Alan Wake 2 Is A Survival Horror Game

Alan Wake 2 Is A Survival Horror Game


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@zorororonoraroro - 01.06.2024 10:01

when at the beggining of the game that police guy told Saga shes the best detective I turned the game off deleted it and I wont ever touch it, I hate fiminist shit like this... If only there wasnt this dialoge in it I would of played it

@Kyuubipain - 03.06.2024 06:40

DEI ruined this.

@TheReaper569 - 08.06.2024 15:03

downgrade game

@julion89 - 16.06.2024 22:58

Sweet Baby Scam in a VG wrapper

@ShadeOfMars - 19.06.2024 02:32

For me, specifically the actual Alan Wake portion of the game, the game tries so hard to be artsy that it forgot that it should be fun. Saga is actually really cool and the, by far, most enjoyable parts of the game.

@99FinLander66 - 08.07.2024 21:47

Sam Lake cooked

@jerryskid420 - 11.07.2024 18:10

I will not be playing Alan woke 2. I've played Alan Wake 1. I will not play video games with forced diversity.

@firstname4712 - 18.07.2024 17:14

Why the hell couldn’t I take the helicopter to the site instead of having to slow run through caldera?!

@shrimp5093 - 21.07.2024 15:26

Alan Wake just isn't a great video game, it's an interesting story with atmosphere in spades, sure, but the narrative greatly surpasses everything else. You have to be very forgiving of some of its flaws to enjoy its unique, stronger elements. Bigger review websites love the game because it puts gameplay second to largely focus on its narrative. Many reviews from big websites are from people with a degree in journalism, these people love story-driven games, the reviews barely even mention how the gameplay mechanics work, mostly just how it feels to play and its item management. None of these reviews talk about how poor the writing can be either, Saga's character for example is largely build up in short car ride cutscenes and has poorly explained powers, not to mention that whole scene where you walk out of the morgue and the police just immediately believe everything she says.

@TheKushSkywalker - 29.07.2024 20:53

Game looks blurry? I didn't experience that at all and I feel like you are disturbingly underselling the forest graphics. On par with the first game? What? I felt like this game was like top 5 graphics all time tbh.

@jevari7 - 02.08.2024 04:50

Real review'

@Sizifus - 04.08.2024 21:39

Calling Dark Place a multiverse, Saga as Mary Sue and not following up why Watery's population is mostly Finnish really doesn't give your review much credibility... Alan Wake games are all about the story, storytelling and how it affects everything and everyone, it's one of those games you HAVE to play more than once to follow up with the details and interact with the community, which is clearly something you didn't do. It's frustrating to watch you go on these rants regarding characters and the story when basically EVERYTHING is explained within it if you pay attention and look for the clues. You say that Saga's mind place basically does investigative work for you, but in reality it's them filling in the details from their perspective, to investigate the overarching narrative is something you have to do. Like so many clues are provided within the world building, posters, texts, things you have to go actively look for, something you keep praising in other games, but you don't do due diligence here, seems like you weren't that invested in this game and wanted to get this over with.

@johndo9648 - 05.08.2024 11:23

boring crap. just read a good book.

@Lead_Foot - 04.09.2024 07:29

The game is demanding because of the lighting. Even when ray tracing is off, it's still doing some more simple raytracing, it's just not hardware accelerated. Most people won't notice it but with the full path tracing option you don't have the weird out of place shadows or phantom light sources making surfaces glow when it's dark and there's no light nearby. The ambient lighting also feels way more realistic.

@bm8516 - 27.09.2024 13:51

I don't think there's much wrong with having a slow burn, you can tell there was so much love put into this game - refreshing after years of the same old bang bang bang slop that comes out annually.

@kaylee42900 - 02.10.2024 19:55

The biggest disappointment for me was the character models. Similar to Control there's just something wonky with them. Especially the random town folk.

As far as the processing power, I think what we're seeing is that accuracy costs a ton while not necessarily looking better. It's the same kind of thing in cyberpunk. Raytracing options add accuracy while not necessarily yielding a better looking outcome from an artistic perspective. Like if you stare at specific corners of the things you can see the indirect lighting bounces looking better / more accurate but during gameplay do you really see that?

I think to enjoy this game you have to go in expecting an adventure game, similar to the old point and clicks. That's basically what it is with occasional combat.

Lastly there is no multiverse. Something about Cauldron Lake can literally change reality. This was represented in the original game as well. This is seen most intensely in the Dark Place where Alan can write new realities into existence using this power. But it also manifests in the city where people will talk about things that didn't happen at all. Pat Maine on the other hand is remembering events that have been overwritten because of his dementia. But there's no going back. The best you can do is completely rewrite it.

