Linux Mint 22 Cinnamon Review - New Ubuntu Base, Same Mint

Linux Mint 22 Cinnamon Review - New Ubuntu Base, Same Mint

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@istvantorok4819 - 31.08.2024 12:59

The fact is that Canonical makes a huge good jobs in Ubuntu also, not only bad things. They have more drivers, HWE kernels, etc. And as Clem said, there are bugs in Debian which are not present in Ubuntu and there are bugs in Ubuntu which are not present in Debian. Technically is hard to make a decision yet, so they keep developing for the two base together.

@Fahrenheit38 - 01.09.2024 17:19

I'm a Windows user now and want to get off, i've been researching what Linux I should use. Should I use Mint or Debian? Really want something easy to use that I can use whatever it's called that Steam uses to run WIndows games on Linux.

@thisawe - 02.09.2024 21:58

guys tell me how to updates bios in linux , my linux mint after rebooting always black screen

@coldReactive - 02.09.2024 23:50

I know it's basically just Debian, but have you ever tried Devuan before?

Also, Linux Mint could instead consider an openSUSE alternative too. It has a massive control center called YaST that effectively is a GUI for almost everything behind the scenes, and would be a similar ubuntu experience, as long as you get past some of the openSUSE quirks.

@RonLaws - 05.09.2024 11:00

Don't Fix what isn't broken, Otherwise you end up with disasters like Gnome3 and Unity 💀

As others have pointed out or hinted to (And I agree) Mint is for people who'd rather get on and use their computer without feeling like they have to learn a new workflow every other release.

It's always had the same desktop Paradigm since launch, the paint may have changed a few times, but I think Cinnamon is the point where they said enough is enough, moved away from the identity crisis that gnome was going through at the time when MATE forked Gnome2, but 12 years ago they needed something of their own that they could maintain and keep on the same set of rails to continue the same consistent workflow. I remember Cinnamon when it came out, it was early days and I stuck with Mate for a bit, but since Mint 19 it's been pretty solid and mature and on computers that can actually run it, it's great. I'd still recommend the XFCE version for low end machines, but now that they are maintaining all the bread and butter apps in house the differences between the two are minor.

As for the Debian Vs Ubuntu base, I think it boils down to hardware and software support. Ubuntu is backed by Canonical - a for profit organization that has and does dangle carrots at companies to bring better support for their hardware and software. Debian is and always has been a very neckbeardy FOSS or Nought focused Distro, which while admirable to some, hampers it's ability to keep up with the industry.

@UbuntuPersonNoMint - 06.09.2024 10:09

Clem is a big pussycaat. He doesn't want to make the switch because linux mint without Ubuntu is going to be crap and require alot of resources to make. They offer nothing to linux besides a green and black theme over Ubuntu. It will die soon if they switch

@DrFrankNStein-sf2ww - 06.09.2024 17:34

I want the old Taskbar back ! I hate this automatic grouping of windows.

@RustieBrown - 08.09.2024 03:29

How do I change the folder backgrounds in Mint 22?

@mr.2Creative - 08.09.2024 21:23

Hi, great vid thanks! In your experience do apps run faster on mint vs ubuntu installed on identical older machines?

@btiphotography5292 - 09.09.2024 18:31

One further advantage of LMDE compared to Linux Mint 22 (Ubuntu Base) is that I've found that some appimages that I use regularly, such as Orca 3D printer file slicer, requires older versions of certain system libraries, which are no longer installable on Linux Mint 22 (based on Ubuntu 24.04), such as libwebkit2gtk. But on the other hand you lose the ability to use PPAs to get more up to date versions of certain software.

I guess it depends on what you value for a system used for productivity. More up to date software on Linux Mint 22, or a more stable base, LMDE 6 based on Debian 12.

@parthrajput2824 - 16.09.2024 01:16

It lacks libasound2 and is not available for installation for Ubuntu24 hence Linux Mint 22 also lacks it making it impossible to install apps like DaVinci Resolve

@deputy899 - 19.09.2024 12:38

I want something that works not "exciting new features"

@wisteela - 19.09.2024 21:58

Agree 100%, they need to switch to basing it on Debian. I'm staying on 21.3 though anyway for now for a few reasons.

@ijhuana - 22.09.2024 00:55

Driver manager and the possibility to update kernel are way to vital to just drop them. Until there is a solution for those. Ubuntu it is a necessity evil.

@verablack3137 - 07.10.2024 03:12

I think it is only a matter of time before Mint migrates to Debian fully, I can't understand why they use Ubuntu anyway.

@sanderhulsman-m1k - 08.10.2024 23:57

The mint developers have their own reasons why they don't want snap packages. Why is that unprofessional. Is Debian easier for systemadminstration then Ubuntu?

@nicoleking772 - 18.10.2024 18:02

Debian has announced that it will not be hiring Straight White Males or Asians in able to further an agenda, so this Mint User and mother of two tech boys is saying NO
to Debian as a base or the Debian Edition.
It saddens me that the Linux community and Linux developers are foisting radical agendas into software.
Many of US fled MS because of such silliness.

@anjanbora7943 - 26.10.2024 19:05

U r my favourite penguin 🐧🌺

@maaifoediedelarey4335 - 31.10.2024 08:51

You set up a straw man argument. SNAPS aren't what LM wants, so they drop it. They also make various other tweaks to make LM very different than Ubuntu. It's good.

@OcihEvE - 05.11.2024 08:16

I downloaded a copy of LM a few days ago, exclusively for the ROCm support and rocminfo is a blank sheet, AMD have almost exclusively Debian guidance for getting ROCm up and running, so looks like I need to go back in time to find the LM that is useful. Or switch to something that isn't trying out for the cheerleader squad.

