Ironic that as this was being played within one minute the sound disappeared!
ОтветитьThat bit with the grammophone repeating "everything is fine" is the most unnerving to me.
ОтветитьI've seen this before. Then it didn't have a block of sound off.
ОтветитьPropaganda CRAP
ОтветитьIndeed it does predict the future: Everything the cartoon shows the Ismist State doing to the Farmer, the Worker and the Statesman HAS since then been done to them -- by the Capitalist.
ОтветитьThe commies took over long ago
Ответитьaudio is either deleted or censored !
ОтветитьHi From The Sky 💫☀️
ОтветитьThis is happening now
ОтветитьShows that history always wants to repeat itself and the agenda that tries to promise everything but delivers nothing but for themselves.
ОтветитьThis is why we can't let China take over the globe and its economy. The CCP has its sights set squarely on dominating the U.S. and overtaking us in all matters economic, social and political. They must be stopped.
ОтветитьEs ist schon etwa vor 73 Jahren!
ОтветитьLol @ predicted the future. Wtf do you think was happening during WW2?
ОтветитьThese old pro capitalist propaganda cartoons are hilarious. No mention of how industrial capitalism morphed into finance capitalism to create a rentier class of parasites that has been impoverishing the middle class. Every generation since the bommers has been poorer than the last. High wages? LOL this has aged like milk.
ОтветитьAnyone tries to pit us against one another is exactly what democrats and the mainstream media, cnn, msnbc, etc are doing today.
ОтветитьThose who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.
ОтветитьHmm…what was happening in the world when this toon was made? Communism was on the move. Russia, Cuba, N.Korea. Even threatening democracy in US. We jump to today. We got Trump running around with his Republican chums all running around saying look at the danger. Danger here…danger there!! Danger everywhere!! Then the people say we need someone strong to make us feel safe again. Make us great again. Sound familiar?? It should…this is how Mussolini, Franco & Adolf came to power and triggered WW2. 50-56 million lives were lost. History is repeating itself.
ОтветитьSo what's with the sound cutting out right when the ism's guy starts talking
ОтветитьHe who is willing to give up his freedom for security deserves neither
ОтветитьWhy does it feel like a parody of todays america?
ОтветитьA cartoon telling you to be wary of "isms"... that promotes Capital-ISM
Much profound. We live in a society. So deep. Wow.
The democrat a tee!
ОтветитьI believe
ОтветитьThis cartoon has to be at least 80 years old. 60 years ago was 1963; this is clearly from the 1940s.
Edit: yes I know the title says “more than” 60 years ago, but it’s still a bit misleading. Should say “way more than 60 years ago.”
It never changes same commis at work the modern left today
ОтветитьMr. Ism is any democrat today, and a lot of republicans that act like democrats. The conservative fights for freedom today. Democrats want to take your freedoms. The hate capitalism and free speech. They flood our land with illegals that take resources for our children and veterans. They push socialism and have converted our education system to leftist teachers unions that push sexual transitioning on our children. And they pass laws to hide their intentions from parents.
ОтветитьDr Ism is obviously a Democrat….and 38% of the population still falls for the BS snake oil he’s selling.
ОтветитьThis was an early example of trying to get the American mindset geared towards fearing anything not set up in the United States. And get'em young, too!
Capitalism vs Communism, with the boogeymen of Socialism, Fascism and Marxism lurking in the corner.
While I'm a Capitalism-boy all the way, I'm also in the thought of, "America was founded as a grand experiment, with a living document for a Constitution. There's no reason why we can't try something and pull it back if it doesn't work."
The reason socialism doesn't work is, ironically, the same reason capitalism fails. Greedy people.
Capitalism needs to be run by the people for the capitalists, not by the capitalists FOR the capitalists. That's the only way it works, without the lower classes getting troddin all over.
Same with Socialism, government takes care of the people, but there have always been too many people willing to break something just to say, "See!? It DIDN'T WORK," while banking that society has the short term memory of a gnat and will forget the "wrench they threw in the machine," to break it. Not to mention all the rich people/politicians trying to bleed those funds out for themselves, instead of the people.
Main drag with Communism is the lack of public insentive to improve yourself, and the stomping of individuality. Everything's taken care of for you, but...... be a bartender, be a doctor, who cares because they both pay the same! Everyone is supposed to "be the same."
Still, the rich don't want to pay their fare share, and they go beyond the pale with their money to convince everyone that, "if you're not happy and poor, then you're being poor wrong," instead of using their money to help everyone (pay to repair streets that their company vehicles routinely destroy hauling heavy crap, help provide medicine to the commonors as a service instead of a business, employ business practices that stand to not ruin everything around them [ex. Tyson chicken farm takes land upstream of other farms, poisons the clean water those other farms use], etc).
I just don't see why the idea of trying a Democratic-Socialist-Republic for a time wouldn't be so bad, so long as the greedy people were watched like hawks, and the assurance was granted that, if we didn't like it because it didn't work, then we can just repeal it and go back to the last thing that didn't work in the course of an election cycle (4 years!)
Its almost as if these problems have been going on for decades, and instead of dealing with them, we kept pushing it down the line or putting a bandade over it. You can't willingly convince people the system works when they are seeing it fail them right in front of their eyes.
ОтветитьWow it’s true that there is nothing new under the sun. This is so relevant today.
ОтветитьIsm like marxism,communism,and socialism
ОтветитьAlways fight the right!!!
Ответитьonce upon a time - a car would cost $5,000 (because we built it ourselves) ... NOW we send our raw materials to another country - THEY build cars for us - and the price of a new car skyrockets to $50,000 !! ... THEY get richer & WE get poorer !!
ОтветитьKinda worthless with audio not working.
ОтветитьGreat cartoon
ОтветитьI just predicted the future.....that this is click bait
ОтветитьYou know the audio cuts out in multiple parts?
ОтветитьI swear I saw a a scene where it was a character that was called the freedom guy or Mr. Freedom and he advocated everything open-minded. Pretty much religion. All sorts of conservatives libertarian and there's a part where he got smacked really hard by a master hand or like a god hand and it's like well. You have hurt my pride or something along the lines
ОтветитьStill relevant 😢
ОтветитьWe lose the sound at 2 minutes and 25 seconds and it comes back at 3 minutes and 15 seconds.
ОтветитьWhy is parts of the video is muted? It wasn't like that before.