Denture Module

Denture Module

BlueSky Bio

6 лет назад

7,204 Просмотров

The Blue Sky Plan software now includes a new denture module.

The new denture module allows the importation of edentulous models, creation of a gingiva base, addition of a palatal seal when relevant, customization and the placement of full teeth sets.
The denture module can be used to create a complete denture base with teeth, a denture bases with the teeth subtracted for the printing of the gingival base and placement of manufactured denture teeth, or the creation of a tooth reduction coping for proper trimming of manufactured denture teeth.

The denture module will automatically reduce the teeth in approved teeth libraries to prevent intersection with the edentulous models. All manufactured gingiva bases, tooth reduction copings and approved teeth can be exported from the Blue Sky Plan software to STL files for milling or printing. For More information and full details visit


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