@ApertureAce - 16.10.2024 23:45

I personally loved it and I've never played anything like it

@claudiosacchi3720 - 21.10.2024 09:49

One if the most boring games I've played. Couldn't get into it, I didn't enjoy the story and the combat

@anson.meadows - 26.10.2024 16:06

“Find the lady of the light gone mad with the night…” 💡

@ChudOfG-RAPE - 29.10.2024 23:36

alan woke

@leeahare - 02.11.2024 17:57

Still no physical release of this AAA game over a year later and digital still retails around £50 unless you use a temp account through a VPN. Urgh :/

@bergert4569 - 19.11.2024 00:33

Most nitpicking I’ve heard

@skagglav - 20.11.2024 11:41

I really disliked this game. I feel like they took all good from the first game but ruined it. Cheap jumpscares instead of world building and atmosphere. Can't help to think they did it on purpose, or just to make Alan Wake 2 not being what the first game was. Don't really like the idea of making the games share the same universe either. Bright Falls was best when it had a horror paranormal vibe instead of sci fi.

@KururuFrog - 22.11.2024 20:56

Respectfully, I really do not respect your opinion

@bozoc2572 - 29.11.2024 12:51


@slintisbased - 12.12.2024 23:47

“Nonsensical, directionless, bloated” I coincidentally feel the same way listening to your review. Midwit NPCs like you hate what they don’t (or can’t) understand

@SuperGodzillaFanJustin - 15.12.2024 08:14

this review is just badshit insane??? Almost everything you say is flat out wrong

@fsdspdf2717 - 18.12.2024 03:03

Man's a professional yapper. This game is a masterpiece.

@cristhian900 - 18.12.2024 06:21

Wish I would have taken this review more into consideration. After all the praise the game got, I ended up purchasing only to be disappointed similarly to the way I was disappointed with TLoU2 and RDR2. Starting to realize I value gameplay more than developers being artsy fartsy with their “games”.

@No20six - 25.12.2024 01:51

Max Payne was also called Alex Casey at first, before they changed it to Max Payne… so there’s that…

@monstergonads11 - 30.12.2024 01:37

What a disappointment. They just can't make shit good anymore can they

@devanloveland9515 - 03.01.2025 17:19

This game is trash

@Foxtrop13 - 06.01.2025 06:46

man what terrible review

@RayOfSunhine2012 - 09.01.2025 02:37

You spent 18 hours in game to beat it? No wonder you didn't enjoy the game you breezed straight through it. I took my time exploring every inch of each map. And after a certain point the enemies constantly spawn and they become very hard to avoid

@joeschmoe3665 - 31.01.2025 11:49

Seems a lot more silent hill-ish this time

@catudadu7926 - 04.02.2025 07:42

AW1 felt like a game and this feels like a interactive novel

@SawnOffCinema - 07.02.2025 22:11

I love your videos, but hearing you diss the We Sing chapter.... Man, I just can't get on board with that. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it in my 30 years of gaming! It was absolutely amazing!

@walterwetmore3933 - 08.02.2025 08:51

such an unbelievably stupid, self indulgent review. is this rage bait?

@HandofDoom018 - 14.02.2025 03:12

Another wack ass opinion from another reviewer that I really liked but will no longer watch from their bonkers take on a great game.

@georgeprosperson5841 - 14.02.2025 17:48

Τhe only review that i completely disagree.... I beat the game twice in a row and i loved even more in new game plus mode..... Also no saga is not a Merry sue, i think you just gave up in the middle of the game no offence

@Darkrod99 - 22.02.2025 20:41

This review missed the boat completely of what Alan Wake is..

Maybe play the 1st game again and this time pay attention to the narrative..

@DerekNewtonKeswick - 03.03.2025 23:35

I’ve just given up playing the sequel. The bit with music video was the final straw. I loved the first game and played it many times. The sequel starts off okay but then …. I don’t even know what it’s meant to be. It’s frustrating and boring is what it’s like to play. It’s not fun that’s for sure.

@blakehansen5434 - 05.03.2025 11:44

THis game is lame and gay and stupid

@IgnoringSilver95 - 15.03.2025 15:38

Couldn't stand this game. After playing this I went back and played the first one and enjoyed it so much more. This game has everything I hate in modern games.

@killerkendro - 17.03.2025 13:36

Ok, seen this review first and thought “ maybe Gman has got it wrong for once?” Going off the rave reviews, comments, etc
Now that I’m playing it, I 100% agree. It started off cool then I realised it’s just a stupid, convoluted story with repetitive game play dress in a gorgeous engine. IMO it’s an overrated, bare slog of a “game”
OG is so much better

@smurf88 - 20.03.2025 18:42

This game was borderline unplayable. All it has is nice graphics.

@Arkstellar - 21.03.2025 14:27

Amazing how this game flopped just because they decided to use a DEI hire instead of the character the series was named after.
