A smorgasbord of matches on max difficulty. Most of them are losses.
Joined by @lethalfeline , @MysteriousJG , and @Zerfall .
I opted out of match timestamping this vid to disguise non-losses.
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I've known MysteriousJG since early 2011 via his brother, BoboTheVulture. JG is the main reason we cleared Hell in our lengthy Diablo II series. When not slaying the forces of darkness and evil, he plays a mix of PC and console games. Plenty of RPG and strategy. Have a gander: https://www.youtube.com/user/MysteriousJG/videos
I met LethalFeline in early 2012 during Voltron Army sessions of MegaMek, but we didn't really start talking until our Unreal August later that year. Our time together includes dozens of series; I don't have the character limit (or memory!) to list them all. Just searching my channel for his name or his for mine will show what we've done. You can check out his channels here: https://www.youtube.com/c/thedeathcat/videos https://www.twitch.tv/LethalFeline