The Pros & Cons of Living in Boynton Beach Florida

The Pros & Cons of Living in Boynton Beach Florida

Palm Beaches Paul

3 года назад

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@valrymack8478 - 07.01.2025 16:24

I moved due to this Con
"Dirt bike & 4wheeler parades"
Daily runs up and down the boulevard

@lisamargaret6751 - 29.06.2023 07:49

I grew up in West Palm Beach, Lake Worth, Boynton Beach area. I can’t wait to come back.!!

@annaandandystayingalive3959 - 11.03.2023 21:55

Unfortunately the small area you show is the only safe place to walk around. Go across the street and it’s not too safe. I live in the not so safe area.

@timothyleavell4226 - 24.12.2022 04:54

Thanks I’m coming to visit soon!

@TheMavmbr - 14.11.2022 01:26

Nice vídeo Paul.

@ExpressionsofAwakening - 17.07.2022 14:58

Thanks, I love the ocean but want other nature too. Seems none of the other videos, from other content makers, talk about that.

@HenryChinaski614 - 27.04.2022 19:12

Incorporated Boynton could probably prosper if it weren’t for the incompetent and corrupt city government. They can never get out of their own way. Tragic.

@XTRABIG - 25.04.2022 21:45

"I couldn't have planned that if I tried. So umm. yes, nature." hahahaa Excellent. Thanks. Boynton isn't for me but I appreciate your video.

@grumpycricket - 07.03.2022 21:32

Would kayaking in freshwater also be a no no?

@cherryjuice9946 - 16.01.2022 05:41

It's true summer sucks. However, the hottest I've seen in Boynton was 93 F. I moved up north and discovered it routinely gets over 100 F. That's hot. A hot day up north is a lot worse than a hot day in Boynton. Difference is, the sun is intense in Boynton. When it hits your skin, you'll discover there's a lot of energy in South Florida sun light. I was able to work in the yard all weekend when I lived up north, and not even get a tan. In South Florida, a sun burn could easily happen if you're not properly tanned.

@michaelshramko7133 - 27.08.2021 22:57

Boynton only has 2 traffic police per 72,000 people higher insurance than anywhere in state and is basically a sanctuary city lock your doors I have several properties in Boynton bad investment… great video but google crime rate east Boynton is hell west isn’t bad if your in a gated environment.. great job on the video tho …city is super dangerous that’s why u don’t see kids in that playground or people on bikes u will get mugged..and the mayor is a weed smoker

@kellykramer4943 - 29.06.2021 05:36

I grew up in Boca and then moved to Louisiana and later, Washington DC. I came back home during COVID where my parents now live in Ocean Ridge and I have to say, I am starting to really like Boynton! I absolutely love the new library!!

@JaxofHearts - 23.06.2021 17:03

This was really helpful! I’d love to see one on WPB

@kellyzampini2126 - 23.06.2021 14:50

Always love your videos! As a Boynton resident for 20 years you still are teaching me new things of our wonderful SFL communities. And loved the gator. I am still awed by things I see here. Cheers Palm Beach Paul!

@EricLarkin - 23.06.2021 03:32

Great video! Makes me want to visit!

@docfmb1 - 23.06.2021 01:06

Looked for you today, had ice cream at the corner place. Great video.
