Incidents Around the House is One of the Scariest Horror Books I’ve Read

Incidents Around the House is One of the Scariest Horror Books I’ve Read


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@Mojave_Myth - 31.07.2024 06:49

Imaginary Friend is really good and has a similar premise

@whitneywest3538 - 31.07.2024 07:07

I bought my copy earlier today. Since I’ve only heard that it’s actually scary, I’m squirreling it away for closer to Halloween. I am about to pick up Heads Will Roll tonight though. ❤

@jtru0 - 31.07.2024 07:23

I just put a hold on Libby. Read the sample and am hooked! I must know what happens now 😅

@MaskingSmiles - 31.07.2024 07:37

Reminds me of coraline.

@anthonywheeler2082 - 31.07.2024 09:40

Goblin by Josh Malerman is also really good. It's a novel made of six novellas that tell the story of a cursed town. It subverts typical horror tropes, too. I'll have to check his new book out.

@hungergames2424 - 31.07.2024 13:06

I just finished reading this last night, I could not put it down! It was so good!!!

@meganh5948 - 31.07.2024 14:30

Just finished pretty girls by Karin slaughter. Now reading my darkest prayer.

@laurengallagher1 - 31.07.2024 15:01

Stooooop 😭😭 I’m supposed to be on a book ban

@adamsteinbacher2629 - 31.07.2024 16:39

Seriously dying for my Hoopla on hold for the audiobook. I hate being too busy to read books, the only time I have is for audiobooks in my car 😭😭😭.

@Taylorfayereads - 31.07.2024 17:19

immediately placed on hold at library

@stevenpratt7369 - 01.08.2024 00:48

Sounds like my kind of horror story. ❤

@tevens13 - 01.08.2024 06:06

Agreed with everything you said!!! There are a few scenes from the book that live rent free in my head 🙃

@curcurcurvvv2511 - 02.08.2024 00:44

It reminds me of what I felt reading "Penpal" by Dathan Auerbach. The scariest moments were his childhood memories, when you as a reader understand the horror of the situation, but he doesn't.

@BookJedi84 - 02.08.2024 04:41

I got that from BOTM

@bethanysmith5856 - 03.08.2024 05:50

That sounds absolutely horrifying. Im not sure I'd be brave enough to read that.

@theylorlr6677 - 03.08.2024 12:27


@SidneManlove-qp3uj - 03.08.2024 18:24

It sounds like coraline

@thomasgronlund9186 - 06.08.2024 04:26

Is it written by a dude?

@user-jq4su7ni8e - 06.08.2024 07:59

Can we call you “mommy”?! 😅

@Msangiewow - 12.08.2024 17:39

I just hated the constant use of “daddo”

@YW2324 - 14.08.2024 02:27

Sounds terrifying 😧

@kindlelight - 28.08.2024 18:33

The bathroom scene genuinely scared me so much!

@raysha9932 - 16.10.2024 05:06

I was doing the audio book and it wasn’t scary at all i was so disappointed because its from the perspective of a child i really dnt know

@WillTBsVlogs - 04.12.2024 20:02

I respect your opinion but this book wasn't scary at all. Unsettling I thought, and the adults are saying things they shoudn't say to a kid. But Josh had to add it in for the plot. Gone to see the riverman was scarier IMO.

@MarieTeah - 11.12.2024 01:33

This book was not scary and not the scariest book either. 😂

@youarebymyside - 28.12.2024 02:31

you're right, a child pov is one of the most terrifying and boring things ever.

@StarDust-pn7ex - 01.01.2025 16:17

It is a good book, however the writing style might be not for everyone. And the main character reads more like 5-6 yo.

@tayloranderson927 - 05.01.2025 09:35

It literally is the best!!! I kept putting off finishing it because I didn’t want it to end! 😩 Now I’m searching for anything similar? Any recommendations? I love psychological thrillers, sci-fi thrillers mysteries and recently started getting back into horror and ghosts haunted houses that type of thing any recommendations would be AMAZING! 🥰

@tayloranderson927 - 05.01.2025 09:36

What should I read next that similar to this? 😢 I can’t find anything.

@johnh9723 - 13.01.2025 10:01

Just finished this…. Thought it was well written

@johnjones1510 - 22.01.2025 04:35

It sucked.

@JordansMortalKombatAdven-xn3qo - 23.01.2025 05:44

@mandysmorgueofhorror I’m actually reading this for the first time now through Libby on my iPad and my iPhone kind of back and forth through devices and I must say, I’m only on chapter 5 so far as I just started it tonight but, so far it’s really just your standard supernatural horror setup, maybe there’s something once the parents figure out what “Other Mommy” is and I’m sure they will as I’m even not quite sure what this thing is other than it’s creepy as hell.

The one line so far in the book that has stuck with me the most is when Bela and “Other Mommy” are talking and they sit next to each other on the bed and “Other Mommy” says to Bela “Will you let me inside of your heart” that immediately made me think “that’s creepy as hell and gives me vibes that the parents may need to call an exorcist soon to banish “Other Mommy” from inside of their daughter.

At least that’s kind of the type of horror story I believe I’m in for at least from that one line which I don’t mind as long as it’s done well even though so far it seems very standard supernatural horror setup stuff at least to me.

@CupofGingerTia - 23.01.2025 11:48

Almost finished with this one, my first time reading a horror book

@Randomstuff-i1y - 23.02.2025 17:22

I don’t get scared easily and love horror could I read this I’m 12

@Drakhulis - 01.03.2025 04:44

Worse book, not scary in the slightest. I thought you were memeing at first to be honest...

@mandysmorgueofhorror - 31.07.2024 06:41

What’s the last good horror book you read?
