I feel ya & then some! Those 2 words tho 🤣
ОтветитьI quit bedside for ALL of the above reasons!! Plus increased demands!! It’s too much. Great video sister!!
ОтветитьThe abuse of some patients is what was killing me. Seriously sometimes you are being treated worse than a door mat, and that was too much for me at a certain point. Some patients are nice but boy....some can make you quit nursing in a second. Well thank God now i am an NP and OMG i get some good respect from my patients and it feels weird cause it use to be the opposite lol...but it feel sooo good....😃 🙂 😺 . I think i finally deserve that after 10 years of bedside.
ОтветитьBullying and workplace violence is a major challenge. Great summary! Thanks for posting!
ОтветитьMy number one reason for quitting bedside nursing is because I’m tired of doing everyone’s job and definitely being unappreciated.TFS😇
And the physical demands....OMG!!!
I left the bedside in 2010. And haven't been back to the bedside since. Nursing has been changing for the worst for years. Team work among nurses suck, there's no longer our patient, "it's my or your patient", respect for the field has been gone, it's all about patient's and family satisfaction, managers are more corporate oriented not employee oriented. Patient's can refuse labs, vitals and everything else, just living in the hospital, if your body ain't beat up already stay at the beside long enough it eventually will. Let me just stop right here.
ОтветитьI worked the nursing home at the beginning of my nursing career and I have made up my mind and my heart to never work in the nursing home. The burn out was real, I could not sleep, I was so stressed out. I am currently working bedside nursing, the physical demands is too much.
Ответитьyes burn out and less pay hha, then cna, lpn next yr starting rn....its true facts your speaking sis
ОтветитьI haven't left the bedside yet because I am still enjoying it. But I definitely agree with ALL your points...they are all FACTS!
ОтветитьMy grandmother was a nurse and tells me this all the time. Im going back to school as a non trad student to get my BSN and often wonder how the nursing profession now will be fair at my age. I have ZERO patience for nurse bullying and have no desire as a women in her early 40s for a broken down body! Nursing appeals to me so much, especially the idea of being a CRNA. Just worry about the very points you make😫
ОтветитьI loooove your videos!!!!!
ОтветитьI’m a PCT and I work on the medical oncology floor which is the biggest and busiest floor in the hospital and I really don’t want to do bedside nursing all because of what I deal with as a tech and I what I see the nurses deal with usually they have 5-6 patients a piece and most times those patients are a lotttttt to deal with...seeing this made me want to change my profession
ОтветитьI’m trying to transfer to mother and baby I can’t take all the demands you mentioned.
ОтветитьAnother great video 👍🏾👏🏾🤗
ОтветитьYOU hit everything in this video! I want to leave because nurses bullying one another, axillary staff talking down on nurses, PATIENT RADIO, my licence, unable to urine and have proper break time. thanks for this video
ОтветитьI hate how everything is on you, but you get no support. Everything is the nurse’s fault.
ОтветитьTeam work is dream work but when we keep fighting each other down there will always be one nurse that will always be burnt out. So much for team work😏
ОтветитьThey expect the nurse to do everything. Doctors families call you constantly and sometimes you are caught up in middle of family drama.Families demands everything from the nurse because you are short staffed of nurses assistant. So you have to do your job plus the nurse aid job for 5 patients. It’s too much you feel drained and stressed out mentally and physically.sometimes I don’t even eat lunch or go to the bathroom. These CEOs care only about their bonuses each year and nurses don’t matter
ОтветитьOMG! On an unrelated note. Your speaking voice is so elegant.I can listen to you talk about any topic.
ОтветитьI am a nurse 20 years, work bedside 1 year. Did my master in nephrology and being there since them. Today I am supervisor of a dialysis unit. After few masters I am also preceptor for new dialysis nurses. I dont regret. Nephrology is a complete different world.
ОтветитьI've been a nurse 35 plus years. It has always been hard and busy. No one used to complain as much. If you don't like one area there are so many different options.
ОтветитьSo what shall be next, is my question? I love nursing but it seems that everyone has the same complaints as I have... Is there any nursing jobs where you don’t get burned out?
