The Best, Worst & Blandest of 2020 (Zero Punctuation)

The Best, Worst & Blandest of 2020 (Zero Punctuation)

The Escapist

3 года назад

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@Biodeamon - 24.06.2021 22:47

I have the vehemently disagree with yahtzee for the best game. I am sick to death (pun intended) with this generations obsession with death. Who gives a fuck about it, its so infinitely short and inconsequential it isn't worth thinking about. What matters is what you do when you're alive. You don't skip all the way to the murderer being discovered in a decretive novel do you? And people's concept of death is so completely narrowminded and arrogant its repulsive. Life doesn't end with you. Even from a literal standpoint it doesn't as your flesh is consumed by organisms and recycled. And of course things come up moot if you don't try. The true horror of life is that you are forced to try and that life is eternal without escape. death is a comforting fairy tale for cowards.
You shouldn't be surprised this world is crumbling if you're so obsessed with it you fucking tosser. You have to fight for it. Don't fall for the lies of a jealous void. Fuck it. Life is eternal and a constant cyclical process of eating and being eaten. You want to suceed? You fight for it. The world doesn't owe you shit. Only through perseverance and defiance can you bend reality to your will.

@matthewroddick9737 - 28.06.2021 03:00

TLOA2 really was just garbage, especially compared to its predecessor, which was a really great game that didn't milk the emotional stuff too hard and only really had one moment where you would say "Wait, so who are the good guys?"

@matthewroddick9737 - 28.06.2021 03:03

Yahtzee: "I know you're all gonna lose your collective minds when I say TLOA2 was the shittiest game this y-"

Everyone: "We know."

Yahtzee: "...oh."

@Montesama314 - 29.06.2021 01:57

"...except now you get to know how the names are spelled."
That honestly is a benefit for me.

@janberkemeier7406 - 29.06.2021 16:27

It still astonishes me that Naughty Dog, of all developers, churned out a game as depressing, poorly written and un-fun as the Last of Us 2
That's like creating a fun and wacky Jump n' Run and transforming it into essentially a kid-friendly version of GTA in the sequel
...Wait a minute

@anglewyrm3849 - 30.06.2021 03:12

Seems Ubisoft generic sandbox busy work has taken over Call of Duty's spot as permanent booking on the list.

@SpookyTimestamps - 13.07.2021 09:52

I'm at least happy Noita made a small appearance

@autorobo1000 - 14.07.2021 07:26

Honestly surprised that C77 got a mention in the credits, and its con was "Held-Together-By-Twigs-And-String Vibe". I played the game, enjoyed it thoroughly, and I am 100% gonna say that's a very generous statement to make regarding C77, and how well it was held together at launch.

@xanderfulton3186 - 28.07.2021 01:00

What does it say about me that every year without failure at least one game I whole heartedly love ends up on his bland list? Lol

@Z1Blue - 31.07.2021 08:29

Never played Last of Us 2 bit I have heard some pretty heartwrenching things.

@ZaCloud-Animations___she-her - 09.08.2021 13:58

So the 5 (6) best games' acronym is GAY H/BS. Some day we will crack the code.

@quartzossie - 14.08.2021 19:36

Fitting that the worst game of 2020 is the one that best embodied 2020: depressing, pretentious, and ultimately unwelcome.

@zaidlacksalastname4905 - 05.09.2021 18:08

Zero punctuation calling something positive things is definitely just a mirage, or my imagination

@letangier2385 - 16.09.2021 20:22

Predicting Cruelty Squad on the 2021 best list

@jmc2830 - 02.10.2021 03:49

"game of year" winner means basically nothing.. if your paying attention to critic scores... then you really haven't been paying attention to much else.
last of us 2 won because it pandered to the politics of the elite, and not much else.

@petrarcheleven8816 - 08.10.2021 17:55

I love how Ichiban's big stupid face nearly takes up the entirety of the number 3, like he just really wants you to know he's third best.

@the_hamrat - 12.10.2021 23:04

A Christmas themed felching simulator 🤣🤣

@odysseycreedgaming3779 - 21.10.2021 06:25

Last of us 2 is just utter shit

@nateminer7706 - 19.11.2021 03:45

Majority of last of Us fans agree with you

@joelharber2100 - 02.12.2021 20:13

Can’t wait to see 2021’s yay nay and meh.

@Soup_man347 - 03.12.2021 12:46

He didn't even say why Lou2 was the worst. He cucked me. I wws genuinely curious

@ohno319 - 18.12.2021 07:15

Boneworks my beloved

@NotaWalrus1 - 04.01.2022 11:07

Okay I know this isn't really the point but how is the Infinity Gauntlet poorly explained? It's a glove that grants wishes what else you need.

