Tolkien Untangled

The OTHER Rings of Power | The Tale of the Nine & the Seven Tolkien Untangled 66,164 6 месяцев назад
Rhûn, Khand, & the Unknown East of Middle-earth Tolkien Untangled 108,108 5 месяцев назад
The Wars of HELM HAMMERHAND | Rohan VS Dunland Tolkien Untangled 27,447 2 месяца назад
On the Potential for Orc Redemption | Middle-earth Lore Tolkien Untangled 38,547 5 месяцев назад
Tuor, the Man who became Immortal | Tolkien Explained Nerd of the Rings 635,167 3 года назад
The History of Morgoth [COMPILATION] | Tolkien Explained Nerd of the Rings 2,431,489 1 год назад
The History of Sauron [COMPILATION] | Tolkien Explained Nerd of the Rings 3,063,493 1 год назад
Gandalf's First Mission (as Olórin) | Tolkien Explained Nerd of the Rings 375,838 4 месяца назад
Durin's Bane: Balrog of Moria | A LOTR ASMR Sleep Story with Ambience Midnight Myth Tales 120,027 5 месяцев назад
Complete History of Middle-Earth Wizards and Warriors 670,840 5 месяцев назад
What Are the Nameless Things of Moria - Cryptids of Middle-Earth Realms Unravelled 718,831 1 год назад
The Full Story of THE NAZGUL! (RINGWRAITHS!) | Middle Earth Lore The Broken Sword 1,045,293 3 года назад
What if Sauron got The One Ring? | Tolkien Theory Nerd of the Rings 1,950,916 2 года назад
Why can't Men go to the Undying Lands? In Deep Geek 223,617 2 месяца назад
More Middle-earth Misconceptions Explained Tolkien Untangled 162,145 6 месяцев назад
The Lost Ents of Middle-earth | Will They Ever Wake Again? Tales from the Glade 524 2 дня назад
The One Ring: How Does it Work? | Middle-earth Lore Video Tolkien Untangled 753,559 2 года назад
Durin's Bane | The Balrog of Moria Explained Tolkien Untangled 868,507 1 год назад
An Age of Sauron: Explained | What might the Dark Lord’s victory look like? Tolkien Untangled 180,793 9 месяцев назад
Mysteries of Middle-earth | Lore Video Tolkien Untangled 109,814 4 года назад
Ten Facts about Númenor | Tolkien Top Tens Tolkien Untangled 370,513 2 года назад