How to EASILY Get THOUSANDS of Arrows in Zelda Breath of the Wild!

How to EASILY Get THOUSANDS of Arrows in Zelda Breath of the Wild!

Gaming Reinvented

2 года назад

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@aquareaper15 - 16.09.2023 07:26

Minutes he says

@robloxiandjmon - 24.09.2023 02:04

link lookin kinda zesty in the title..

@ExifyOnYT - 02.10.2023 03:47

didnt work

@JuniorDaPro - 16.10.2023 07:03

Hey, I have a question, How do I get the bow of light to the end? Or do I have to use hold prompt entanglement

@guillermoacolon-bernardi8956 - 20.10.2023 09:28

This video was amazing! Thank man!

@base8540 - 05.11.2023 18:32

Where is the raw unedited video? “Reload the save from earlier” what save? Never mentioned to save.

@KeyserFrost - 06.11.2023 18:49

I have tried this about 20 times now. I am doing everything correctly and still the arrows dont change. I dont understand what i am missing here.

There must be some small detail that you are not mentioning.

1. I left 6 weapons slots open. I have 4 key items
2. I need 10 ist slots
3. Ancient Bow is in last arrow slot
4. I overload the menu as shown
5. I do 4+4+2
6. Now at this point, does it matter if i pick up my stuff before i go to Eventide Island?
7. At Eventide island I picked up 6 weapons. I tested this with leaving a weapn equipped before Loading Save file and unequipping whatever weapons I was holding before reloading
8. Results......jack shit

@akbar-sm - 14.11.2023 21:52

Just a small info: with Ancient Bow (highest durability), you get 12.000 arrows

@PapiLyc - 07.12.2023 18:29

Does it work if ive already completed the eventide island shrine and also I don’t have the trial of the sword I think its from dlc?

@1cxey - 15.12.2023 20:52

How to do it of I have completed the eventide island and don’t have dlc for trial of sword?

@selimberkylmaz4046 - 31.12.2023 17:42

Still work ?

@joeljoshy3562 - 16.01.2024 20:40

Ok i just finished this glitch and i want to point out a few things i discovered when doing this. So this does work and its hard to wrap your head around but its not that bad of a glitch to peform.

Firstly always save with your bow equipped at the start. That bow at the manual save has to be at the last slot and and has to be equipped.

Secondly for those who have finished the island challenge , the trial of the sword is the next best thing that can perform the glitch (its also the one i used). For the weapons collect it all on the first floor (idk y but mine kept messing up whenever it went to the second floor). For the 6 weapons u can collect the two brances, one shield, axe, bat and for the next weapon a bit of luck is sort of involved. Blow up the trees around it and hope u get at least a korok leaf or branch. If not sadly u got to start again. Wouldnt recommend picking up any other items just in case it messes it up.

Thirdly when making offset slots remember to quickly press zr and unequip the bow. It has to be during the animation link takes out the bow or else u be left in the weird state after u sell your items that u cannot drop them. IF this happens i do recommend u restarting the whole game (yes shutting it down and reopening it) or u can just reload the save file. The reason why reloading may not be the best is that it may duplicate other items (if u made offset slots already) which may be good for u or bad.

Fourthly if u do end up in a situation where u messed up the glitch like opening the menu after the materials have been picked just shut the game down and restart it. Seemed to work for me.

Fifthly the way i waited for an auto save is ran around something 15 times and went to a shrine. IT may be less idk i just did 15 cos i like it.

And lastly remember after u done the glitch and got one set of arrows to whatever number remember to save the game and close it. Then reopen it. This ensures that nothing messy happens after this is done.

Some notes i found that were interesting

Not sure why we need 1-6 empty weapon slots at the start cos one time trying to get the ancient arrows i got the bomb arrows cos i forgot to pick my 6th weapon.