ОтветитьRecently retired RN. 22 years as bedside nurse. Your analysis is totally correct. And, as you stated, we need good bedside nurses. Nurse patient ratio is a key component. Also, EMR becomes our main focus. And we are micro managed via this electronic medical record.
ОтветитьIm so relieve to see I’m not the only one thinking this way. Im so done with nursing.
ОтветитьNursing is all about money in the US. Big Pharma and Western medicine are equivalent.
ОтветитьGreat video! Everything you said was on point. Love the accent as well!
ОтветитьThe ratios are often inappropriate & unsafe. I’m currently ending a shift & I didn’t even get a break, no tech for 8 hours. Increased workloads that pull you away from patient care. Hospitals systems do not care at all, it’s about the money first for them.
I’m only 2.5 years into my career & im trying to get away from bedside as fast as possible. As it is, it’s not safe for anyone involved, patients or staff & my mental health has taken a huge dive to the point I’m needing therapy & meds to deal with the job. This is why I’m seeking another job now.
Current ratio in med surg is 1:6 and to often times no tech to take vitals, blood sugars etc. I remember when I started it was 4-5 patients. They keep increasing the patient load. The last hospital I was at it was 1:8 and the nurses called a safe harbor. If the hospital doesn’t have the staff they need to close a unit or stop accepting patients. It’s too dangerous for nurses and patients.
ОтветитьI’m a new nurse and I’m about 5 months off orientation and honestly... I feel burnt out already. My ratio is 1:6 (sometimes 7) and 8 times out of 10 we have no PCAs or even sitters and it’s way too exhausting. Sometimes I’ll have 2-3 total care patients that I have to clean by myself. Plus the patients who think we they’re at a hotel and expect me to come to them at the snap of their fingers. I’m just tired of the “customer service” aspect of everything... I’m truly starting to dislike what I do and I think it’s time for me to move on.. I just feel like I’d be moving on too soon since I’m so new but I refuse to continue feeling overworked and under appreciated. I agree with every point you made!
ОтветитьNursing Med/Surg Job Description: Patient 5 Rights: safe med admin, orders review, phlebotomy, secretary, operator, texting, telemetry tech, patient care tech (none on unit, done by RNs), maid concierge, bed changes x 5, waitress x 15 (3 meals +snacks x 5 pt+ per dayshift), busboy x 15, room & door concierge, blood sugar eval and treat TID/pt, family hostess, kitchens x 2 stock girl, answer all call lights timely, respond to all bed alarms and crisis codes STAT including: rapid response, code blue & fire drills, dressing assist x 5, multi feed assist, bathe assist x 5, equipment repair, home equipment acquisition, furniture mover, staffing, admission doc & setup, discharges & follow up appointments, Q4hr documentation, plans of care x 5, diagnostic prep & inter-dept transportation, safety monitor, peer resource, administration resource, physician resource, social services afternoons & weekends, case management afternoons & weekends, OT/PT afternoons & weekends, new patient registration, order entry assist, auditor, educator, consultation, SEPSIS monitoring, CIWA/COWS, Restraint/Delirium assessments, 1hr pain reassessment per med per patient, equipment/software specialist, 20 VS (every 4hr x5) with Neuro checks, 60 hourly rounding (12 x 5), warm blankets and ice waters, 5+ snacks, sodas & coffees as they like it: Cream? Sugar? Sweetener?, filtering/darkening blinds adjustment, swallow evaluation, Q2hr turns/repositions, ice pack refills, pre-medication, folders/crafting, daily code carts x 3, medical supplies refill, procedure supplies refill, staff fridge maintenance, IV pump programmer/IV line replacement & management, housekeeping, d/c room stripping, ambulating & commodes equip sanitization, used equip recycling, family consultation-multiple per patient in person and per phone request, equipment reporting/maintenance & TWO Shift Huddles. SERIOUSLY? NO Lunch? NO Breaks? NO Cafe? NOT TO MENTION: COVID! Modern Day Slavery. It won't change until we DO, or rather until We DON'T DO. I support my peers and I Absolutely Understand. It's 13hr of 'anything goes'. RUN.
