Lived in Harbin for 7 years. One hell of an experience 👌
ОтветитьWukong ❤
ОтветитьFake like everything else in china.
ОтветитьThere should be an international ice art championship at the same time same place! It's definitely the world level.
ОтветитьThis incredible ice art is not new. China’s been doing this for generations.
ОтветитьThe wukong one is Ai generated and fake
Ответитьi dont link winter, but this is really amazing
ОтветитьChina is superb, beautiful, intellect. Congratulations China.💯❤️🇨🇳🙌🏆🏆🏆🏆
Ответить来中国小红书看看 新版本有翻译功能
ОтветитьWow, impresionante!! Como todo lo que viene de China.
ОтветитьLooks like invented colors
ОтветитьThus far I can only dream of visiting a place this beautiful 😢 wow
ОтветитьIt's so much nicer compared to my last visit (12yrs ago)
ОтветитьEsa creatividad en ebullicion siempre no cesa...precioso y🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
ОтветитьThat firework near the castle looks magical even through phone screen🥰😍 can't imagine how beautiful it looks in real
ОтветитьWukong one is fake. Look at the cape, it’s fluttering. No ice can do that
ОтветитьWhy you gotta use Ai to mislead people
ОтветитьThe Harbin Ice Festival is already amazing as it is, no need for the fake AI generated animation at the end, unnecessary.
ОтветитьWhoever built this is a genius
ОтветитьOh, no! American government says, these ice sculptures are security threats to America. Sanction them.😂😂
ОтветитьIts beautiful 😍
ОтветитьBloqued. If you hear china, block
ОтветитьIt seems like a lot of work for just two months of entertainment every year, but I suppose this brings a lot of income to the locals, so they are making the most of what the place offers.
ОтветитьfakeAIvideo inserted. reporrr reportt
ОтветитьChina has ice ? I thought China was in rice fields and jungles , surely near the equator lol
ОтветитьWow that iced wukong looks amazing
ОтветитьI love China and Japan ❤
ОтветитьI went there two times this year… first in the beginning and secondly yesterday… unforgettable festival
ОтветитьChina 👍 number one😊
ОтветитьIt will take two years and 2 billions dollars for US to do this kind of project.
ОтветитьHow good is Socialism Chinese ❤
ОтветитьI have attended and therefore logically my comment should be greatly recognised according to the audio. Conversely if you have not attended then don't comment.
Honest opinion .. the skulls of the artists are unquestionable. Their vision is great
On the other hand the administration of this is only 一般般 . People skipped queues
No, I have not been.
It would be nice if the women came here and did that with the center Ice from our lakes, if we don't die from the floods..
Because they all fck off, but the blocks would be nice to lay out flat across the sand bagged in square miles of desert sands that we need the water and floating farms on for my wives and their female workers across the deserts and death valley and great salt lakes or packed in the grand canyon, maybe next year's winter we can party and forget about the dangers comming, but now is not the time to party like azzholes with a death wish .
The central Asian and Chinese and Iranians and Europeans can have the luxary but I and my wives and female workers do not have such luxary nor millions of work hours to point to something that does not feed anyone nor is anything of permanence that will stand against the summer floods nor against next year's winter ...
Not that I am cruel, but I want the women to live and not be poor and impoverished because of dudes trying to get them to party when the winter melts will use that pretty Ice to destroy much and flood our own lands without anything built to hold it ...
The floating farms on our gulf of mexico will need that solid ice also.. so what the fck ever .. maybe pile enough to have one in the hottest days of summer to show something grand and everyone is poor of cool and poor of cold water or ice chips..
My wives have homes to build with the glass and saving women... if you have time to party so much, the women that do will not live in them..
The women who do. Will, their work on the outside will be paying their rent and feeding them...
The reefs an fisheries are that colorful so the fisheries women and sand baggers will also have rooms of large size with the Homes Estates..
The tree planters females also..
Come on ladys.. it is not a free gift, I bought you... now earn it.
Guauuu y todavía hay gente que quiere ir a Chicago a ver zombis
ОтветитьWu Kong/Monkey King is definitely China's Superman.Their original prototype hero.
ОтветитьIf only they would dedicate a small fraction of the resources required for this tourist attraction toward raising living standards for the average citizen, perhaps they could afford running water and flush toilets. Instead of the litteral shitholes most of their population must live in. Edit: that thumbnail is most definatively CGI. These people are shameless.
ОтветитьClicked for my boy WUKONG!
ОтветитьI went there last year. Stunningly beautiful!But people seas made me loss of opportunities to slide.😢
ОтветитьThe Wukong one is Ai guys
ОтветитьSun wukong
ОтветитьWent here while deployed two years ago! Was one of the best memories i ever experienced ! I love china so much. Definitely way more advanced and fun than america