If u dont have the DLC im not sure what to do but they may be a way by just starting up a new game and picking certain items (not sure if it will work)

Sorry abt the longness i just wanted to write this so if anyone got stuck like me can find a way. Happy glitching :)

@steveee3654 - 09.03.2024 07:39

He used the menu overload glitch

@JaicobYoutube - 17.03.2024 01:00

Thx man

@steveee3654 - 18.03.2024 13:56

To people who don’t understand, you need to see if the arrow you want to duplicate is in the slots. So for example, shock, ice ,normal, ancient, and fire. This is your arrow stack. Now, you count what arrow is in what slot. For example, fire. It is in the sixth slots, so you will need six meele inventory slots empty.

@Shukor123 - 07.04.2024 23:18

probably the most confusing instruction i have seen

@Minepro7282 - 12.05.2024 22:08

Dude, now my inventory is popped with 5 kolok slots and I can’t load back my save, what do I do. I wanna get rid of my koloks

@angelasoliz8617 - 26.05.2024 16:37

I have no idea wtf is going on. You moving so dam fast with the speed up at 100% the dam video is over. 😂

@JosephRyu420 - 27.05.2024 20:23

it didn’t work and I got another spirit orb slot and lost a gale

@froggy_da_froggo - 31.05.2024 00:33

Works very well! I know I’m late but to the people complaining it’s to complicated, it really isn’t, you just need to find a tutorial to learn ist Slot transfer but you really need to put a warning that this can corrupt game files, as ist is dangerous

@king_johnson5758 - 01.06.2024 07:39

This worked absolutely perfectly!!
I now have 6000 bomb arrows and 6000 normal and am going to go for the rest.
Only one thing though, it also duped my spirit orbs!
I now have like 6 duplicated stacks, is there any way to get rid of them or am I now stuck with them?

@scarabaeus84 - 04.06.2024 08:42

I unable to glitch ancient and shock arrows.

My arrow inventory
Slot 1 normal, 2 fire, 3 ice
Slot 4 shock, 5 bomb, 6 ancient

Successfully Glitched
IST Slot 6 normal, 5 bomb, 4 fire
IST Slot 3 ice, 2 and 1 not glitching.

Had tried few times on IST slot 2 and 1, still unable to glitch shock and ancient.

Anything I'm missing here?

@unsubfromme4801 - 07.06.2024 18:55

didnt work, instead it corrupted my save. thanks

@golfballgaming - 16.06.2024 21:42

Thanks! Now i can beat up the enemies with a infinite supply of shock arrows!

@BrandonJackson2005 - 01.07.2024 04:53

IST is the most powerful glitch in this game that makes memory storage so useless

@thepurritosporkfamily7183 - 06.07.2024 03:20

I looked in the comment section, and nobody seemed to have the same problem as me. For some reason, my key items doubled when i did the glitch. How do i revert this??

@Puffy542 - 12.07.2024 00:09

thanks for explaining nothing for half the video

@Olivertw1st - 17.07.2024 20:04

I didn't know I had to get rid of my korok seeds and spirit orbs before hand so it made a total mess in my inventory and I had to delete my game because the glitched koroks and spirit orbs would not go away even with a new game and master mode

@Olivertw1st - 24.07.2024 17:50

I thought I had messed up again because I didn't have my champion abilities but I saved and closed the game and it seemed to work

@mirkogarioni4165 - 02.08.2024 01:36

you bugged my key items menu now i have double everything

@mipiaceiltubo - 07.08.2024 12:14

You've is the most difficult british accent to understand. Even the automatic translation has difficulties. Thumb down.

@donaldballsfunny - 12.08.2024 21:45

what if you go above the amount of ist slots? or go to eventide if you already completed it? it didn't work for me (ill try again and only do the bare minimum and also go to trial of sword)

EDIT: It still won't work? any help?

EDIT 2: it works

@SourPatchTeens - 13.08.2024 00:36

I know this was a year ago but I hope you can respond my game crashed whenever I tried to go to trial of the sword please tell me what do do

@JonathanZhao-hs5fi - 16.08.2024 05:21

If you yave extra korok seeds, how do you count those? Say I have 590 korok seeds. (I can't use them anymore because I already have maximum storage) do they only count as 1 key items, or 590?

