Speedrunning Tears of the Kingdom without Glitches

Speedrunning Tears of the Kingdom without Glitches

Player 5

1 год назад

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@adoyo - 15.01.2024 11:32

The thumbnail is pure perfection it's genuienly amazing lmao

@skyfiresage5980 - 17.01.2024 20:54

This is really great! I've always been interested in speedrunning but prefer glitchless categories so its always nice to see a good glitchless run.

@crynosinso8324 - 19.01.2024 00:34

"You're welcome, Cassandra!"

@jamsstats1700 - 20.01.2024 07:50

This is comment number 222

@hadh - 22.01.2024 01:26

This run is so cool !!! any% is great but this.. this is so badass. And also, I've started a paragliderless slow run and it gave me ideas on how to handle some things :D Thanks !

@CL1PH - 25.01.2024 09:12

This was the coolest run of totk i've ever watched. the routing and the work arounds without the glider are so interesting. and the boss rush on one heart is so impressive.

@Pantalowski - 25.01.2024 18:50

This thumbnail is more than amazing.

@redemption8608 - 29.01.2024 01:40

Baller thumbnail

@GeneralKats - 29.01.2024 18:08

Im sure you already know this by now, but if you shield surf just before you hit the ground it cancel fall damage

@whatrnames - 30.01.2024 01:41

This needs to be an official category. No offence to the runners, but heavily glitched runs are always boring to watch. What made BOTW so fun to watch is that while there was some glitching, like clipping into shrines, it was mostly easy to follow at all times.

@eliseoc.g.6465 - 30.01.2024 09:56

I feel this no glitches run is better than the glitched one

@celtlen - 04.02.2024 12:09

Really love these explainer vids, P5. Hope you make more in the future!

@neob8248 - 04.02.2024 17:20

is the cancle with the heavy weapon a glitch?

@hoho-sp4cw - 05.02.2024 02:08

“no itches?”

@sinteleon - 05.02.2024 07:21

I'd note that the prologue is also practically impossible to be made faster without an oob glitch regardless.

@eh_xx - 05.02.2024 17:21

Tip: gloom weapons dont deal damage to you if youre on one heart

@YareHdezS00 - 06.02.2024 06:53

horrific, I loved it

@AdapG - 07.02.2024 04:20

I genuinely can't think of a single good reason why glitchless any% isn't a category yet, if anyone knows anything about this, it would be greatly appreciated.

@Faolair - 08.02.2024 21:39

this really should be a category of its own, especially since it's a way more accessible category overall
glitches usually raise the entry level to the sky...

@perseusgaming365 - 09.02.2024 03:41

This run proves that speedrunning glitchless is just as entertaining if not more entertaining than any%.

@OverLord3693 - 10.02.2024 02:16

I like glitchless run more. Not sure why this is not a category already. Glitches feel like cheating although they require skills of their own. The use of ascend and wall grab was really innovative on this run. I haven't seen this on any of the normal speed runs

@KayDragonnn - 12.02.2024 08:18

This is super sick, I’d love to watch more glitchless runs.

@Cyber_Cheese - 12.02.2024 22:45

I feel like the things you need to excessively describe near the start might be considered glitches, even if the mechanics make sense

@ltrigga219 - 13.02.2024 07:24

Holy crap, really awesome video, man! I’m super happy that you did this without glitches or wall clips or anything crazy. Seriously impressive!

@kamisori_otome - 13.02.2024 21:51

lore link:

@philiphau - 15.02.2024 14:24

Fantastic video! I tried to replicate this run, but I had problems at one point. At the beginning of the army with the Bokoblins I shot bomb arrows, but I hit a lot less, fell faster and took fall damage. Does anyone have a tip for me?

@snerd8064 - 17.02.2024 00:54

God that thumbnail is funny

@DexterWolf-ds7nz - 18.02.2024 02:59

thiat thumbnail got me deing bro

@sweetiewolfgirl - 18.02.2024 11:02

"Everyrun starts with GSI"

Oh boy, this video has aged.

@Daviziu - 18.02.2024 13:43

Thats honestly a super interesting category and run

@mattshnoop - 20.02.2024 06:29

I would love if this was a proper category. Unrestricted Any% requires a lot of esoteric skills and some knowledge of the inner workings of the game. The only thing like that in this run is maybe the quirky jump slash movement; everything else is essentially just regular gameplay honed to its maximum. I think it's a lot more impressive, at least to a casual player of the game.

@rowansmith422 - 22.02.2024 06:50

i think exploits are so interesting: Not a glitch, just taking an intended feature and using it in an unintended way
like, the glitch with the wing at the door of the temple of time. its not a glitch, its just going, "oh, this works this way? cool." and taking it to a extreme

@MrGucky2010 - 23.02.2024 01:14

It’s a shame that glitchless isn’t an official category..

@nathanmielke1977 - 24.02.2024 10:53

This is the most pure speed run type. Thank you!

@cantaloupegodling352 - 24.02.2024 16:00

For a game like TOTK I think Glitchless is way more interesting. The glitches are way too powerful and easy so it's not nearly as entertaining because the skill ceiling seems lower (it's still totally super hard it just looks easier)

@Dan-nh8nu - 01.03.2024 13:37

Now that's a proper run, Glitches are against the spirit of the game.

@Broockle - 06.03.2024 21:04

My dream speedrun. Nice job.
You even avoided the amiibos 😀

@Lamz.Z1 - 27.03.2024 06:39

YOOOOO. This is so fire! I just beat TOTK also without prep, glitches or the paraglider, and I must say, I know the hell you went through. I also appreciate the differences in our methods, I fought the army, Colgera and the seized construct differently.

@jamsstats1700 - 18.06.2024 20:04

Who’s here after glitchless became official category

@xiaoyu2006 - 07.07.2024 20:02

Beat Gidbo Queen with Gidbo bones; beat Ganondorf with his Gloom weapon. WOW just wow😂

@HeXtaZzz - 11.07.2024 17:59

How do you move sideways when you go to the castle the inpunt pls

@thekraken8082 - 16.07.2024 03:19

Legendary thumbnail

@Arthcarrigan - 19.07.2024 00:24

This blew my mind. This is pure awesomeness!

@torresworries - 06.08.2024 20:26

So a glitchless run with glitches? Bro, do a run GLITCHLESS and then call it a glitchless run, pathetic.

@tonyastorlie1947 - 25.08.2024 18:14


@plumslices - 12.09.2024 01:59

love this. i always watch no amibo runs because i dislike it lol. so this was incredible. great work!!

@thereseopel8448 - 11.11.2024 22:46

Bruh. I wanted the speedrun! not the explanation for it!! Wheres the link Bish?
