I wish you came to Yongsan during its hay days in the mid 90’s to early 2000. What you see now is only a glimpse of its glory days.
They killed themselves with stupid markups and taking advantage of customers and don’t have good reputation anymore.
Hello, I'm korean
Almost stores in there(yongsan) are good however few stores sell computer with used graphic or cpu with high price so, we don't like to buy there we call 'yongpali' it means bad seller so, when we buy parts or computer we buy on internet
yongsan tech mall is just full of scam. do not shop at there.
Ответить용팔이 : 어서와~ 용산은 처음이지? 너도 좀 맞을래요?
Ответитьㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 한국에서는 용산 욕하는데 여기는 반응이 다르네? 적응 안된다 ㅎㅎ
Ответить20년전이라면 "손님 맞을래요?" 들었을지도 ㅋㅋ
근래에는 오프라인 전자상가는 사양길이라서 그럴일은 없겠지만
In 1999 i was there but nothing have changed hehe Korea has big electronics market but why this market is still same as 25 years ago 😜😜
ОтветитьYongsan Electronics Market opened in 1987 and was once the largest electronics retail market in Korea during the 90s, bustling with both Koreans and foreigners to the point where there was hardly any room to stand. However, with the advent of the internet and online shopping, many stores have shifted to online platforms. Today's Yongsan Electronics Market has lost its former glory, with many shops closed and left vacant, awaiting demolition and redevelopment. Yet, the narrow corridors and small shops inside the buildings give off a feeling as if time has stopped in the 80s and 90s. It's a reminder that Korea too had such an era.
ОтветитьKorea, despite being one of the biggest electronics producers, doesn't really have a big tech scene. There are barely any places where you can go and just look at a lot of tech stuff in Korea. They are mostly in department stores or online. They are also more expensive than the US. If you come to Korea for tech stuff you'll be disappointed. Japan is much better if you want tech in general and lots of unique places to buy tech related stuff. PC components especially are expensive as well.
ОтветитьIts definitely in a state of decay, these places with private vendors are being replaced by online shops and big retailers. Thanks for the exposure, hope the place sees better days!
ОтветитьThe way you pronounce Seoul is so triggering lmao
ОтветитьNever buy PC in Yongsan. They often scam and even threaten customers to buy PC. If you don't believe me, take a look at Korean news.
ОтветитьThe first PC I ever built was with parts I bought from that very market when I was stationed in Korea in 2000-2001. GeForce 3 had just came out so I was able to get a GeForce 2 for a solid deal. The place was an absolute madhouse back then.
Ответитьthat see-yul pronunciation killed me and sent me to the depths of hell
but good video dawid
좀더 많이 가꿀 필요가 있어보이는군
음침~~한게 밝고 개방적인 분위기같은게 느껴지지 않음...관광지같은 개념으로 접근해서 환경 잘만 가꾸면 오프라인도 해볼만 할텐데
20년이 지나도 별반 바뀌지 않는거보면..
Called that place a dungeon… A perilous domain where the danger of being swindled lurks at every turn, yet treasures of great worth await those bold enough to seek them.
ОтветитьALL Korean pretty sure told you not to buy there
ОтветитьDon't go there. There are a lot of scammers. 99% of Koreans buy PCs at online stores. You can get delivery within 1 ~ 3 days. Again, DONT GO YONG-SAN.
ОтветитьI was inspired by this video and went to those 2 locations just last November 2024, and was pretty disappointed by how many stores are closed, and how much tech are available.
Then I looked up why on-site stores are so limited... Koreans moved on to buying PC parts online.
동이라는 말이야 hello
Ответить하 선인 용팔이들😂
Ответитьpronounce Yong Sanh, Yong = Dragon, Sanh = mountain
Ответить설마 용던(용산 던전)을 가실줄이야...
ОтветитьWhere ill be when tax return hits
ОтветитьAs a South Korean Who Works in ITEM LEO, I Can Confirm This Video.
Ответитьgenuinely want to go to South Korea just because of that keyboard 💀
ОтветитьRTX3060Ti W:330,000 = $230 in my country = $450 Europe.... it's not fair i get $550 per month. Search :shipping from South Korea to Europe....
ОтветитьPleasantly surprised that Iraqi PC prices are more reasonable than South Korean ones, and that apparently the dinar and won are nearly the same value
ОтветитьSo Ink tanks on printers are not normal in your country ? thats pretty normal
ОтветитьDon't forget, David, Yongsan was once the home of the mighty.
ОтветитьCouldn't u use wireless hotspot on the iphone?
ОтветитьSo it's only fans in there
ОтветитьContinuous ink supply system (CISS). It is a permanent big reservoir that feeds an internal 'cartridge'. It is cheaper than buying cartridges as you just pour in new ink.
Ответитьi'm a korean and i was almost 3years working to Yongsan,K-tech mall when between 2017-2020
i didn't expect you guys came to here! and Yongsan is such so bad today.
some of seller is lie to buyer or too much price but this video is make me nostalgia when i working xD
you can found more japanese anime,chinese game Figure!
Been to both of these places and audibly huffed when he said it took 40 minutes to get there, until I realized he was driving. TAKE THE SUBWAY!!
ОтветитьI do not understand why people still by IPones...and I sold them for several years. So I have also owned a couple. Apple never really sell you products, they will always own them. I'm never going for anything but Android. I just bougth a mini-PC from China, just to use as an entertainment system. Rigth now it's connected tom my Android via Wi-Fi, but I tried it via USB to. But my other computer doesn't have Wi-Fi, so I use the phone via USB for that one. So, I rigth now have two computers charing one 4G connection. And it's literally plug and play. :)
Ответить용팔이 폰팔이 차팔이 3대 죄악직업
Ответитьits a phone there junk ..only thing a iphone is good for is making a splash in a lake when you through the POS in a lake ........
Ответитьi dont get why ppl keep there gpu at 95-99% usage then they cry when gpu breakes in 6 months ..i keep mine atound 50-60c max and have had same 1660ti and 2080 for over 6 years now still working like new
Ответитьi dont think people realize that there is a billion dollars or more in each building just in scrap material
ОтветитьWhen it comes to having a mobile modem for emergencies, you might want to buy a cheap android and just move your sim card to that for just that use. I can get mine to work with XP no problem.
Ответитьthe problem is that you own an iphone, really stupid for someone who is into windows PCs
Ответитьanyone know what the keyboard is called? or one thats similar
ОтветитьWhen I was in the army, I got stationed in Korea. Back then, we used to go buy bootleg DVDs from that market. Also, I got my xbox360 modded there (which worked fine in Korea but then got banned from Xbox Live as soon as I moved back to the U.S.)