Why is Modern Man so Weak and Powerless? - Carl Jung

Why is Modern Man so Weak and Powerless? - Carl Jung

Academy of Ideas

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@pinksupremacy6076 - 18.10.2024 13:49

That's what Trump is doing. Laughing in their faces.

@Ston247 - 18.10.2024 13:59

Brilliant ! Thank you for posting this. Gill Bates & Zark Ducerberg are primary examples of this moral inflation. You can see it in their glassy eyes. Bates somehow acquired the title of Biological scientist. The Narcissist will get some things right, but get most things disastrously wrong.

@chrisstokie2361 - 18.10.2024 14:05

Sounds a lot like Orwell's 1984, which sounds like the blueprint for 2024.

@IseldaRawley - 18.10.2024 14:05

You're doing a fantastic job! Could you help me with something unrelated: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How should I go about transferring them to Binance?

@flyingisawol - 18.10.2024 14:07


@muhammadahsenkhan832 - 18.10.2024 14:24

Thank you for this video, Academy of Ideas. I have been watching your videos for many years. I'm Muslim.

May God bless you. ❤

@Robert-ob1mp - 18.10.2024 14:36

I'm not a fan of the AI generated images in the beginning as these are literally everywhere. However I simply adore the oil paintings and grayscale sketches in comparison and am glad you still include so many.

@MediaFilter - 18.10.2024 15:31

@academyofideas One of your best so far.

@NomNomm6063 - 18.10.2024 15:51

The threat of revolt usually kept kings honest. It’s been a while. The “elites” forget their place in existence.

@Leonhart_93 - 18.10.2024 15:58

What I really came to dislike about this channel is how it preaches individuality without acknowledging that things will never get better without a good base for moral values.
All atheists go to unproductive lengths to avoid bringing up how fundamental religion and especially Christianity is in all of this.

@johnmacgregor324 - 18.10.2024 16:34

Absolutely one of your best.

The notion of 'inflation' has great explanatory power for our incompetent & unfeeling rulers.

@brindlebriar - 18.10.2024 16:35

"[Psychological deflation] occurs when an individual identifies with a social role...": 'Employee' "...that is too restricted to encompass all the character traits that are needed to flourish."

@dorothygorska-tyas6958 - 18.10.2024 16:53

Superb presentation!

@Kararch - 18.10.2024 17:00

Has been a while I've seen a US comedian making fun of Trump.. wonder why!!

@brindlebriar - 18.10.2024 17:04

Of course, there are other factors, like Feminism, and microscopic bits of plastic everywhere, which decay into pseudo-estrogen. As Alex Jones so famously exclaimed, 'it's even turning the frogs gay!' But I think the #1 development that led to the weakness of modern man was the employer-employee dynamic that came into being with the Industrial Revolution. This is also what led to Feminism... and plastics.
That dynamic is also what led to teenage rebellion. For a peasant son or daughter could well respect a peasant father for his mastery over his domain. He know how to farm, to build, and maintain dwellings and fences, and manage all aspects of his life. And he was in charge of himself and his family. But an employee is paid simply to obey the orders of the man above him for 8 hours. If, rarely, he may have an overall understanding of the business that employs him, it is useless to him. He might as well not. All that matters is that he shows up and obeys for 8 hours. He doesn't know what he's doing or why. And all other needs of himself and his family are purchased with the money he gets plaid; so he doesn't actually know how to do anything. He has no competence. Thus he lacks all the power of the medieval peasant.
The Hegelian Master-Slave dynamic, by which the slave is actually far more powerful than the master in some important ways, applies well to medieval peasants, but does not apply almost at all to most employees, because they are masters of nothing. And this makes it very difficult for their wives and children to admire or respect them. Thus, both Feminism and Teenage Rebellion.

@greatscott369 - 18.10.2024 17:08

Everyone is told that the culture doesn't believe in the same definition of right and wrong anymore. When actually most people are thinking,wtf is going on with our world?

@carefulcarpenter - 18.10.2024 17:29

Excellent! Thank you for covering the mutual projection cycle of psychological inflation and deflation.

@craigfrober316 - 18.10.2024 17:36

Remember when someone once proclaimed themselves as "the science"?

