Weekend Update: Christmas Toy Joke Off w/ Seth, Amy, Jimmy & Tina - SNL

Weekend Update: Christmas Toy Joke Off w/ Seth, Amy, Jimmy & Tina - SNL

Saturday Night Live

55 лет назад

1,891,850 Просмотров

Thinking they could do better, "Weekend Update" anchors reunite as Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler take on Jimmy Fallon and Tina Fey in a joke off about a Christmas toy drive at a strip club. [Season 37, 2011]


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#holiday_sketches #charity #2010s #season_37 #2011 #SNL #Saturday_Night_Live #Jimmy_Fallon #joke_off #Amy_Poehler #Tina_Fey #christmas #Seth_Meyers #toys #stripper
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