Formerly Fit People, What Happened? (r/AsKReddit)

Formerly Fit People, What Happened? (r/AsKReddit)

On Tap Studios

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@vlmtllv1554 - 03.11.2019 00:30

they found out what a funnel cake tasted like.

@lousy5149 - 03.11.2019 00:32


@KevinBelmontLuna - 03.11.2019 00:35

Lol I lost my motivation after the woman I liked chewed me out for cutting off facebook we stopped talking. I'm working a labor intensive job and I can't find the time to work out. Now, I don't want to work out, out of spite when my brothers tell me to work out. Everytime they tell me I buy a cold 12 pack of root beer and a Wendies meal!

@kbcomp9208 - 03.11.2019 07:59

can you like my comment
and reply

@redemptionhappens7725 - 23.01.2020 01:07

Chronic pain & age.

@isiaadiel3468 - 05.03.2020 05:29

Senior year, hip and spinal injury resulting in joint and endurance problems mixed with living in the city that hosts the world championship for barbecue. Talk about foul.

@bluememe4652 - 23.04.2020 23:45

Was working out 6 days a week last summer, then quit to be good at school, was planning on going this summer but Corona virus Happened

@AlexS-oj8qf - 14.05.2020 12:56

I lose weight due to stress and hard labor, then come times of living in the lap of luxury and the mentality of "I wouldn't gain that much again" and here I am back to where I begin.

@godzillaman850 - 16.05.2020 21:04

8 comments only haha

@prezbige - 17.06.2020 03:54

I've always ate clean and trained every day. As I age my body gets bigger, faster, and stronger.

@soniczforever5470 - 09.07.2020 18:01

Quarantine 5 pounds no definition. I run qnd walk plenty. I eat under my maintenance but get stomach trouble from headaches. I hit my highest weight today my measurements are still fine but I've got to tone stuff down.

@jesusgeronimo312 - 11.09.2020 01:28

I stopped working out after I graduated so I would just eat, play PS4 and work which is a perfect recipe for getting fat 😉

@SandraSine40 - 16.10.2020 14:20

now that I'm out of school and college, and have a job, I'm finally stress-free and started losing weight.
also, I get a lot more exercise as an adult than I did as a child who was made to sit all day and do schoolwork.

@lightseeker9478 - 24.10.2020 11:38

Green tea drinking solves being fat

@shortandsquare - 06.12.2020 23:44

Was competing in CrossFit and some power lifting. Christmas re-woke up a food obsession from all the sugary and fatty foods. Binged for several months. Lost my job due to COVID, became seriously depressed. Just began to improve the first time in eleven months now.

@andreamagyar7776 - 28.12.2020 19:07

Corona, hahaha, gym is closed the 2nd time. I miss it like is my lover .

@scytheworks6297 - 02.01.2021 12:39

I was literally so fit when I was a kid but my home life isnt so great, stress and anxiety set in. Now my teenage years I'm trying to get back at it.

@kingk.d.m4620 - 04.01.2021 06:34

When I was a kid I used to be super active outside playing basketball soccer running tag biking you name it around the time I was 8 or 9 I won a martial arts competition the prize a case of smarties also around this time I was introduced to the game boy advance emulators and as a result I spent basically the entire summer of that year playing Pokémon emerald and super Mario kart while earring smarties for food 15 years later and I’m still fat damn it

@e_v_a.m_e_n_d_e_z - 05.01.2021 09:27

Epilepsy=no intense swimming because my seizures were so bad 😓
Luckily though I haven’t had a seizure in year gonna start swimming again!

@YoMommazNUTZ - 16.02.2021 06:16

Lupus and RA plus 4 kids back to back also when you spend your entire life being active and doing kickboxing and such you tend to be used to eating a lot my husband has a high metabolism and able to eat 3 meals at a time so it is hard to be strict about yourself but doing so now

@gannicusfinch7068 - 24.04.2021 00:38


@cmndrkool321 - 02.08.2021 19:00

I gained 30lbs from binge-eating after losing my first girlfriend of 3 months for cheating on me. I was 25, and it was a big thing for me. I lost 10lbs working it off, and then I got an office job and gained 20lbs; so now I am 40lbs overweight from where I used to be. I’m 29 now and I want to go from 225lbs to 185lbs.

@The_NonDescript - 10.12.2021 00:47

Gosh, that first one was so relatable.
Ate like a maniac + HS basketball = size 4 and 120 pounds of pure adrenaline.
Same eating habits - basketball + 4 years of marching band = quadrupled size and nearly 100 pounds.

@skyspring7704 - 06.03.2022 07:07

Injury, fear of trying again, pain.

@istvanpraha - 28.05.2022 18:58

My issues in my 40s is injuries. I go to a bootcamp class and do everything perfect form, then my knees hurt and I get a hip injury and can't go for a month. Keeps happening. I've definitely plateaud and unfortunately, keeping exercising sometimes makes it worse. I used to try to work through the pain and it made things worse. It sucks. All I can do is weights and walking now. Also had a male ED to be thin because I naturally have a little pudge. I know "naturally thin" people who eat much worse crap. Yes they exist and yes there is an obesity epidemic here, both can be true

@theneverending9319 - 08.07.2022 22:29

You literally could just calculate and eat sedentary calories

@tipoftheiceberg7034 - 23.09.2022 13:12

Divorce, destroys men.

@alexeialeksandr7606 - 25.09.2022 20:56

This was the most eye opening thing I've seen

@SummerMAYismyname - 11.10.2022 07:23

Lol I gained 80lbs in 3 years after Nexplanon and Covid😭👍🏻

@mymanslippy - 12.10.2022 14:50

These people all need to stop making excuses like they dont have enough time, my guy you watch tv for 5 hours before bed and sleep for like 11, you have time

@professorkatze1123 - 14.10.2022 10:45

do 100 burpees a day and avoid softdrinks. that's all it takes for most to get in shape unless you eat like a pig.

@jivrouss - 24.11.2022 09:01

Very useful!❤

@skateata1 - 09.07.2023 23:51

This inspires me not to stray from my current routine. I also have a sedentary job and play a sport. But the frequency has decreased.

@rionthemagnificent2971 - 13.04.2024 01:50

Depression and living in a hellhole (Tampa Bay) resorted to drinking 24 pack of soda a day. Left that shithole and went back north. Had a gallbladder removed, My liver is clogged with fat and i ballooned from 150 to 240 lbs. I drink less soda now but i'm going full no soda in May.

@thatexcalifornian6124 - 31.05.2024 18:23

I’m surprised more of the comments aren’t mostly moms. Not because I’m bashing them but I know it’s common to put your health on hold when you have babies and toddlers.

@tyreekmurillo4524 - 31.05.2024 22:46

as someone who is body dysmorphic even after losing 140lbs this video has really opened my eyes and made me grateful for the functioning body i have even though it may not look aesthetically the best.

@noodler-g8k - 14.01.2025 21:47

Injury, beer, junk food. In that order.

@amarylliscalendula4645 - 20.01.2025 02:00

Disability, grief, surgeries, medications, chronic illness.
