Гробница Сенусерта Iii

A walk on the Giza plateau III The khemit school Yousef Awyan 1,539 5 лет назад
The Black Pyramid of Amenemhat III in Dahshur, Egypt Ageless Rock 7,912 1 год назад
Analyzing the North Face Corridor of the Great Pyramid History for GRANITE 1,041,033 1 год назад
What are the Largest Pyramid Stones Saying? History for GRANITE 1,119,382 1 год назад
What are the Rogue Granite Blocks inside the Great Pyramid? History for GRANITE 781,343 3 года назад
Загадки и тайны семи пирамид Египта Balewar silver. 5,263,280 5 лет назад
Tomb of an Ancient Princess, 3800 Years Old, Discovered in Egypt ANCIENT STORIES 1,501 9 месяцев назад
Vanishing Clues of the Bent Pyramid History for GRANITE 352,521 1 год назад
The Pyramids of Giza and Dahshour Math with Mr Sayed El Moayed Prep (3) 15 3 года назад
Giza Pyramids, Sakkara, and Dahshur Day Tour #pyramidsofegypt #sakara #travel #ancientegypt شراع ترافل - Sheraa travel 7 9 месяцев назад
Up close at the “Bent Pyramid” Stargate Voyager 70,625 1 год назад
EGYPT: LAND OF ANCIENT WONDERS! WonderWORLD 125 11 месяцев назад