@MadOgre22 - 09.01.2022 10:17

Well for me The Last of Us 2 is literally the best game of all time. No I don't care that it's AAA. I don't care who made it. I love literally everything about except for the one specific scene that could have been a little less graphic. And also I happen to love the "Open world action adventure with crafting and collectibles". I need about 300% more of those

@jamessilva1259 - 10.01.2022 12:09

Lol! To funny!

@gugugu79 - 12.01.2022 15:32

Well I'd be a monkey's uncle when I saw that Spiritfarer was game of the year!?! I have Xbox Game Pass so I could try it for free (well I DID pay for the subscription). It's actually really good! Never would have given it a chance if it wasn't for good ol' Mr. Yahtzee. I'm honestly not that crazy about Japanese (inspired) games and t00ns (except "Chihiro and the Witches" and a few more Ghibli movies (no recommendations needed tywm)) but this game is just great! I can recommend playing it with the Monkey Island soundtrack in the background. Suits the game very well.

@spicytrashpanda - 12.01.2022 21:58

Future man here, 2022 is still just as bad as 2020. See you in another year.

@whydoistillusethissite8626 - 14.01.2022 01:01

damn, it's already been a year since this video came out huh...

Quarantine has messed up my sense of time completely

@stoplight2554 - 18.01.2022 14:48

the start of this video aged so fucking bad

@nachos1162 - 25.02.2022 07:46

God the one for the last of us 2 is so fucking accurate

@jakitron890 - 28.02.2022 04:03

Tlou2 100% didn't deserve that. It's a miserable experience, yes, but in an artsy fartsy way, not in a poorly designed way. All its problems that I've seen complaints for are plot-related

@johnleonard9102 - 01.04.2022 11:32

"No amount of fake awards will take away the fact that nobody likes your game Niel."
-The Critical Drinker

@TheCaliforniaHP - 26.04.2022 22:40

Damn really enjoying these. Then hate on last of us 2.....I just can't objectively understand anyone who thinks that. Shame. Take care Yahtzee

@s4tchm0j0n3s - 27.05.2022 01:52

"Slow" "Clunky" and "Confusing" could be the names of the Battletoads

@mackielunkey2205 - 09.06.2022 07:40

"Do you think The Game Awards have their noses shaved so far up triple A buttholes if it was speedbagging their testicles, do you?"

Seeing that The Game Awards gave Last of Us 2 7 awards (even GOTY, I think it only deserved best game direction) and Psychonauts 2 (which was Zero's favorite of 2021) no awards, I can attest to that.

@cereal_chick2515 - 10.06.2022 00:46

I forgot that Yahtzee made Ghost of Tsushima his fifth best of 2020, and I was gobsmacked when I saw it just now. Biggest discrepancy between review and rating since Stardew Valley, imo.

@fgyeats - 25.06.2022 09:30

Spiritfarer was the first videogame that ever made me cry. I played it after my grandparents and brother died, and it gave me some real catharsis. I'm glad other people got meaning out of it, too.

@rafaelblackman9879 - 03.09.2022 06:01

I’m surprised Animal Crossing didn’t make it in this video, let alone not get on the bland list.

@TheDamnBeast - 22.11.2022 00:30

"Why not imagine them as a giant anthropomorphic toad and feed them fried chicken?"
". . . okay."

@vanderz1012 - 07.12.2022 22:38

He's got a point about TLOU 2. Terrible reception by fans and the general community yet wins all those awards. Sounds rigged

@cybertramon0012 - 17.06.2023 13:44

Something I've just thought of to liven up the standard mission of 'getting captured and all your stuff gets taken away' is that it isn't all in a great big pile within arms reach. Instead, it's separated into smaller piles, so you have to make do with only a few of your features unlocked at a time. And while sneaking around, you can listen to enemy goons complaining about all the shit you've got.

"Ok. So we've got the sword, the rifle, the grenades, some energy shield-thing, and a jetpack all stored away here. Even if he escapes, he's as good as done."
"Yeah. Well, unless he find the other room we were hiding his stuff in."
"Wait. What other room?"
"The one three doors down."
"And what's in there?"
"Oh, a couple of machine guns; an energy whip; a different energy whip that lassos people; the rocket launcher..."
"You're making that up."
"No I'm serious. It's all on this list right here." Passes the list.
"Let's see... let's see... Flamethrower? Rocket Launcher? Three attachments for powered armour!? Where was he keeping all this anyway?"
"No clue."
"Christ. Why can't he be like the rest of us and carry two weapons at most?"

@T-Bone_SSteak - 15.10.2023 12:54

Honestly I'd say immortals fenyx rising was the only good one out of the three

@Wherethehellarewegoing - 24.10.2023 18:08

You see, when you break the concept of Spiritfarer down the the Fried Chicken eating Toad business, it does sound a little surreal

@yourgameisstupid - 20.04.2024 05:52

The fact that he put Spiritfarer, a 30 hour game with 5 hours of content, padded with the most menial tasks, as "best" instead of "most boring" is legitimately credibility-killing.
