But they don’t care 🤷♀️ someone needs to investigated them ride share Lyft and Uber
ОтветитьWhat are they going to start saying next no children you can’t have a kid with dirty feet getting into my car? Who are they going to discriminate against next?
ОтветитьIndependent contractor don’t fall under the same laws as an “employee”
ОтветитьOkay so the companies need to set aside drivers specifically who will accept dogs and other service animals
ОтветитьIt's the proliferation of people trying to pass off their pets as service animals that is creating this environment.
ОтветитьUntil they ban drivers that do this from the platform this won't stop
ОтветитьSince their gasoline comes from out of state, among other things, they fall under the Interstate Commerce Law as well!! Just like Negroes couldn't use transportation under Jim Crow South!! What if they needed to go to a critical doctor appointment or scan at a particular time & the denial of service stranded them... Could they sue the driver for resulting unfortunate or deadly medical results??
ОтветитьThey need to make the ratings from customers not mean as much. I have driven for uber and lift, and I did accept dogs and cats. That said, any customer can give a low rating and get a driver fired for no reason. Being able to reject a customer is sometimes the only way for a driver to stay safe. For example, I would cancel any ride from customers whose would call angry before pick up.
Ответитьdogs are considered unclean to lyftdriver-americans due to their religious beliefs, this is incredibly insensitive 🙁
ОтветитьCan't sue? What's up with that?
ОтветитьIronic this woman wants the drivers to accommodate her disability by taking her service animal. However, when she hears a driver is deathly allergic she just shrugs it off...
ОтветитьWait....regardless of severe allergies?? That is also can be considered a disability.
ОтветитьI’ve had it happen 3 times in a row.
ОтветитьIt is a nonstory. Uber is very strict and will ban a driver for the smallest thing, without any proof. The problem is that the turnover for uber is so high that this lady is likely getting brand new driver's sent to her all the time.
Ответить🤦♂️ ~ What a crap story. I feel sorry for the DRIVERS. What if they have leather seats and the dog’s toenails destroy their seats? If you want to bring your guide dog then you better have something to protect the vehicle. Do you want someone who’s barely making it to have their vehicle noticeably damage?
And I did feel bad for the blind people. But the one towards the end that said “it makes me feel like less of a human” sound like a whiny baby. No one saying they won’t take her because she’s blind, it’s about her dog. No one is saying “eww your eyes don’t look normal so I don’t wanna take you“. It’s about the dog.
Uber and Lyft both have choices to pick drivers who allow pets. It just cost more I don’t blame drivers at all dogs are dirty and stinky.
ОтветитьI think most of these people are afraid of dogs that's it. And it should be against the law for them not to ride. I hope some thing is passed for these blind people😊
ОтветитьRideshare drivers are not employees. Will not change until the company structure changes. A driver can cancel any ride anytime even during the ride and kick you out. Refusing to leave could get you in trouble. That doesn’t necessarily mean the driver wont be deactivated, but its the way the app works. Personally I would never get in a car with someone who doesn’t want me in their car. Your next destination could be your grave, every criminal started with a clean record. In this case I would advise calling cab companies and seeing if the local area has public transit for elderly and people with disabilities that is cheaper and sometimes free, the local DHS would have info.
ОтветитьOh yeah this has happened to us one time 3 cars in a row. Tho ours was an E.S.A. in a bag. Yours is much much more important! ❤❤
ОтветитьWhat ever happened to the old taxis?
ОтветитьIf you have a dog and need a ride just give an extra 80 dollars for there cleaning and I guarantee you’ll be picked up
ОтветитьSome rideshare drivers rent their vehicles, and the rental contracts strictly prohibit them from putting animals in the rental vehicle. In other words, they could lose their livelihood if they allow the animal in their car. If the ride share service informed the drivers that they have two passengers, one human/ one animal, they can skip the fare and allow another driver who can accommodate the animal passenger to accept the fare. I used to drive for Lyft/Uber and didn't mind animals in my car, but I owned my car instead of using a rental. I'd regularly take people to groomer or veterinarian appointments. I only got one seeing eye dog passenger over the 1,000 or so rides I've given. The dog was a perfect passenger.