@HelloUniverse1526 - 18.10.2024 17:41

Just stumbled upon a hidden gem: Simplicity Through Simulation: The Algorithm of Humanity by Karl K. Dondaneau. This book is a rare fusion of quantum mechanics, psychology, and mathematics, crafting a whole new way of understanding reality. It’s already causing whispers in academic circles as the next big paradigm shift in science and philosophy. What’s even more intriguing is that it builds on critiques from minds like Sabine Hossenfelder’s Lost in Math, but takes things in a radical new direction. If you’re the type who likes to get ahead of the curve and discover the next major intellectual movement before it hits the mainstream, this is the book to pick up. I wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes a landmark work in the years to come. Definitely worth grabbing a copy on Amazon while it’s still flying under the radar.

@SevenFootPelican - 18.10.2024 18:02

This is a fantastic video

@Shmapn - 18.10.2024 18:04

your quality control is excellent; any topic you discuss always gives me something to chew on.
I would love to see something from you discussing more 'extreme' philosophies or ideas although I think you're careful with topics intentionally. That said; Ted Kaczynski.

@edholden3930 - 18.10.2024 18:07

The entire world has become programmed by the church and state. The state controls the educational (programming) systems as well as the news, entertainment and media. The churches control the people’s faith and/or any spiritual aspirations a person may possess. They become the barrier against anyone escaping the matrix of deceptions. All religions (including new age philosophies) have absolutely nothing to do with who you truly are. All religions take one out of the Self and redirect you to the opposite direction, to some external deity and/or some god in the sky, far, far away from the Self.

Everything about religion is a major deception, engineered to imprison and enslave humanity. All one has to do is research the histories of any religion to see that this is always the case. Wars, degradation of women, slavery, division, fear, guilt, and so many other terrible atrocities. At its best the one thing religious faith does accomplish is it can lead certain followers into piety, as if piety is the pinnacle of the teachings. Piety cannot awaken you to your true Self. The problem with religious piety is that it is based upon fear and guilt. These are the two sentinels that keep the religious folk in line. Piety also becomes blurred as zealots consider it pious to slay the nonbelievers. Yes, it is all quite insane.

I have no hope for humanity. I feel for the kids but they'll be just as indoctrinated as their parents are. Indoctrination is the gift that keeps on giving.

@brocious77 - 18.10.2024 18:23

Speak for yourself, sweetheart.

@cyrusready-campbell1874 - 18.10.2024 18:42

The AI-generated images really detract from the beauty of this video, and beauty is key to your message of cultural regeneration. They are flat, soulless, and uninspired, and they clash sharply with the paintings by talented human artists used at other points in the video. I respectfully urge you to reconsider whether they further or undermine your purpose.

@action4free369 - 18.10.2024 19:00

Vollgestopft mit Dogmen und falschen Wissen. Ehrzogen mit falschen Werten bzw. keinerlei Werte. Di3 Familie wurde zerstört und ihr archlöscher fragt warum?

@Xianne027 - 18.10.2024 19:13

I'm glad this channel is now more directly speaking out against the imminent dangers that are looming closely on our horizon.
Wake up sheeple!

@Leo-mr1qz - 18.10.2024 19:24

This trickles down into even the smallest of groups. The overbearing room mother, the little league coach who thinks he's the greatest coach ever to be had, the teacher, principal, manager, etc.etc. When we bow down to the demands of these narrassists, the morally strong grow weaker.

For example, my daughter goes to a Catholic school. The room mom of her class being overbearing is the understatement of the year
This year, she asked each family in the class for $100 for necessities throughout the year. Now, granted, we pay a good chunk of our monthly income to have our daughter attend this elementary school, and in my opinion, that is plenty of an out of pocket expense. The "necessities" consisted of $200 birthday gift for the teacher, money for an auction they do every year, etc. Nothing academic! I challenged this claim, offering a different solution, having parents contribute to what they see fit to contribute to (which is what my older daughter's class did), and she publicly shamed me! So, now I refer to her as "The Queen of Fourth Grade."

11 out of the 14 families give this obnoxious helicopter mother money to do what SHE sees fit to use it for. 🤯 Nope, not me!! The sheep can mock me. I choose to stand my ground.

@OzanYarman - 18.10.2024 19:45

This video badly conflates necessary (Godsent) strongmen in the face of real threats to social cohesion and well-being with petty tyrants who only seek to sow seeds of general disorder and chaos while filling their pockets.

