A Valuable Piece of Dating Advice For Men

A Valuable Piece of Dating Advice For Men

Kezia noble

2 месяца назад

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@cwera8866 - 22.12.2024 21:58

Keep Rocking Kezia looking fabulous as always 👌 much respect from Ireland 🇮🇪 👏 👍 🙌

@Butlins14 - 22.12.2024 22:10

Is Jack Hawkins the ultimate man?

@yipperdeyip - 22.12.2024 22:16

Jesus dude, don't end a line on your thumbnail like that with "OF"
Thought you were doing onlyfans now

@shanenolan5625 - 22.12.2024 22:16

Cheers kezia , happy holidays,

@wilcisco1159 - 22.12.2024 22:22

Right we can can't do anything about women's mindset it just the way it is. What us men need to do is figure out how we can use their difference to our advantage

@realistrick - 22.12.2024 22:33

This is so vital...sometimes, you just get plain unlucky. Other times it may have been your fault but still, nothing is written in stone!

@itsjustsal8340 - 22.12.2024 22:49

Good advice. I try to text a woman to out on a date for months. But the last text she dating someone else. Heartbroken, but I will use that advice. Hopefully it’ll help me in 2025.

@aumnamashivaya4 - 22.12.2024 22:52

What do you mean by "be detached from women"?😂

@nickfba - 22.12.2024 23:23

Isit just an online course ir in person

@Athletics70 - 22.12.2024 23:38

Kezia; Excellent advice. Hope you're enjoying a very pleasant holiday season.

@smiles7631 - 23.12.2024 00:03

Always a pleasure to see you and hear your advice. Have a good Holiday!

@jordanhefr - 23.12.2024 00:04

Thank you for this positive message! Yes let’s try it with style and honesty for both ourselves and the opposite gender.

@gearaustralia8767 - 23.12.2024 00:25

Thanks K 😎✌️ walk away from the past, turn your back on it and go forward as a better person 🙌

@anandmajhi4975 - 23.12.2024 00:34

the truth feels dangerous, and that’s why the book Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki is ignored

@ketanrawale86 - 23.12.2024 00:34

society would change overnight if more people read the book Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki

@bhupesh-f4v - 23.12.2024 00:34

everything you believe might crumble if you read the book Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki

@ANkumar-s - 23.12.2024 00:34

they don’t want you to read the book Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki because it sets you free

@geetakhati2150 - 23.12.2024 00:34

the book Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki is what everyone avoids because it’s too real

@Patrick-p8z1m - 23.12.2024 00:40

Thank you, Kezia happy Christmas 🎉

@Baronno-bee - 23.12.2024 03:02

I didn’t know you used to blonde!! Have a cracking Christmas and smashing 2025 and onwards! 🩵🎄❤

@joebritto574 - 23.12.2024 03:16

The past is merely a memory, and not actually part of reality my friends. Happy New Year!

@jefftaylor1905 - 23.12.2024 03:26

. . . salute! On changing the game plan. ⚗

@heypaisan9384 - 23.12.2024 04:06

Are they built for speed or comfort?

@SenorJuan2023 - 23.12.2024 05:50

"My eyes are here."

@AdviceandAdventures - 23.12.2024 06:07

Great message, Kezia! Have a great New year! 🎊

@chisomsamuel2895 - 23.12.2024 06:43

❤ kezia

@russ876 - 23.12.2024 08:20

For some reason, this may be my fave video of yours, so far. Thx, and Happy Holidays. 😎

@GregoryTheGr8ster - 23.12.2024 08:33

You make it sound so easy to walk away from our disappointments and to emotionally detach ourselves. I still can't do it. I agree that I need to, but I can't shake off the past so easily.

@Patricianeel - 23.12.2024 09:46

It's common for relationships to encounter obstacles, but there is always a solution. My own marriage faced considerable issues, but with appropriate guidance, my husband and I worked through them and deepened our connection. Solutions are achievable if you're ready to work together. Stay hopeful-there's always a way forward.

@Matthew_Scan - 23.12.2024 12:24

My New Year’s resolution is to get a date 😂FML 🤦🏻‍♂️

@Artist21st - 23.12.2024 13:01

You're so honest about women. Thank you for not placating to one side over another. Me too has made men reluctant. Not afraid. I have been working been working on my legacy. IF I meet a nice woman great. If I don't. I'll just enjoy my family, my foundation and few friends...

@kerryfoster1 - 23.12.2024 13:39

Its YOU not them.

@CoachSteveJandS - 23.12.2024 16:27

Everyone is afraid that they are not good enough and that they won't get their needs met. The person you are scared to chat up is thinking/feeling it themselves too ...

@ParzivalPheonix - 23.12.2024 16:44

Kez is cute af.

@dhawals502 - 23.12.2024 17:44

This is so wise advise! Superb video to end the year! Love it ❤ Have a great next year!

@sixtiezlove346 - 23.12.2024 21:34

I can tell Kezia's advice comes from years of experience working with real men.

@jerrymodeste5900 - 24.12.2024 00:18

Thank kezia for always giving the truth and providing quality content

@mindfuldrone - 24.12.2024 05:41

The message that men and women are different is a radical one in this day and age.

@guntertorfs6486 - 24.12.2024 15:25

Like with all women in my case , i eventually get really attracted to their personality : intelligence , correctness , warmth , communication skills. As long as there is a physical attraction , doesn't have to be a foxy woman like you , those characteristics can get me really hot and bothered. Might sound a little hyperbolic , but your brain is even more of a turn on than your looks.