ОтветитьService animals are considered medical equipment. Just like you can't refuse a person in a wheelchair or who has a cane, you can't refuse a service animal. If a driver doesn't want dogs in their car, they need to get a new job. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse.
ОтветитьDogs are gross and dirty and leave hair everywhere. I don’t blame the drivers. I wouldn’t want to get into an Uber after a wet dog has been in there and left dog hair everywhere! Dog hair isn’t easy to remove from your car seats. Take TRIMET.
ОтветитьTwo words: Radio Cab.
ОтветитьUnfortunately, many dogs with “service dog” leashes aren't service dogs; the owner simply want an excuse to being their personal, often naughty, dog with them.
ОтветитьIf I were a driver, I WOULD LLOOVVEE~ to give them a ride, only for blind n service animals.
Also I should put my account with the title like this “only for blind n animals service.”
The "party of acceptance" in charge only make the world MORE discriminating. Disgusting!
ОтветитьUnfortunately Uber and Lyft drivers are not paid enough to give a s. A dog does their business in our car and uber gives us 40-50 bucks to make up for it, which really is nothing, getting the carpet scrubbed can cost more than that.
Not to mention the lost wages for not being able to drive while car is getting cleaned. Total lost can be in 100s to driver.
If ride share services want to categorize us as contractors, then we as contractors have right to accept or deny who we want to drive. Uber/lyft drivers are not charities or public services, we are over worked and underpaid gig workers. Not much other that that.
Before going all militant on drivers, put yourself in their shoes. If you want to demand better services, demand them from your government who should give a s, not from the sub minimum wage uber drivers.
ahhh democracy
ОтветитьFormer Uber driver here. The abuse and disrespect drivers experience on an actual daily basis from the companies and the passengers far outweigh any inconvenience these passengers are experiencing. There are options on both platforms (Uber Pet and Lyft Pet) that will hail a pet friendly driver. This is a legitimate problem, but so is picking up a dog walking on a dirty sidewalk getting on your upholstery directly after washing and preparing your car for a day of work. The entire business model is punitive towards drivers.
ОтветитьThey're independent contractors not employees so they can deny any contract for any reason at any time. It is an app that facilitates "ride share" so there is no business to sue if an individual doesn't want you near their private property.
Call a taxi, you're entitled to nothing.
So you can be blind but no one can be allergic to your dog? WTH 🤦
ОтветитьPick a driver that accepts pets…it’s that simple lady
ОтветитьAllergies do exist. It's not unreasonable if a driver can't be in an enclosed space with the dog, but that should be documented and disclosed with the company, everything else should be illegal. Also why can't the drivers see the woman is blind and has a dog when they book? These are nine figure companies employing the smartest talent on the planet, they have accessibility teams. Figure it out.
ОтветитьLegally can't do that. Animal service are acceptable but not pets.
ОтветитьI would sue
ОтветитьYou people are so strange! If someone is allergic to dogs they should refuse the ride!
ОтветитьI feel bad for the dog.
ОтветитьThar beautiful labrador can ride with me anytime.
ОтветитьI am legally blind and have had countless horror stories shared with my by those who have been refused service due to their Guide Dogs.
One friend even had her dog severely injured by something sharp that had been placed near the front of the back seat of the car where the dog would have to sit; when she told the driver that her dog was bleeding and asked him to take them to the nearest vet, he kicked them both out. The dog died.
Cabbies are instructed by their fellow cab drivers who share the same bias against the blind and their dogs to refuse to let them into the car, the favourite excuse is the claim that the driver has serious dog allergies - there is even a doctor who will provide bogus medical paperwork to support this lie.
In my opinion the only way they will be able to stop this form of discrimination is to start fining the drivers as well as the company they work for and pay the vet bills should a dog be injured in their car, and/or pay the owner the replacement cost of the dog should it die as a result of an injury suffered as a result of said injury (these dogs are expensive).
I don’t give a F*k whether it’s service animal or not. I don’t get paid when you throw your animals with their dirty feet’s on my seats instead of seating them on the floor mat. Most passengers don’t care about your health or the mess they make.
ОтветитьIf you don’t care about the health of the driver then get a self driving car lol
ОтветитьBugger Uber there all curry munchers they just want$$$$$$$$$$fuck em ring B&w