Thanks guys for understanding! And don't worry this is just the beginning sooooo much more to come 🙌
ОтветитьWhy did Peter move out of the office?
ОтветитьIt was a good idea to change the name of your channel.
ОтветитьGAAAAA! I'm a male! I can't deal with change!
ОтветитьCool, another dude with a weird last name haha 😎
ОтветитьI thought your name was Paul for some reason. 😄
ОтветитьMatti, did you use "Travel Feels" as a way to brand yourself?...and now that the brand/channel is well recognized, you don't have an issue of switching it to your name? I am asking because your last name isn't super simple and neither is mine. My name ALWAYS gets misspelled or pronounced wrong...and so I am wondering if I should almost do the opposite of what you did? I'd love to know your thoughts? Thank you.
ОтветитьIt's not Matti Haapoya it's Matti Haapoja. DEAL WITH IT!
Ответитьi never even knew your full name till today. Can't wait to see what else you have coming.
ОтветитьI am exciting to be visiting your channel for the first time. Looking forward to seeing whats next for you!
ОтветитьIf its more than travel videos.... wheres the videos that show you doing paid commercial work....videos that have way less than 85% of you talking to your camera barfing up your opinion about gear or shooting "video of a guy walking" "video of a guy looking around himself near a lake" and so on.
You are not a photographer or a filmmaker... right now you are a talking head.
I Love Your Content! its amazing!
ОтветитьI’m a videographer of 6 years, with a son on the way. I totally understand your progress with the channel. Keep up the great work man!!! Proud of you bro.
ОтветитьIt doesn't surprise me because it didn't seem right all this are a filmaker and a teacher just like Peter... This is even better because you know how to judge yourself and you know who you are and what you are capable of. I will stick with you absolutely and I hope you the Greece
ОтветитьWhose name was it again? :-P
ОтветитьU hit me like a heartattack 😓😂
ОтветитьMakes sense!
ОтветитьI think this is the future for rotospace...
...but not yet. Not yet. 👍🏻
(and now I can properly say your last name😂)
thank you for keeping the channel
ОтветитьAhhhh...unsubscribed. Thankyou for understanding.
Ответить's the end of the channel for me. You only get one click bait.
ОтветитьYou have a nifty sense of Drama Matti! 😆
ОтветитьI get it. I traveled constantly for work, for years. About a month after my daughter was born, I had a week long business trip. I came back home and she was a completely different person already. I never traveled so much as a single day for work again after that, and now we only travel together as a family. It's time you simply can't replace.
Best of luck with the channel and the name change.
Congrats on the name change, I'm still getting that merch <3 Keep up the great work!
Ответитьa great channel.. and now after channel name change i noticed the talent is from Finland 8-o \o/ go Finland! :D now the channel is even better :P
ОтветитьDude Matti you should travel with your kid. It doesn't have to be either or. How about AND!
ОтветитьGlad for not going away, you truly inspire and thought me a lot thanks!!
ОтветитьYou FREAKIN rock Matti!!! Thanks for inspiring me DAILY to keep pushing towards my goals!! :) My husband and I have learned so much from you - and we love that you share valuable tips and how-to's!
ОтветитьGreat move! More Photography plz!!
Ответитьits a very good idea. I always thought Travel Feels sounded like a travel company - good move.
ОтветитьBest of luck men! Thanks always for helping me become a better filmmaker!
ОтветитьI really liked the change of the name, is more personal I guess, so congrats for the initiative!
ОтветитьDo it, mate 👍
ОтветитьAbsolutely right! Totally support your decision)
ОтветитьI finally know how to pronounce your last name! Stoked for you Matti!
ОтветитьNice, My bell on now.
ОтветитьVery good change Matti! :)
ОтветитьI knew the change of name was coming the moment you announced you were going full-time.
ОтветитьOddly enough, I wondered when you were going to get around to this. When I first saw your channel "Travel Feels" quite some time ago, honestly, I skipped it. I later watched a video of yours and loved the content. Glad you did the name change, I hope it makes your channel even better for you. I think people follow you for your content, I don't think the change will negatively affect your numbers. I like your "new" name.
ОтветитьWaaaaah i thought this was real bro! 😂😂😂😆 i thought you're gonna stoopp! 😭😭😭
ОтветитьDuude!! The first 3 seconds was so sad!
ОтветитьI went to watch an older video and thought someone stole your video haha, then I went to your page and saw this video. Haha. I know your name now! Looking forward to more videos!
ОтветитьGreat move...! it was confusing, now its perfect. Best of Luck!
ОтветитьCool! You are awesome, Matti!