Shen Yue and Dylan Wang's Hard Work Paid Off.

Shen Yue and Dylan Wang's Hard Work Paid Off.

Cali and Shendy

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@BeatriceSanni - 02.03.2025 14:51

Thanks Cali and Shendy for the update, Shen Yue is beautiful in and out, Shen Yue recording Happy Adult, someone saw her and make a remark of how beautiful our girl is in her person. That is why we love her. Dylan Wang for Xtrep. Dylan action speak louder than voice, we can see the word that is coming out of Dylan mouths. I Love You very much, this word is only for one person(Shen Yue). Dylan is always playful with his co workers. Dylan shared in his blog some of the his concert in Thailand, it is really a successful concert. We love Dyshen, we will continue to support them. Forever and always Dyshen

@นกน้อยสาระเกษ - 02.03.2025 14:57

เลฟเย่ว คนสวย❤❤

@juliedyer5384 - 02.03.2025 15:00

Someone is so getting desperate if they had as many connections of their ship as ours they would be bragging trying so hard to convince another ship is not real who are you kidding and they probably did not tell you Dylan’s family apparently closed the restaurant that allegedly got called after their idol and she allegedly stalked people following them on a planes security got called and got escorted off and the person she stalked changed their flight and she kicked up such a fuss so don’t come here and accuse Shen yue doing things Dylan doesn’t ignore Shen yue and keeps doing many events together always brings up meteor garden or things connected to Shen yue even had a cameo in his tv show

@juliedyer5384 - 02.03.2025 15:04

Dylan isn’t married to bailu or dating Esther or a womaniser so stop with the accusations and stop with making out Shen yue is also like Dylan

@West.indies - 02.03.2025 15:05


@jodyvanhetlamsslag4496 - 02.03.2025 15:06

The Dyshen💜💛Couple Both Work Very Hard , And Their Hard Work Paid Off👏👍👌✌Very Pretty Shen Yue💛And Handsome Dylan Wang💜And Their Wink😉And Both With Purple💜Shen Yue In Hunan For Joyful Grown-Ups S 2 , Congratulations🎉🎈🌹Shen Yue For Winning The TV Drama Role Popularity Championship In Tencent Entertainment February Influence Ranking For Playing The Role Of HE JIALI In The Six Sister , Shen Yue💛Definitely Deserves Recognition And A Award🏆Also Together In The Six Sisters With Jackie Li Dyshen💜💛Their Very Good Friend , Shen Yue Also In Purple💜And Yellow💛Handsome Dylan Wang💜For XTEP , And Yes The Host Harry Are Teasing Dylan Wang😂🤣With A RULER , We See A Yellow 🌙 💛FOOT RULER , And We See A Tape Measure , Dylan Wang Says I 💜 Love ❤️ You 💛 Very Much , Yes Harry😂🤣You Are To Much😂🤣And Do You Know Something About The Dyshen💜💛Couple Harry , The XTEP Sport Shoes Are Also With The Colors Pink💖And Blue💙Pink💖Is Shen Yue💛Her Favorite Color , Blue💙Is Dylan Wang💜His Favorite Color Since Their Childhood , Dylan Wang💜His Vlog With Pu Sha And Wang Qiming From Seewe In Bangkok , Dylan Wang💜Also Sang Tango By The Sea🌊It Was For The 5th Anniversary From Meteor Garden 2018🌠And For The Love❤Of Dylan Wang💜His Life Shen Yue💛He💜Who Wrote Love❤Songs For Me💛Since Meteor Garden 2018🌠

@pandoylhs147 - 02.03.2025 15:16

Thank you my dear friend Cali and Shendy, for this update video, about our lovely couple Dyshen. Our girl still recording the next part of her variety show Happy adults. She really looks so gorgeous, and so sweet,i love her girly style, she looks perfect. Congratulations to our Princess Shen Yue, for her recondition from her role,in the series Six sisters. She really deserve it, she is so talented and charismatic actress. 💛🥰💞 Dylan was so cute in his live streaming, for the Xtep,he really working very hard, for his career. Dylan always is very energetic, and enthusiastic in whatever he does. I love this particular moment, with the yellow ruler, when he said the words,i love you so much,he was so sweet. This ruler reminds me, the crescent 🌙 moon, and we know that Dylan everything he said,or he does it's only about his love of his life Shen Yue. In Dylan's today vlog video,it was very beautiful, and he give us how hardworking and dedicated person he is. This vlog video, reminds me a lot of Shen Yues vlog videos. And also,it has some moments very similar, with videos from behind off stage in the Phanta City, with Shen Yue, and the F4. The Dyshen couple, they are so clever couple, they don't doing anything, with out any reason. 💜🥰💞We never stop to love, and support our lovely couple Dyshen, in whatever they do, in their career. Dyshen for ever, for a life time. Have a great time, and keep safe and healthy, from a good friend from Greece. 💜💛🥰👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨😊🎉🎆💞

@rosencoffee616 - 02.03.2025 16:05

Yes, Yue portrayals in every drama she was with deserves an award especially her latest role in six sisters. I do believe that hardwork paid off and shes getting whats she deserved😊congrats Yue😍
DD laughing out loud from a ruler with I love you written on it is so fun to watch , and I think he has a person on his mind while saying those words thats why he cannot stop laughìng and saying it😃
We love you Dyshen💛💜

