Karen Walstra speaks to Fadziso Fisher, from Edit Microsystem, we'll discuss Assistive Technology for Hearing Impairments
In 2012 the South African government introduced a mandatory hearing-test program for school children, the implementation is not progressing as planned due to a lack of experts. Many learners require assistive technology for hearing. I learnt from Fadziso Fisher an Assistive Technology Specialist and Speech and Language Therapist at Edit Microsystem’
Fadziso Fisher has been in the industry for 8 years and has a passion for advocacy in the field of hearing impairments.
Fadziso is a Speech-Language Therapist with a background in paediatric therapy focusing on early intervention for communication and swallowing; school-age speech, language and literacy, and communication in children with special needs. Her role at Edit Microsystems is to stay on top of the latest developments in Assistive Technology, specifically in the area of Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Assistive Technology for Hearing Impairments. She uses this knowledge to assess clients and to advise and train clients and therapists on Assistive Technology in all sectors. Her goal is to see South Africa embrace technology as a means of creating a society where individuals with complex communication needs can thrive.
www.evolveschool.co.za and
www.karenwalstraconsulting.co.za for more information.
Contact me: Karen Walstra for professional development for your educational organisation.
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