@RobCardIV - 01.09.2024 08:18

two kind of otaku on earth.
this is the gah hey hey one.

@Ixamp - 07.09.2024 16:07

Thanks for this video and also for a few comments explaining everything down here!! I just did the glitch two times in a row for regular arrows and the ancient arrows. Used an Ancient Bow and have 12000 of regular and ancient now. Both worked, yet have to try the other arrows.

I did the glitch exactly as shown in the video. Also traded all of my spirit orbs and korok seeds so I have none of them.
I have 6 key items in the last inventory tab + 6 for the arrow slots, so 12. This means I have to overload by selling 12 different items. Note that eventually after the glitch you will have all these items back, so it doesn’t matter which items you take and sell I guess.
(Play the overloading part in this video at x0,25 speed to see what he does)
Because I have 6+6=12 key items i had to overload 3 times.

Anyway, then i glided to Eventide Island by the shrine which is to the west on the mainland of the island (on top of the cliff). Picked up 6 weapons (used my bomb ability to kill off any enemies). As soon as I had enough weapons I reloaded the savefile I made earlier and let it make an autosave. Reload the autosave and you’re ready if done right. Save manually and restart and reload.

I also saw somebody here asking how to get the arrows on your mainsave. As you are loading the savefile from earlier you already have them on your mainsave.

Note sure wether it makes any difference but I didnt have any free bow/shield slots.

Anyway here’s a short list of my steps:

1. Equip high durability bow in the last bowslot and manually save. You can do this by dropping and picking up.
2. Overload your menu while holding ZR all the time (instead of only pulling your bow out)
3. When only Link’s head appears you can let go of ZR and pick 4 items. Close inventory, pick up bows and sell rest of items.
4. Take another item from inventory. Drop it and pick it up.
5. Repeat steps 2 - 4 until you have your amount of key items glitched.
6. Go to Eventide Island: pick up the required amount of weapons. (Eg: 1 for regular arrows, 6 for ancient)
7. Reload the manual save you made earlier and run around the get an autosave. (Do not open inventory or anything else; just run around)
8. Once autosaved, reload the autosave and your set.

@DeOhioRizzler - 09.09.2024 01:12

If I haven’t unlocked eventide island can I just warp to the nearby shrine and glide down?

- 21.09.2024 21:12

uh is there any way to bring back the master sword after i accidentally erase it because of this glitch?

@superthor12 - 20.10.2024 10:52

New simple method has been found
Yeah buddy I don't think you meant SIMPLE you meant complicated

@АлексейПамагимне - 03.12.2024 19:15


@chrisadorno5708 - 30.12.2024 00:51

Hi guys,any ideas why I can’t duplicate the fire arrows?

@FIltered_3 - 06.01.2025 06:13

thank u so much man. ive need arrows for so long and this was easy to understand

@YurieBae - 01.02.2025 19:25

I did everything the video said but I didn’t get arrows do I have to have them equipped?😮

@jaytee2568 - 07.02.2025 11:56

Thatshit made less sense than a tweaker outside after they rolled the bowl?

@zG_A_GAMING - 08.02.2025 05:15

I got a system error screen😢

@Epicpicklessalt - 13.02.2025 23:28

I did it corrects and it didn’t work

@glasshalfempty1984 - 16.02.2025 12:02

Another tutorial that leaves out an insane amount of crucial information. Pick a good bow like the bow of light.... So we're not going to talk at all about how you get the bow of light? We're not going to talk at all about any of that? I mean I have no fucking clue how to get the bow of light I've heard you only have it for the last fight and I've heard you don't fucking have it after that. So apparently this requires a prerequisite glitch? I don't know. And you're not telling me. And I'm sorry for sounding like an asshole but I'm just so fucking tired of watching tutorials and people not making any goddamn sense. Sorry I'm sorry I just
.. Just frustrated

@nidhiraghuvanshi7617 - 26.02.2025 03:07

How to complete full game of Zelda breath of the wild

@Willpuchandbob7-s7u - 26.02.2025 04:48

It won’t work I do every thing right
