She is correct, it was terrorist, 8 people in one night would terrorize any town, opps, were the terrorists
Ответить"Eye Thawt It Wuz Eye-Sus...!" -Thomas Jefferson's First Baby Mama
Ответить"ISIS" or terrorists! Jesus of Nazerath! .. no wonder Trump won.
ОтветитьFrederika is a evil monster.
ОтветитьOh she’s STUPID STUPID “I thought it was ISIS” 🤨🧐😒
ОтветитьReally and your great granddaughter I can't even finish my sentence straight without thinking of the 8 lives that matter.
ОтветитьShe's completely out her dam mind
ОтветитьAnd this old woman was involved. Absolutely unbelievable!
ОтветитьI never ever thought I would want to beat an old person... but here we are!
ОтветитьYou can see that she’s shaking her head like she’s saying no, but she’s positively identifying her first thought. And how she automatically reacted to the person who laughed, she’s lying.
ОтветитьPoster child for a wolf in sheep’s clothing
ОтветитьLady you are just plain are nervous while you are talking.
Why would ISIS come to your small "hick" town..Give ISIS some credibility they kill everyone in villages/towns..
Karma will be served to your family on a plate...
The full interview she said "we wasn't nowhere near that place" which isn't what you say when your family is accused of murdering and entire family which is your own grandsons guardians .
ОтветитьThe best actress award does NOT go to grandma. Did she get paid for this interview because for the life of me, I cant understand why you would do one in your home to protest the 'innocence' of a member of your family when you know, youuu KNOWWWW, they did do this horrendous brutal mass murder!!! I get she doesnt want to admit they did do it, no one would, but they did.... I cant even begin to think what would go through my head at the thought of hearing news like that.
ОтветитьWow even evil narcissist aren't smart enough to know when to keep their mouth shut
ОтветитьTerrorists Named George Jake Billy And Angela Wagner...and you knew they did it you old lieing hussie ...wait till you stand before God on Judgement day you will pay for lieing ...and dont say u had no idea thats a lie ...i cant stand Jake but at least he admitted the truth something you obviously dont know anything about ...
ОтветитьThis woman was creepy then and even more so now. You can tell she is lying.
ОтветитьIt's sad to live that long and be so ignorant. Many illnesses can be treated. However, there's NO meds for this.
ОтветитьBut isnt she part of the plot? She is lying.
Ответить2021. Now that the charges against her were dismissed and Jake has pleaded guilty, I wonder if the police will find new charges against her. Its a complicated matter. I cant wait to hear Jake's testimony at all the trials. Maybe the rest of them are also busy with plea deals.
ОтветитьI'm pretty sure she ended up getting charged so they obviously didn't believe that she really believe that
ОтветитьTrumpers gone wild.
ОтветитьIs she the one that was arrested for coverup?
ОтветитьI think this woman had something to do with it she just gives me a bad vibe
Ответить"Terrorists " did kill the Rhodens.
ОтветитьWhen you read about all the land deals she set up selling to low income folks then foreclosed on you agree with those who say she & her family are Fake Christians
ОтветитьBody language people. Facial exspessions. Nailed it.
ОтветитьLooks like granny got away with it. Sitting there thinking, "What a weak dumb bunch of children and grandchildren I raised. Just like their grandfather."
ОтветитьThe psycho doesn’t fall far from the hole …
Both her and Angela’s mother should’ve been charged with lying, tampering, withholding evidence and complicity in some form or another. Such an evil bitter old woman.
ISIS? These people are obsessed with the boogie man foreigners.
ОтветитьBut you were a part of it all along ..
ОтветитьLiar. Smirking, she's playing for a laugh and some idiot obliged her. I hope there are no more of that family around to continue to breed, they're rotten to the core.
ОтветитьIt was terrorists. It was your family.
ОтветитьIsis she says
ОтветитьIt is terrorist domestic terrorists and I bet you know who they are.
ОтветитьThis white culture in America that we've been watching seems to be getting worse I can't even use the word Savage it's worse can't even find a word for it
ОтветитьShe is a disgusting liar.....old,stupid,disgusting liar.
ОтветитьLying … of shte
ОтветитьYes White ISIS aka your Family did it
ОтветитьI bet she knew it was her son...
ОтветитьEvil Matriarch
ОтветитьHi Bradericka
ОтветитьReminds me of a character from LA Noire when you have to tell whether they’re lying or not😂
Ответитьthat woman is not who she claims to be. Evil is the only word I can think of to describe her. shes like the emperor in star wars
ОтветитьI was shocked the old POS was 100% right.
It was a imb'cell group of ISIS (Inhumane Sociopathic Incel Sonsonsab!tch) Terrorist's who were related to the old POS.
I don't believe one word that woman says.