ОтветитьThere were times when I was assigned 30 patients. I handled a single ward and they assumed it was easy for me since they were all pediatric which is FAAAAR from the truth. All of them had meds. All of them had IVs. Most of them were throwing tantrums. It was a 16 hour shift, which is illegal but I didn't have a choice coz management is shit. It was horrible...
We weren't allowed eat at the nurse's station, so I would run to the kitchen area just to get a couple of bites and drink my water while I was doing charting coz if I didn't, I would have fainted from hypoglycemia and dehydration. I had to hold my pee for many hours, which is very unhealthy.
Bullying was rife and your fellow nurses would throw you under the bus, gossip about you, accuse you of wrong medications, etc... Orientation was rough coz guess what? No one wanted to teach me. When I asked about something, a staff would say "You should know that. You're a big girl now" dafuq is that suppose to mean. And they toss me at the OB-Gyne unit even before I finished orientation, not even knowing wtf to do.
I'd cry myself to sleep and after work. I would dread going to work to the point that I would feign being sick; and sometimes they don't even believe you when you really ARE sick.
All this only to be paid 14 dollars an hour in my country. Fuck that life. I'm out.
Im in the UK n im so tired . Im currently wrking towards another route. 1 to 10 here
ОтветитьYou hit the nail on the head. Another reason for me personally is the verbal abuse from patients and families.
ОтветитьI'm literally wanting to quit bedside nurse ,
ОтветитьIn North Carolina, nurses of color experience a lot of discrimination from white nurses. That is one of the reasons I am leaving my job at the bedside. Nurses is hard then you have deal with bullying and discrimination it’s to much
ОтветитьHail up muma!!! Hear the jamaica accent
ОтветитьI just quit nursing for almost all of these things you have listed. I am branching away from nursing to start my own business. I choose happiness at this point. My quality of life went down once I started nursing. I’m done. No regrets.
ОтветитьI am a 66 year old female. And wants to go back to school for RN. I want to be a Psych or Nephology RN. Am I too old for nursing? I have 25+ years as a PCT Tech.
ОтветитьI just worked on a very busy rehab unit with 20 patients tonight and ran thru list of reasons why I was burned out. The model for care in these Ltc facilities is ridiculous. They want to run it like a mini hospital with daily admits, IVs, wound care, Fall Risks, etc,etc and have no care manager so the floor Nurse does all skilled charting and assessments. No lunch break, no time for fluids, no pay for that so called Mandatory break you never took. I'm looking for a way out of Nursing, I've had it.
ОтветитьI heard that anyone can own a hospital which isn't good that means they don't know the ins and outs and don't care
ОтветитьI see what it is the manager doesn't want to do the work
ОтветитьShifted to educator of the same unit.. Burned out on staff nursing due to 12 hour night shifts, tired legs, poor sleeping.
Ответитьcoz bedside is full of shit, managers are too much. overall its a toxic environment
ОтветитьWell said! I worked bedside for 3 years and quit! I quit for pretty much all the reasons you listed. I always had 6 patients and sometimes 7 and many days I would have to float to another floor because the hospital was so short staffed. And you’re right! You would think that with the shortage of nurses they would try to make nurses happy, but they don’t! They treat you like garbage and use you until you have absolutely nothing left to give. I left the bedside and I don’t miss anything about it!
ОтветитьI love bedside nursing but I don’t think I can continue.
ОтветитьI had 27 patients and three fall risk with no sitters nor assistance. I was so scared.
Ответитьgood video and Bullies are real !! I wish you would have shown your Superviors face
ОтветитьI had to retire at 50 24 yrs ago.I could of held out longer but my knees were shot.I worked there 8 yrs but as soon as they saw my knees were going they wrote me up for some thing I did not do.They were out for me/What got to me also setting up machines and fixing them .Stuffing your head with so much other stuff there just was no more room.What has my retirement has been like.Ortho surgeries and I am in constant pain.There was no caller Id then and my days off they were constant calling me to work.