The end of Travel Feels...

The end of Travel Feels...

Matti Haapoja

7 лет назад

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@mattih - 02.03.2018 23:03

Thanks guys for understanding! And don't worry this is just the beginning sooooo much more to come 🙌

@gcarmichael - 11.05.2019 16:15

Why did Peter move out of the office?

@GuillaumeTANNEUX - 17.10.2018 17:19

It was a good idea to change the name of your channel.

@DonaldSimsProduction - 25.09.2018 20:36

GAAAAA! I'm a male! I can't deal with change!

@DavidUtke - 17.08.2018 05:15

Cool, another dude with a weird last name haha 😎

@joshtheintrovert7928 - 04.05.2018 23:35

I thought your name was Paul for some reason. 😄

@troyedler5243 - 12.04.2018 00:44

Matti, did you use "Travel Feels" as a way to brand yourself?...and now that the brand/channel is well recognized, you don't have an issue of switching it to your name? I am asking because your last name isn't super simple and neither is mine. My name ALWAYS gets misspelled or pronounced wrong...and so I am wondering if I should almost do the opposite of what you did? I'd love to know your thoughts? Thank you.

@busimo - 03.04.2018 05:16

It's not Matti Haapoya it's Matti Haapoja. DEAL WITH IT!

@outdoorgrl14 - 02.04.2018 00:18

i never even knew your full name till today. Can't wait to see what else you have coming.

@MichelleCoxPhotography - 31.03.2018 18:49

I am exciting to be visiting your channel for the first time. Looking forward to seeing whats next for you!

@flicebaby - 30.03.2018 14:21

If its more than travel videos.... wheres the videos that show you doing paid commercial work....videos that have way less than 85% of you talking to your camera barfing up your opinion about gear or shooting "video of a guy walking" "video of a guy looking around himself near a lake" and so on.

You are not a photographer or a filmmaker... right now you are a talking head.

@_dandre_95 - 30.03.2018 07:16

I Love Your Content! its amazing!

@wagzbullmax - 28.03.2018 11:00

I’m a videographer of 6 years, with a son on the way. I totally understand your progress with the channel. Keep up the great work man!!! Proud of you bro.

@InMyFrequency - 27.03.2018 21:13

It doesn't surprise me because it didn't seem right all this are a filmaker and a teacher just like Peter... This is even better because you know how to judge yourself and you know who you are and what you are capable of. I will stick with you absolutely and I hope you the Greece

@docDeutschmann - 26.03.2018 23:44

Whose name was it again? :-P

@Kjntl - 26.03.2018 10:29

U hit me like a heartattack 😓😂

@aminahmed3498 - 21.03.2018 18:52

Makes sense!

@rotospace - 16.03.2018 15:47

I think this is the future for rotospace...

...but not yet. Not yet. 👍🏻

(and now I can properly say your last name😂)

@homerfrasier - 16.03.2018 07:09

thank you for keeping the channel

@NISHUGARVU - 15.03.2018 22:39


@WiFuzzy - 15.03.2018 08:47

Ahhhh...unsubscribed. Thankyou for understanding.

@WiFuzzy - 15.03.2018 08:46's the end of the channel for me. You only get one click bait.

@EdwinvandenAkker - 13.03.2018 11:29

You have a nifty sense of Drama Matti! 😆

@ktbeatty - 12.03.2018 21:08

I get it. I traveled constantly for work, for years. About a month after my daughter was born, I had a week long business trip. I came back home and she was a completely different person already. I never traveled so much as a single day for work again after that, and now we only travel together as a family. It's time you simply can't replace.

Best of luck with the channel and the name change.

@totorofusion - 11.03.2018 03:14

Congrats on the name change, I'm still getting that merch <3 Keep up the great work!

@AkiVirtanen74 - 10.03.2018 21:11

a great channel.. and now after channel name change i noticed the talent is from Finland 8-o \o/ go Finland! :D now the channel is even better :P

@itskareemelsayed - 10.03.2018 03:36

Dude Matti you should travel with your kid. It doesn't have to be either or. How about AND!

@kristofernavarro5855 - 09.03.2018 07:04

Glad for not going away, you truly inspire and thought me a lot thanks!!

@seekeli - 09.03.2018 01:03

You FREAKIN rock Matti!!! Thanks for inspiring me DAILY to keep pushing towards my goals!! :) My husband and I have learned so much from you - and we love that you share valuable tips and how-to's!

@27photogger - 08.03.2018 09:55

Great move! More Photography plz!!

@nomadcompany - 08.03.2018 03:56

its a very good idea. I always thought Travel Feels sounded like a travel company - good move.

@mayo1810 - 08.03.2018 01:40

Best of luck men! Thanks always for helping me become a better filmmaker!

@oericbauer - 08.03.2018 01:33

I really liked the change of the name, is more personal I guess, so congrats for the initiative!

@MiaogisTeas - 08.03.2018 00:47

Do it, mate 👍

@Pavelfurm - 07.03.2018 21:14

Absolutely right! Totally support your decision)

@Jxcabrera - 07.03.2018 20:09

I finally know how to pronounce your last name! Stoked for you Matti!

@armanboneoge3477 - 07.03.2018 15:13

Nice, My bell on now.

@EemeliLinna - 07.03.2018 15:04

Very good change Matti! :)

@guillermojrboy3292 - 07.03.2018 12:04

I knew the change of name was coming the moment you announced you were going full-time.

@ottersphotography304 - 07.03.2018 11:49

Oddly enough, I wondered when you were going to get around to this. When I first saw your channel "Travel Feels" quite some time ago, honestly, I skipped it. I later watched a video of yours and loved the content. Glad you did the name change, I hope it makes your channel even better for you. I think people follow you for your content, I don't think the change will negatively affect your numbers. I like your "new" name.

@ApolloMusic.mp3 - 07.03.2018 10:49

Waaaaah i thought this was real bro! 😂😂😂😆 i thought you're gonna stoopp! 😭😭😭

@tonybonilla4316 - 07.03.2018 05:13

Duude!! The first 3 seconds was so sad!

@GoldPanDann - 07.03.2018 04:39

I went to watch an older video and thought someone stole your video haha, then I went to your page and saw this video. Haha. I know your name now! Looking forward to more videos!

@Playmusician - 07.03.2018 04:36

Great move...! it was confusing, now its perfect. Best of Luck!

@andreyromanov6167 - 07.03.2018 02:30

Cool! You are awesome, Matti!