@primoon97 - 02.03.2025 16:14

Loved Shen Yue on Six Sisters. Such a powerhouse performance ❤❤❤Repeating episodes with Shen Yue over and over again. Just disappointed that her dramas are not coming out more frequently. Perhaps our Moon believes in quality over quantity😘

@floramariano4504 - 02.03.2025 17:14

Dyshen are both busy in their separate projects
Yu recording HA S2 in Yunnan while Dd just done wd Xtep LS in Wunnan. Dyshen are so hardworking. YES, they are both being recognized of their good performanced as artist, Yy in Six sister and Dd in Dafeng. Congratulations Dyshen, keep soaring high. Thanks Cali and Shendy for this update. 😊💜💛🥰💪💪💪

@AnaTotszegi-gy7vt - 02.03.2025 18:00


@VP1963h - 02.03.2025 18:13

The best China,s couple and the post powerfull are Dylan Wang and Esther Yu ❤❤ many greetings from Europe

@marciasmall5457 - 02.03.2025 18:15

Dylan is such a natural comedian with a great personality. Congratulations to him and the awards and success of his concert. He loves giving back to the fans.
Just saw a photo of him as a young child with his mum hugging him. He was and still is a very good looking person. Those eyes are gorgeous.
Shen Yue deserves lots of awards too. She has worked so hard over the years and I’m desperate to see her in a Princess role in order to show she can do different roles.
Well done again to both of them.💛💜💛💜💛💜💛💜💛💜💛💜💛💜

@ashingrg4947 - 02.03.2025 19:21

Cool Shen yeu

@nellypogo1123 - 02.03.2025 20:15


@franciscamariateodoro5714 - 02.03.2025 20:53

Shen Yue nas gravações de adultos felizes é tão fofa e linda ao mesmo tempo 🥰, parabéns para nossa menina por sua interpretação de He Jiali em seis irmãs, realmente impecável e merece todo reconhecimento 👏👏👏, Dylan em seu evento em Singapura é tão lindo 😍,uma régua na cor amarela e a frase i love you Very much 😳🔥🔥🙈😂😂😂 e too much 😂😂 em seguida fez um coração por cima de sua cabeça,uau Dylan quanta fofura essa declaração de amor por sua amada Yue 🤗 🥰🥰, e o apresentador continuou provocando Dylan fazendo um coração com os dedos 💓🥰,com certeza ele sabe muito sobre nosso casal perfeito e apoia 😍🌕☀️,em seguida compartilhou com todos nós como foi a organização de seu belíssimo show em Bangkok na Tailândia 😍🔥🔥, Dylan e Shen Yue tem uma compatibilidade perfeita 😍, até mesmo na hora de compartilhar seus vlogs 💞,o microfone na cor 🎤💖,o cabelo com grande mecha na cor rosa, todos trabalharam arduamente para que o show conseguisse alcançar a perfeição,eles conseguiram 🔥🔥🔥👏👏, nosso casal perfeito está cada dia mais forte e nós sempre estaremos aqui para apoia-los 💪👏👏💞👸🏻🤴🏻, Dyshen para todo sempre e sempre fortalecidos 💪💛💜 eu te amo muito,demais 😁💖💞

@sanaahmer2569 - 02.03.2025 22:28

Shenyue & Dylan both are the best 👍🏻💕

@jazminlorenafigureoalberty1829 - 02.03.2025 23:54


@fatimaramalho5514 - 02.03.2025 23:59

Casal 10. É bonito ver o magnetismo, amor e charme de ambos. Felicidades e que Deus abençoe sempre 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

@gwilli2598 - 03.03.2025 00:00

Love your positivity inputs on our Dyshen forever. Both are soaring in their careers ,doing amazingly well 👌 congratulations 🎊 👏 to both shenu and dylan on their continued success. shenu always gives us a breath of refreshing ✨️ beauty ✨️ dylan did an amazing job at his D-PARTY it truly was a Show stopping event 😀 ❤️ dyshen supporters will always stand totally with them throughout their undying love, hoping they'll continue to be stronger then ever against there haters, because they're so busy spreading lies rumors, but still dyshen rises never wavering from what's inside their magnetic bounded forever love that's irreplaceable 🙏🌙🌞💜🩷💛💙💯💪♾️✌️🐈✨️

@jocelynyoung5498 - 03.03.2025 02:52

Both work hard Deserve all the awards coming to you

@zunnurain1512 - 03.03.2025 04:00

"The teacher chose me"
Chose you chose you chose you😂😂😂
Sambil berpose seperti ultramen.
Siapa yang suka di panggil teacher😂😂😂dan siapa yang sering buat pose ultramen, bahkan di buat patung ultramen😂😂dulu ada yang posting di weibo pas ada yang ultah di tanggal 2702"guru sedang bahagia"😂😂😂😂

@zunnurain1512 - 03.03.2025 04:02

Ada yang ikutan gaya ultramen, tapi oraaa popo😂😂😂😂😂😂

@doloresyoumora8840 - 04.03.2025 02:42

