Office Etiquette: Miss Manners Minds Your Business

Office Etiquette: Miss Manners Minds Your Business


11 лет назад

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@artageneskipper3627 - 19.03.2014 17:46

Whether you are in a real life meeting or  conducting business on the internet by commenting on blogs or Facebook, you need to use tact and manners.
What you say in this latter case becomes part of your online persona, so if
you need some pointers this should help!

@AlexHardtAnimation - 30.03.2015 09:34

Beautiful, truly fantastic. My favorite part was when the specter living in Linda's ipad took control of all reality, stopped time, and gave advice for trivial conflicts in the workplace. I hope to see more of Judith abusing her super powers while giving her contrarian wisdom to mortal peasants in this dimension.

@laurabien4809 - 30.12.2016 05:33

"I already give to the needy." PERFECT. Polite AND lightly and deliciously salted with JUST the correct amount of understated criticism. LOVE IT.

@ЗАРАБОТОКВИНТЕРНЕТЕОТ9000Р-в8у - 26.03.2019 00:58

Поkaжу как дeлaть110 дол. за день. Подpoбности на кaнaлe.

@blabber9118 - 03.03.2022 04:42

The cartoon style looks like BoJack HorseMan.

@sherrinunya4079 - 20.08.2023 17:10

It's my fondest wish for this book to be a runaway best seller! Manners that I see while dining either in public or private are atrocious.