@M-i-k-a-e-l - 18.10.2024 20:15

Because he is in transiston. The age old animal-instinct man intellect addicted 'strong' man is slowly dying out. Men in transiston to become a truly whole spiritual man can lose themselves in a myriad of painful and bisarre ways. But all in all, this process will yield fruit. First, though, we must see that dark powers fears this transition and hijack many poor souls that have become susceptible due to this no man's land predicament they find themselves in. Primitive man are not in their reach, hence they look 'strong', but often they are just a younger soul.

@maurices5954 - 18.10.2024 20:20

Joost Meerloo is based af

@edilmav.m2498 - 18.10.2024 20:32

But I think now days isn't the state that has all this power, it's really big companies. Great video

@isaacsharp9026 - 18.10.2024 20:39

Now my thirst for comedy makes more sense.

@bradstudio - 18.10.2024 22:20

Weak men create hard times; get strong and stop the cycle.

@angusmacgyver4101 - 18.10.2024 22:56

I have over my life I don't need anything.

@edwardTisk-ix8nj - 18.10.2024 23:41

Speak for yourself, Nancy.

@scottmallender9738 - 19.10.2024 01:05

Soccer Moms fought all their boys fights, especially with the most important Coaches! Weak men evolved, always pleasing women, not keeping the emotional gender in line 😉…

@BrooksKricheldorf - 19.10.2024 01:10

It's because of our women, our government, allowing society to become the way it has. Cause let's face it and talk about it, with women we've gone down the shitter and there's no coming back from it. At least in the west or western countries womens value, morals, traditions are just to play the system they rigged it to be. Because they get prizes and not held accountable for their actions as a woman.

@BrooksKricheldorf - 19.10.2024 01:12

When you have a country that has been made 98.99% of men and men aren't given a fuck about you get what is happening in the US. Where majority of young people hate it, where it's only young people pretty much suffering because we don't have social security, a family, a way out except killing ourselves. Us as men in the west it's either keep pushing or die 🤷🏻‍♂️

@TheDonJaro - 19.10.2024 01:59

Nothing last forever, neather will totalitarianism.

@devla6284 - 19.10.2024 02:23

Depends on which part of the world you look at. Except the western world everywhere else in the world man is strong

@citrushora - 19.10.2024 03:09

Its definitely a good thing to see a rise in interest in comedy as of late, not just with podcast shows but also people uploading older standup sets that date even 20-30 yrs back. Comedy is a great antidote to tyranny

@capthook1 - 19.10.2024 03:15

Dei and woke ideals are making men women. Oof.

- 19.10.2024 05:12

Yeah, you've lost me. You sure love making people afraid

@chriswilliams8159 - 19.10.2024 06:40

All hail Capitalism!

@Sweetlove907 - 19.10.2024 06:44

Men aren't weak or hopless, they want women and can't get them unless they try to do it the old fassioned way or by force and coercion, if we don't want a man, let us be alone, or is it against morals for us to be single? Do men need to be stronger than they are already in order to control us and make us suffer just to satisfy their selfish desires

@redacted629 - 19.10.2024 09:34

After years of testing and trials, the citizenry are a blend of corporate brand wars (left vs right), emotive manipulation, fear and certain other thihgs. When we consider the two plus years of forced isolation (for many but not all) and the human instinct to group by association, how could we not see a ripe and fertile environment to play people against others while distracting oneself from the truth? Those few with percieved power, greed, a disconnect (for a proportion) from empathy they create a closed off and protected environment to bring in their own representation, use their own propaganda outlets and provide a fantasy for the people of democracy. Is itnhard to escape from the choosing from the "lesser of two evils", as both (or more) come from the same manipulated and manufactured space. We are constantly, as a species, overwhelming subjected to both subtle and forced manipulation, steering and staged fear to keep ourselves at a heightened state. Anyone who has watched extended fighting, competitive sports or the like knows that the body and, more importantly, the mind is not able to take long amounts of such actions. The results? Either submission (Stockholm Syndrome anyone?) or the extended feeling of powerlessness and weakness will ensue.

@viljokanniainen3090 - 19.10.2024 09:52

I would prefer less AI-generated images

@eldorelmurotov - 19.10.2024 10:37

This is a very powerful channel. All the subscribers must be intelligent