@nickcharles1284 - 09.11.2024 00:29

Add me to the list of those wondering why Linux Mint isn't just exclusively based on Debian.

@fabricio4794 - 10.11.2024 21:29

Linux Mint is Life,glory to Linux Mint.

@RectangleJuice1749 - 12.11.2024 01:54

I'm an intermediate linux user but I still use mint because it just works and I don't have to put a lot of time or effort into it.

@hopelessdecoy - 12.11.2024 20:49

Debian is viewed as "old", "stale", ect. And that makes a lot of people not even give it a try. Ubuntu is the Linux home user flagship and a big company. I can see that as a reason to stay, new non-tech and technical people alike are likely coming from windows or Ubuntu to something popular, familiar and/or up to date.
Perception is powerful.

@Richardpasquinucci - 16.11.2024 04:10

i dont have the matrix installed on my mint distro. How do I get it? I tried sudo apt install matrix and it gave me an error

@rjv2395 - 23.11.2024 04:06

why use mint? CONVENIENCE. there are 3 reasons I use mint. 1. nemo file manager -> open as root, open in terminal (you can do this with other FMs, but you need to install addons some extras, nemo does it out of the box. 2 Driver manager - I have not found a distro that handles nvidia driver and other driver issues better. sure fedora will install, but upgrades and others always give me problems. if you use blender, installing the developer pack or whatever extras can cause alot of frustration. once I had to compile some package just to get the driver so to show in blender. i have better things to do. dumped fedora and installed mint. sure it is not as snappy, but so much easier. speed is measured in productivity, not the milliseconds it takes to open a window. 3.removing old kernels - the mint upgrade manager window makes this so easy, see what kernel is installed and get rid of what you dont need. fast, simple, convenient. you should mention these when doing reviews.

one thing I dont understand is when you are doing an install review, why not show how to custom partition the HDD and go through the installer. this is the most important part for people using a distro for the first time. I want to make sure my data on home is not lost. go through the settings. show how much space to leave for swap, home, file system, UEFI, etc. this is the stuff people want to know. not the talk about the same features all other distros have. do a full install and review, not just auto install

@TheHolan - 25.11.2024 15:33

so, what you want to say is, that linux mint is a very good system??? 😄

@Carrion-0409 - 26.11.2024 10:02

if it ain't broke, dont fix it

@matthewjohnston3195 - 26.11.2024 15:24

I will stick to my Linux Mint 21.3 I don't see any reason to upgrade at the moment.

@stephendacey4916 - 03.12.2024 13:36

What have they done with libreoffice Base on Mint 22. I guess I'll stick with 21.3 as this still has the database package.

@lamp007 - 17.12.2024 02:08

Been looking into switching to Linux as a daily driver, saw something saying Linux Mint doesn’t support displaying multiple screens.

@gadeane287 - 21.12.2024 17:01

I wonder if there will be an update that will take existing LM users over to LMDE without having to do a fresh install of LMDE. And, how would that update deal with versions of software on LM to LMDE?

@DAVIDELLIOTT - 26.12.2024 23:28

Strange. I'm running LM 22 Cinnamon and Matrix isn't pre-installed, and it's not available in the Software Manager.

@VirtutisTipheret - 27.12.2024 01:38

The only thing that keeps me away from mint is the lack of customization 😢

@nagamanu4246 - 01.01.2025 16:13

Stuck with windows 11 as the wifi can't detect 5ghz in mint

@SebSenseGreen - 02.01.2025 18:03

Mint Debian... Kernel 6.1... oufff

@Sasha-qy2wu - 05.01.2025 04:06

Im glad Linux MInt stays Ubuntu-based

@Little-bird-told-me - 11.01.2025 18:21

Ubuntu base is to0 crucial for Linux. It is the default distro for most users of linux, although Its a shame that Ubuntu chose snaps. Nevertheless its ecosystem is so large that every new supplier first thinks of ubuntu. For e.g. Nvidia's CUDA releases first for ubuntu versions followed by others. So its not easy to change the based to Debian, because nobody uses it.

@george6252 - 14.01.2025 22:14

Have a flash drive download, will install this summer. Saying NO to
Microsoft Spyware after decades of Microsoft use.
I think Microsoft's engineers are trying to justify their jobs.

@3nails3days1way - 15.01.2025 02:14

22 is missing some packages in the software center: Waterfox and Mullvad browsers, which I use.

@StaceyAyodele - 16.01.2025 06:12

I love Linux Mint. I run the XFCE edition because of the ability to have multi-row taskbars. Linux Mint is really a good system though. Stable, fast, and a lot of fun.

@jimw7916 - 18.01.2025 13:59

You infer that its "unprofessional" to use ubuntu as a base but complain about it. If we all dont complain about things then nothing will improve. Its good to complain.

@vapon - 21.01.2025 00:25

I've been loving Mint for a decade! The only thing I have to complain about, is the integration of CSD (client side decoration) on header bars on some of their own maintained apps (XApps).
Otoh, I'm happy that I see "classic" head bars on their new applications! I hope for the best... as it seems that they are also confused a bit!
ANY user that does more than browsing, knows what I'm talking about!

@vapon - 21.01.2025 00:34

Yeah Ubuntu likes huge packages (flatpak) like Apple!

@MattMcCullough - 22.01.2025 04:02

Linux Mint is my go to distro

@DogsBAwesome - 07.02.2025 14:38

I just installed it on a 2017 Hp AOI, that was not quite new enough for Windows 11. It worked fine right out of the box with zero problems.

@FarmingSK - 04.03.2025 09:36

It's also very very stable , best linux guy right here though...

@FarmingSK - 04.03.2025 09:40

Hey the file manager... You know the CNTRL-L for Location entry has no option for sticking.. Sucks for copy paste, used to have check box... Any solutions? Now every single time you have to Cntl-L