@seanendeavours - 25.12.2024 04:34

I attended a colleagues funeral last January who ended his life. I didn't really talk to anyone but hugged a few people that also worked at the supermarket.

A few days later, I had a chat with a Mother colleague who also attended and told me their daughter was "in love with me", I had no idea who it was and if it was serious, but felt heartwarmed and took is as a compliment.

A few months passed, and the Mother mentioned it again hoping to set us both up, I wasn't on any social media, so looked her up and realised she also worked in the supermarket but was too shy to really say anything to me.

Upon seeing her she was a cute young goth girl, almost a decade younger than me, not the type I'd typically go for , but felt I didn't have anything to lose.

We talked online, and realised we had a bit in common - we're both introverted, unusual, into certain films, pets, music etc. I became more invested in her and began to feel myself infatuated with her too.
I saw photos of her previous boyfriend and noticed her type was similar to me, so I thought to myself 'Blackpill confirmed, this is the one for me, nothing can go wrong now.'

I hadn't been on a date in years apart from the odd hookup, because I had no idea how to approach girls, so I always sat back hoping I'd find someone mutually or be approached.

We never really had chance to speak in person, because of different departments worked on, so we only spoke to eachother for a few short minutes, whilst it was all online for 1-2 months until setting up plan for a day out date in the city.

On the date however, I felt awkward tension so tried to fill it with small talk and friendly topics. I was hoping after we walked around the city things she'd loosen up more and talk, or after a bit of time we'd get use to eachother.

I realized how much I depended on the benefits of messaging, giving time to think on what to say in conversation, but completely couldn't think of anything to say in person other than platonic small talk nonsense.

After only a hour, she told me she needed to get back home because her 'cat was sick', I read between the lines and made our way back. Once I was driving back I realized she was much more chatty talking about work etc, but I wasn't sure if it was to pass the time.

After I dropped her off, I assumed that would be the end of it, but I received a picture message of her showing her cat in a medical collar, so I felt a bit of hope she's still interested.

The next day I was working, I checked my phone and had no more messages. I spoke to the Mother again and all seemed well, I felt too awkward to mention about the date so talked about other things.

Near the end of the day I saw her come in shopping in the long further distance of the store, however she was with another guy who also worked at the store come in shopping together.

No disrespect to the guy, he was friendly to everyone, but he was not her type at all, he had short hair, odd shaped nose, shorter than me and even skinnier than I am.

We made eye contact, in the further distance, I had no idea how to react I just waved and she waved back, I walked away to the toilets feeling confused heartbroken and very sad, that she didn't even have the courtesy to say she wasn't interested.

The next day I find out from another person that they're both dating, and saw her in work after I finished, I was after a item on the shelf she was working on, she saw me and friendly acted normal as though nothing had happened, I muttered hi, grabbed the item and walked away showing I wasn't willing to talk to her anymore.

I always found when people got to know me, their treatment changes towards me, like I get less respect as time goes on.

What hurt the most about this one, was it was my own personality and self that somehow completely turned her off and thought it would be fine to just ghost me and quickly move on to the next guy.

That was in the beginning of July and almost 6 months later they still seem to be together, and I still feel sadness and humiliated from it. It kills me seeing them together everytime, I can't get her out of my head, tearing me apart mentally.

What this has taught me was being someone's type isn't guaranteed success nor is it the be all, what's more crucial is not having any mental conditions like myself which I might be on the spectrum.

I don't want to give up, but I feel if that one failed and the closest I felt to a true long term relationship, I don't think there's a chance at all ever.

@zenithblaze020 - 25.12.2024 15:33

Your advice is incredible! Along with the book Celestial Soulmate by Lentlish, I’ve learned how to feel more relaxed when approaching girls and how to build real confidence. It’s amazing how small changes can lead to big results.

@ModernDatingMastery - 27.12.2024 23:09


@DmitryFM - 28.12.2024 11:34

You're ❤lovely Kezia! Id hang up w Ya 4 real for at least once a life!)

@DmitryFM - 28.12.2024 11:39

Detach is the word of a new 2025!

@boredstrayingtheinternet2557 - 31.12.2024 13:19

Someone should advise western women how to regain a female attitude and appeal. In a city like London you don't spot a pretty girl of western origin in whole day.

@mickimockymo - 07.01.2025 06:54

Hating the GBN stuff.. Doesn't your family have roots from outside the UK? (thinking Jewish? May be wrong)

@ToniaYung - 11.01.2025 13:37

Recently, I had a challenging split. The breakup of my five-year relationship a few months ago has been quite difficult. I still harbor a deep affection for my ex-boyfriend, and I can't seem to stop thinking about him. My attempts to win him back have been unsuccessful, and at this point, it seems impossible to be with anybody else. It may seem strange to admit this, but I miss him terribly and can't stop thinking about him.

@jlongobardy1612 - 14.01.2025 14:49

In other words, emotional baggage is women's province and retaining emotions beyond their advent is feminine and childish and so unattractive. Man up; get over any, all losses; don't dwell on yourself; be too busy going about your work and fulfilling completely and competently your responsibilities and pursue hard both your curiosties in life and your crushes among women. In doing so, I assure you, you will enroll more women than you could have ever imagined into your fan club. You can't be an emotional man and good in bed at the same time. Toughen up. No woman ever complained her man is too hard.

@rudicoetsee8251 - 23.01.2025 12:40

Whats your advice on dating you?
