The European

Prof Michael Clarke looks at European plans to end war in Ukraine Sky News 454,966 15 часов назад
Is the European Union Worth It Or Should We End It? Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell 7,873,962 7 лет назад
How does the EU work? | CNBC Explains CNBC International 476,443 5 лет назад
TOP 10 | PARTY Rockers - The Maestro & The European Pop Orchestra The Maestro & The European Pop Orchestra 82,187 9 месяцев назад
What is the European Union? EU Made Simple 163,643 1 год назад
The History of the EU with David Mitchell OpenLearn from The Open University 722,729 8 лет назад
The European Union Explained* CGP Grey 13,036,551 11 лет назад
The European Union - Summary on a Map Geo History 1,828,331 5 лет назад
Europe - The Final Countdown (Official Video) Europe 1,299,706,460 15 лет назад
Is the EU Democratic? Does Your Vote Matter? Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell 5,410,248 5 лет назад
What is the European Union? | BBC Newsbeat BBC Newsbeat 298,269 9 лет назад
A brief history of the European Union EPinUK 409,736 11 лет назад
The European Union's Green Deal, Explained Into Europe 115,077 4 года назад