to identify chords?
ОтветитьI like this exercise! I had some troubles identifying the Progression 5. It is much more natural for me to hear it as a Mixolydian I-IV-bVII-IV. What do you think?
ОтветитьI agree! We need more because these exercises are very interesting, progressive and helpfull. A complete course about chords progressions should be a great idea. greatings
ОтветитьI always thought chord progressions would be in ascending order, but what I am finding is that if it is in key of CM for example, then a c chord can begin on c4, while the Iv chord can be located on F3, which means my ear cannot follow and hear if the chord is above c4 giviving me the option to hear if whether or not the chord moved up beyond the one chord, so now I have no anchor point for my ear to follow if the chord went up beyond the one chord. Relying on tensity levels between the 4 and 5 chord is not working for me. I play violin and thought I always had a good ear, but I have never been able to figure this out. I hear chords moving below and above, but I am always unsure 😢
ОтветитьHands free yes, but not brain free. Thanks for that!
ОтветитьThese I get, it's the 7ths, minors, augmented, and diminished that stump me.
Ответитьthanks a lot!! these help ❤
ОтветитьYou are awesome
ОтветитьGAAD is, Leaps: 2 up, 5 down, then up 4
ОтветитьI feel so dumb. Intervals i could pick up immediately, but this? Im getting 100% wrong dear lord.
ОтветитьI love it. I hope many lesson videos like this
ОтветитьThese two Chord Pro Ear Training videos are very helpful for me, so thank you! I would also like to have some Chord Pro ear training videos with the minor ii and iii chords to imprint their tonal functions in my mind.
At the end you could make a video where you put more complex progressions using all the grades, or even videos showing the major III or II non-diatonic chords, I will definitely be watching to support the videos as soon as they come out. Thank you so much!
I need more 🥺
Thanks ❤
Finally, one of the two parts of ear training I'm actually good at (the other one being rhythmic transcribing)
Ответитьhahahahh I got an ad exactly when you asked wouldn't it be awful staying on V7 instead of resolving to 1
ОтветитьAs a metalhead, I want you to say sorry in the name of all diminished And half-diminished chords 😡😡😡
ОтветитьFor some reason I simply CANNOT hear the last one properly. I can deffo hear the 4th chord correctly, when relates to the 3rd one, but when I put everything in context, I'm hearing it all incorrectly
ОтветитьIs there a kindergarten class on this? My ears are not hearing 🤣🤣🤣
ОтветитьHey just wanted to let you know that im self learning piano and these videos are helping me so much, its amazing especially becasue everyone always tries to get you to pay for their programs. I really appreciate this!!!!! Youre doing amazing, thank you🙌🙏
Plus, your humor makes it so much more fun 😂
Bro just named diminished as trash😭
ОтветитьHi, thank you for making this video and share it for free. It is very useful and help me alot. If you have time, please make more videos about chord progression like this.
ОтветитьThere were progressions not started from the 1, so if you’re not giving the tonic before you start the progression, how should I know the reference of the degree?
ОтветитьIm having a hard time with this. I did great with the interval training, but i feel like not enough guidance was given to identify these.
ОтветитьI like 1 4 5 4
ОтветитьHi Joe! Thanks a lot for the video! I went to the grass on the D and the Bb chords progressions but did it well with the others. I will go again over the whole exercise later. Cheers!
ОтветитьI’m gonna put you to work, put your passive time to use, dim chord in the garbage where it belongs lol
ОтветитьThank you lovely lesson!👍🙏
Ответитьyou should show the tonic before playing the chord. It is very difficult without the tonic for me