Good topic
ОтветитьI used to do that until I realized everyone else pressures themselves. Some have compared themselves to me. It's not worth the headache.
ОтветитьI was surprised to learn that to take good care of health after age 50, you should have one to two hours of time PER DAY focused on YOUR own health (exercise and rest). I had no idea. I have to re-prioritize my to-do list to focus this important area of my life, and do it in a fun way. "I don't have time," has loaded problems on me that could have been minimized (not avoided, but lessened in severity), if I had made time to do what is really important - health, relationships, and financial. In that order - I never thought my health should be at the top of the list, but I was mistaken. It must be, of the rest either doesn't happen, or the rest suffers. There you go.
ОтветитьDo I see a lemon meringue pie in your hubby's future, Money Mom? He will love that. Hugs to you, Wonder Woman.
ОтветитьFor the most part, I do my own thing. I don't base my feelings of accomplishment on the approval, standards, or values of others. I live with my family. If we are happy, what others think or do is irrelevant.
I've been watching crochet videos. People come to blows over yarn. I'm serious. Who would guess that someone would have strong opinions on how much yarn a person owns, where they bought it, and what it's made from.
I saw the pandemic coming in February. I spent a good chunk of change on holes in my pantry, including a freezer. Doubled my garden from 3 10x10 beds to 6.
Husband thought I was insane. Didn't fight me, but didn't join me either. I did what was right for me. What I feel was the right choice for my family. Most of it payed off. And what didnt...husband is still supportive and non judgemental and helped out with the parts that went screwy.
I know the feeling , I have 2 grown kids at home and one teenager and none of them will help with the household chores. I get so overwhelmed and stressed out.
ОтветитьDawn! Yes! I am 58 and have lupus. I also have a :way too large house", a husband who works nights and 2 little doggies. I also work 4 days weekly. I am telling you, the struggle is REAL. I have recently decided to have the grace I extend to others, with myself. I have no S on my chest!!! I need a break every day and it's OK if my house is a bit messy! My mental and physical health are much more important! I had a talk with my husband who really had NO CLUE what needs to be done to keep things running smoothly. That's my fault because I did myself and never said a word! Things are changing around here so I can REST more and stress LESS!
ОтветитьAs a senior we need to simplify everything we do to make things easier for ourselves and the person who will be responsible when we are gone. I've been trying to do this whole last year.
Especially decluttering + paperwork.
Donated several car loads of items. Organized paperwork in folders that are labeled. Shredded unneeded papers. Important. Our seasons of life change.
Even though each of us have our own financial (and other) issues going on, I just try to focus on mine and my family's, because that's what I am responsible for. If someone else is doing something different than me, maybe it's because their own family issues are a bit different than mine are.
ОтветитьI am age 30 and hoping to retire at age 50. I have about $2 million saved and am hoping it will grow enough to last me. Do you have any advice? I am feeling so behind.
ОтветитьI totally understand, I don't know how a single person, can handle it all, what life throws at a person. 😊💗
ОтветитьI just listen to people's ideas, so I can learn some tips to make my life simple. Happy Wednesday everyone ☀️
ОтветитьI can relate
ОтветитьI keep My life simple as Jesus Christ was saying in Matthew 6:22,23......
But what do u think Dawn. Aka Money mom.....Can a person do that by keeping it simple like Jesus was doing in his life......I think so......when we think about Jesus doing it he didn't have much to do then in his life....not many distractions.....But there was a research guide fhat says fhat we have so many distractions in this life we live.....But Jesus says to keep it simple....Wow!! So the Bible isn't fhat old afterall......😅😅😅😊😊😊
Congrats on 40 k subs!
ОтветитьGood message! Love you, too Dawn! I agree… we need to relax and enjoy Easter & not spend all our time cooking . Have a blessed day ! ❤
ОтветитьI agree. This is good. We do envelope system.
ОтветитьJust remember this, comparison is the thief of joy. We all just do the best we can, good enough is good enough. 😊
ОтветитьNow that I'm retired, I try to live with as little pressure as possible. I clean my house when I get to it. I try to have as few appointments on my calendar as possible. Retirement for me means no pressure. I also find it helpful to have a chore list and I do try to select 2 or 3 items from the list each day. If I'm in the mood to get the whole list done, then I'll do it. Holidays - I don't do them anymore.
ОтветитьYou have to make sure that you are not just making excuses for yourself. Being hard on yourself may be needed if it is the truth. If you are cleaning all the time is it because you have too much stuff? Are you the one that wants all the meals perfect or even wanting to make the meals? Are you the one that wants all of the holiday decorations up? I would quit doing all of that if it is just making you miserable.
ОтветитьCompletely relate....I always feel like I am not doing enough.
ОтветитьYou deserve the best of everything ❤
ОтветитьI said that the best thing I did for myself was that's I lowered my standards. It's the truth. I don't iron my sheets or even the pillowcases. My napkins get folded and put away without an iron touching them. I could go on about the dozens of household chores I've eliminated or cut down on the frequency I do them. I still agonize over my not perfect house, but I can only do so much in a day. Aging is no joke. It's hard to think that I can't clean the house in one day. So, I need to allow myself more time if I'm preparing for guests. I also have to do little things every day, which is a revelation to me, lol. I always had a day to clean the house, but it's not enough time for me now. It's also exhausting. Great video! Love to all, Linda 💕
ОтветитьComparison is truly the thief of joy , I do my best with what I have and what I can do and I'm content with that . I love this channel keep doing what you do ❤
ОтветитьLove this advice!! Its so easy to compare yourself to others, but the older i get the more i try remind myself everyone is different has different bandwidths, energy levels, emotional capacity & strength. So only compare ourselves to ourselves. If youre growing and helping others thats what matters most.
ОтветитьGreat advice. I am a list maker. I make a list to organize my thoughts and keep track of what I need to do. But sometimes the list becomes a source of stress when I am not making progress and crossing anything off. So I started making a short daily list of things I can accomplish that day. That way it is more manageable, and I challenge myself to get everything done which helps me feel like I am making progress.
I think if we could peak behind the curtain into someone else's life, we would likely see that they are running themselves ragged trying to do everything too. No one has a picture perfect life, even if they try to portray it that way.
Sometimes I do
To get it all right so when the unexpected comes and I have to balance it all
I get heavy on myself for not being better prepared
I lay on the couch a lot in between chores. Works for me. 🎉
ОтветитьThe past couple years, we really focused on decluttering & just getting rid of stuff. Trying to make it as easy as possible for our kids. While our hearts think so, our kids are not going to want the things we thought they would. We are at the point where the kids can take what they want & just get a dumpster for the rest, when the day comes.
ОтветитьDawn, I love your channel so much! Yours is one of my top favorites. You have such great practical topics and I enjoy your videos so much. Big thank you❤❤❤
ОтветитьYou do a video every single day?? I just realized this!! You are great!! Love your channel!
ОтветитьI have implemented simple living and self care into my life. Im glad I did!
ОтветитьCongrats on ur subs! 🎉
ОтветитьYes I do feel that way sometimes
ОтветитьDone is better than perfect.