I'm actually doing my first case management local travel assignment and was just extended. My daughter is beginning to look at travel this December so she can save some more to buy a house. At 24, she's saved up more than $30K but I told her she needs to save more.
ОтветитьVivian sells your data. Not a good company to work with IMO.
Ответитьthat is excellent . ciao~ ;))
ОтветитьYour thumbnails are🔥🔥🔥
ОтветитьMy friend in the icu traveling says the pay is going way down / no longer worth it to travel. They are looking into California
ОтветитьCanadian Travel nurse for almost 2 years now.. eventually all the travel nurses will result in increased staff wages in order to prevent everyone from travel nursing 👍
Ответитьyes its dead my rate was lowered at 2k a week. lol I could make that being a staff nurse at my hospital ….even drop a contract in cali once I was going to sign it was 1300 lower than what it was stated.
ОтветитьSeems like all assignments in california is realllly low, youll get paid more as staff vs travel. Anyone else feel the same way?
ОтветитьIt’s going to be dead for me. These rates are so trash now they are paying about the same as a regular staff. No incentives to go out it state anymore
ОтветитьI have been in the traveling business as a PT for 2 years, 5 years being a PT. I see the average travel nurses assignment decreased to roughly 50-60% of what it used to be. Yes, it is not worth it, it is better to just move to the areas where it was paying more instead.
ОтветитьI have a contract right now for travel corrections nursing in California for about $3,400 a week
ОтветитьWhat about pay in Texas?
ОтветитьThe gas about the pandemic is, most places weren't paying $10K, esp not for 3 days. Many of those nurses worked 6-7 days/week. Those news clips only highlighted nurses who were making high rates. Most of the rates were during the 1st wave n certain areas. This is misleading bc people believe all travelers were making that; most were not.
The reality is, any1 thinking those rates were going 2 last 4ever r insane. While rates r down, many nurses r making more now than they made during the pandemic n some cases. Some decreased rates r ridiculously low, which means staff nurses n those areas r making dirt.
Woah 2k in 11 hours! Go Jason and Monica! Love your videos 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
ОтветитьIm a travel MT and work mostly in NYS. Ive been doing it since before the pandemic. I have never seen the amount of contracts so limited in NY. The rates are still good but very little available.
ОтветитьA lot of my fellow travel nurses who were about to renew are declining lower rates and going to hospitals that are paying more, but the lower paying ER's are still incredibly understaffed, therefore I suspect rates to come back up soon. I have only been a travel nurse for about 1.5 years, but what I noticed is shortly into the new year, hospitals have new fiscal years, new budgets, and always seem to take travel contracts down around feb-march, come back with lower rates in march-april, then rates continue to stedily go up throughout the year as they continue to (attempt to) fill staffing needs. If you're a good worker, never call out, reliable, and practice safely, sometimes you get a good relationship with the hospital/charge nurse/manager and they pull strings to keep you around at the same rate. I've been contracted with the same hospital system for about 1 yr and get contracts with their various ERs based on their need. At this point in time, I'm still taking home about 2x what I made as staff. 1 other thing people fail to mention is take home vs gross salary. When you're able to take home a tax free stipend it can really bump that net pay. My hourly is nothing impressive, (a little over 50/hr) but my tax-free stipend effectively doubles my take home salary. When you're local, you dont get a stipend, and rates tend to be between 75-90/hr, closer to 100-120 when needs are high. For cali, it seems like that range is what staff RNs make already, whereas over here (NJ) staff RNs will make more like 40-65/hr based on experience. So traveling or even local agency is still very much worth it in most cases.
ОтветитьThe rates are so low I actually went back to the FD as a medic for a pension, as I can do that and work as an RN PRN and make the same or more as a current rate traveler without all the headaches of housing and getting cancelled all the time.
Ответитьi'd rather a high paying part time job and a high paying prn that has many needs to cover full time hours. i'm one of those nurses who can work 5 to 6 12 hr shifts a week for weeks at a time. The pandemic was the first time I didn't have to work overtime and still made enough money to cover bills and save. The rates have dropped & I tried to get a full time job and was just recently rejected because the manager felt threatened by resume. She wanted someone with less travel experience and more experience with full time positions. I guess management is scared that I will jump ship or quit asap and go back to traveling if i don't like something. It pissed me off. So I will just keep traveling and put myself thru school so I can become above the foolishness that regular bedside nurses deal with. Nursing is cut throat and I wouldn't recommend it unless you go straight to your Master's/Doctoral to command higher stable wages and/or better working conditions.
ОтветитьInsurance rates kill the money we make wife and kids was at 600 a week it was sad
ОтветитьMan, gotta be honest. I thought you were going to talk about the existing current landscape in the decreasing rate at present. You didn’t really talk about that at all. And address the question. Many of us have right now is travel nursing and rates FIRE
ОтветитьAll these hospitals can dish out this amount of money in a heartbeat during COVID, but not all the time? Just goes to show how greedy all the hospitals really are. They are making billions per year. Disgusting!!!
ОтветитьSo we have to suffer as citizens due to pay not being 200 dollars an hour? I thought nursed did it because they care about people.
ОтветитьI have chosen to do per diem whiles looking for remote work jobs. The travel nursing rates are extremely low and not worth the headaches
ОтветитьBro this is like the first finance channel that's so cool and different lol.
ОтветитьI love it
ОтветитьAt the height of covid my highest earning month was over 80,000$ and I found niches in travel nursing and now refuse to do or take assignments unless the pay I can make is at minimum 20,000$/month
Ответитьbut we are still short staffed, they just want to see how far they can get with what they have. I know a lot of travel nurses that went PRN.
ОтветитьLove this channel. Wanted to let ya know I graduated last week! Been watching every video since day 1. Thanks so much for the info to give me confidence moving forward in my career.
ОтветитьHi, I'm currently a pre-med student. I will be able to transfer to a nursing program by the end of 2023 once I finished up with all my pre-req in community college. I'm planning to go to a private University here in Southern California that cost upward of $100K. The pros to that choice is that it is less competitive to get into and they offer an accelerated program that allows me to get my RN degree faster. The con is, well, the price tag. I'm 27 and I feel that I need to get my degree as soon as possible since I'm only getting older. Do you have any advice on which route I should take? If I do decide to go with the private university, would I be able to afford student loans after I graduate? I don't spend a lot, and I currently don't have to pay for housing because I'm staying at my parent's.
Also, my end goal would probably to make it to CRNA after I pay off my student loans for my RN degree.
Our hospital is getting ready to loose a lot of nurses for many reasons which include the destruction of anything that resembles a positive work environment by non stop firing of staff including: lab, dietary, front desk, education, floor nurses, and CNA's.
They will have to either shut down or pay for the travelers and created the problem. No local students from nursing school are coming to my hospital...they demand a contract and the older nurses have warned them what that means...
So wait before Covid there was already a shortage of nurses. I can’t see the levels of nursing becoming adequate so soon after a pandemic
ОтветитьI'm a new grad nurse in Atlanta. The hospitals here are now creating internal travel nursing teams. Not sure what they are paying but it's clear they are trying to cut out the middle man. They don't want to pay these high rates anymore.
ОтветитьThe money is out there! Yet you have nurses working for $21 per hour. SMH.
ОтветитьI can’t find anything above 2800
How r we to pay our bills and housing back home if we travel?
I regret I didn't get graduation before 2020😢 I missed All the money
ОтветитьI'm happy I didn't get vaccinated 😅❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉 happy and proud to reject it